
Chapter 6

Alex got back home later that evening, he spoke to Jane about the situation the storm siblings had.

"So mom can you talk to aunty Mary, and ask if sue and johnny stay over at our place, " Alex asks

"I'll talk to Mary about letting them stay here, "Jane replied.

Jane had spoken to mary the next day. Mary had told her that franklin and she had a fight during work and could not mend their relationship since then. She told her would speak about it with Franklin. A few days later Franklin had agreed to let them stay with there Aunt Marygay Jewel, who ran a boardinghouse until they resolved their problem. Franklin didn't agree to let them stay at Alex's place but he did get to meet them more often.

Franklin and mary still often meet them when they had time. Johnny was a bit sad at first that his parents left them there, but had soon gotten over it. Alex and Susan had joined High School at Bronx School Of Science in New York. Although he liked spending time with Susan he graduated after a year, as he didn't make any friends or have anything useful to learn.

During this past year, Alex had an unexpected visitor

[Flashback a few months back]

As Alex was training, he could feel that someone was watching him.

"come on out I know that you there" Alex shout

"I dint except you to notice me"???

"Who are you, and what are you doing here," Alex asks

" My name Bakuto. You must know Darryl he's one of my students, I was in New York so I came to check out the kid that Darryl told me about."Bakuto

"what do you want for me," Alex asks 'Bakuto he one of the leaders of Hand and Darryl, he's one of the trainers that my parents hired, so he was a member of hand'

"well when Darryl told me he met a 10-year-old who could fight him, I came to see you out of curiosity as I was in the area, "Bakuto

"Now that you have seen me what do you want" Alex

"I was going to offer to teach you, but it seems you already know to use chi, who's your master kid" Bakuto

"oh so you notice, and here I thought I hide it well enough, as expected from a leader of hand"

"oh so you know about me, you still haven't answered me "Bakuto

'"I have no master, I would like to have like to test my skills but I got to go"

"do you think I let you leave just like that, "Bakuto

Alex didn't answer, he prepared to attack raising his fist circulating chi through when it started to glow green.

"The iron fist no it's something different" Bakuto gets surprised while getting prepared to fight

Before Bakuto could even know what happened he saw Alex in front of him, his hand going through his chest.

"wh who are you " Bakuto

Alex doesn't answer him and goes through his mind to see if he told any of the other leaders about him. It seems that Darryl only told about Alex, Bakuto came here to just check on him as he was here in New York for some other work. The other leaders don't know about him.

After Alex finishes going through for anything useful, he prepares to burn him but notices that b blood was being absorbed by his body. Alex could feel that he got a little stronger but not by much.

"That's right he had some dragon bone or something in him to make him immortal. it didn't help me in breakthrough to next to the Ancient Sage, but it still improves my strength by little."

"Looks like I drew in attention when I tried to lay low. I should point start with some of my plans"Alex though and looked at Bakuto's blood-drained body and burns it and clearing any traces that he was there.

[Flashback ended]

Hey guys

Sorry that there were no updates, as I was busy with work for the past two days. I going to try to post a chapter whenever I get time.

Having said that

I am going to change the year that mc was born in as the timeline and age of other characters were not matching.

Moon_Fictioncreators' thoughts