
_New collaboration.

He walked closer to the crowd at the punch card machine there with domineering aura swirling all around his presence.

People there, could only pretending that was nothing going on here. They only watch that guy pulling out Didie's card and when his eyes caught the series of red printed beautifully crafted on the card, they had to gulping down nervously.

Still couldn't move anywhere...they looked to the others but that guy intensified his gaze at the card. Soon, he slide back the card on its holder.

His facades doesn't seems to change when standing smoldering there so slowly they had to move away and ready to get back to their jobs but...

"What a beautiful day today, isn't it?" he spoke tauntingly to the others. They paused. Either man or women, they just stopped and turned around giving that guy a confused look.

"Excuse me, sir?" say one of the female bravely.

"A beautiful day with a red printed on the card..." he pause before run his evil gaze on to that female face. She had to snickered back holding her purse tightly.

They didn't say anything...more like...

"Cat got your tounge? I assumed you were purposely letting the girl late by a second... does she did something on you, ma'am?" he moving closer to the stunned people there.

Each steps he took making their back sweating profusely...could feel the beads rooling down their back before disappeared into their cloth material.

Then, he standing a step away from that female looking down as the devil smirking waiting to let out his claws of judgement. Ready to claw off the beating heart each one of them.

His eyes planting and storing their images to the brain and he know what to do about them...

"Oh...sir...there you are...please be meet you finally Mr. Damon..." their boss suddenly interfere into this decision making.

"Hello Mr. Kamal. It's pleasure to meet you too. But of course...your employees did entertain me here so...before it's too late...I have a proposition to make..." he say it full of 'concern' of this guy's employees.

"Really? How so?" Mr. Kamal the new appointed boss totally happy about it.

"I just thinking what if we exchange the numbers of employees to experience the opposite working ethics between our company, Mr. Kamal? I would love to have them all here to be at my office tomorrow morning for about a month...does it sound good to you?" the way he dancing with the suggestion and words making the emotion of them, appointed employees starting to tremble with scary thoughts.

He menacing with evil smirk but the new boss didn't see it as the challenging manner but more to testing the water.

Who the hell he think he is just now? The biggest fish interesting to join hand in hand with his mere company and of course he can't say no for this 'kind' of gesture.

The boss cleared the throat before nervously had to agree with the suggestion that already being made.

"Of course, Mr. Damon. Come join me and we can discuss more to this new idea." he gestured Mr. Damon away from the pale faces there.

The Master intentionally making a sudden announcement just to let be heard out loud here. He knew...when the decision has been made, there is no turning back and for them...ready to loose your faith when you were about to be in this guy's grasps.

A month?

You will die within a few seconds you put your filthy feets on that guy's territory...

Everybody knows that Mr. Damon was a very generous gentlemen. You can be his friend, his family and more importantly you can be his wife but...

Let me tell you once again...he could be generous but what kind of generosity he offered to you? Himself or his wealthiness?

No one know because nobody allowed to spread the truth about it. His favourite person only himself...

His wives? No...at first he wanted an heir from them but when his baby doll out off of his grasps, he never let any of his wives got pregnant and he only wanted to have a children from his only baby doll.

The regret he had suffered from the miscarriage she had a long time ago made he changed his rules of life. Indeed he already have a lot of offsprings came from his number of wives all along his marriage life. Just now...he only wants his baby doll, after all, his baby doll still not producing any offspring. He wanted to claim that he is the only one who can make her pregnant..not anyone else!

This very day...and of course his intentions to be here, he wanted to be friend with his baby doll back. The only one person can waver his heart was Aulia, the very innocent child back then and he do hope that his baby doll, Aulia stay as her innocent self like before.

Before he move forward to meet the rest of meeting members in the conference room, he once again glancing at them predatory eyes as a demon unleased his thoughts through an action...

Dare to defy me? I'll hunt you down!

He turned around after satisfied with the outcome from them. He simply smiled after gave them with such look and nodding towards the boss.

He went away but the crowd already basking in their terrified pool. Some of them had to control the breathing mechanism like a healthy person, well suddenly their heart having some seizures, not operating casually like always after Mr. Damon already placed the request. And of course, they were the participants...

The female that asking him the question had to lean her back to the pole wall. Like others, she just having a thought that she won't survive when she was out from this building let alone to be in Mr. Damon's building.

Snickering back, she remembered how she had treated Didie when the first time her former boss brought her in. Didn't know where the hatred came from, Didie did assembled handsome fellow to the most attention compared to her.

She knew Didie's just about her age and the jealousy skyrocketing and she had to do something about it. Yes, starting by produced a bad rumors about her and she happy when everyone starting to hate her.

Only Romeo still standing by her side and she had to do a lot of things just to make sure Romeo turned his back on her but nothing. He still gluing with Didie, the rascal didn't care about others.

For so many years, she lives happily and now her future about to change...no!!!

All doom!

She can't running away. She can't avoid all this. Sooner or later they would know how was she behaved about Didie's rumors.

What should she do?

Be friends with Didie?

It might be possible if she trying to be closer to her and Mr. Damon and the rest of them will stop making assumptions if she break out from her 'calm' facades that she always plastered on her face.

"I'm Marsha...Marsha could be anything if she desperate..." she keep on chanting that words in her soft whispered.

"Come on peeps...nothing would happen to us. Let's get to our work!" she said it loud enough after she calmed herself and slowly went to the lift.

The rest of them trailing behind her still in complicated reading displayed on their respective faces. Pretending nothing serious about it, the rest of them just looking at her with amazed eyes.

How she could react like that?

Didn't she realized, Mr. Damon is not like any other human being?

So slumber...

I envy her. Wish I could be just like her but no...it's impossible...

The murmuring only happened within themselves secretly but their eyes becomes their windows of their soul. Easy to be detected...

In her self...the thunder and storm moving like crazy and she had to let her brain do the job when she's running out of escape plan.

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