



A young girl woke up in the middle of the night in terror.

Her entire body was drenched in sweat, and her breathing seemed very uneven, heavy and haughty.

Her hair was haggard, and her nightgown was slightly ruffled.

Tiredness swallowed her whole, as her eyes remained extremely puffy and saggy.


Her chamber doors were pushed open, and in came some of her maidservants.

They had heard their mistress' loud screams, and came running in with some guards just to ensure that everything was well.

Because if their mistress died, they too will be put to death by their mistress' family as well.

And after that incident that happened a while back, how could they afford any more slip-ups?

"Young miss... young miss, are you alright?"

"Young miss, it was only a dream!"

"No harm can ever befall you here!"

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