
Yun's Rage Reignited

Yun was safe on board of Gan Ning's ship but on the other hand, his army was fighting fiercely against Cao Cao's weakened army.

Tang Shi was leading the army with the help of Sima Yi while Hua was ravaging with his cavalry through Cao Cao's ranks finally able to release some rage from losing his nephew not too long ago.

Huang Zhong and Taishi Ci were more objective-oriented with their target being Xu Chu since Yun told them that he was going after Cao Cao's protector before.

They were keeping their eyes peeled in case they spotted the large man who they did which meant that Yun didn't have luck on his side when it came to finding the large man personally.

Huang Zhong rushed at the large man, who was protecting Cao Cao, with his glaive only to be stopped by five soldiers that raised their weapons protecting the protector only for Huang Zhong change the direction of his glaive fatally injuring the soldiers as their guts spilled to the floor.

"So it is true, General Zhao has betrayed us," says Xu Chu not shocked at all since he has prepared himself for this situation to happen sooner or later.

"Well if you treat someone like a dog long enough do expect to be bitten by him," says Huang Zhong seriously as he gives Taishi Ci a signal who releases an arrow coated in Metal Qi.

The arrow flew through the air without losing momentum but Xu Chu as if having a supernatural six sense felt it coming and tried to evade the fatal arrow which pierced his left arm in the end instead of his back when Dian Wei covered on Earth Qi slammed his pike at Xu Chu.

Xu Chu was surrounded by some of Yun's best men while Hua was showing the world why they should never offend the Zhao Family again.

Dian Wei's pike penetrated into the flesh of Xu Chu who tried to push Dian Wei away only to find out that Dian Wei was far stronger than him.

Dian Wei might be only known as Yun's protector but the real history knows Dian Wei as someone who fended off an army almost alone giving Cao Cao enough time to retreat and regroup with his army to win the battle.

This Dian Wei was loyal to Yun and he was showing his real strength as he pulled his second pike out and removed Xu Chu's head easily from his body.

"He is down! Now we need to go after Cao Cao!" shouts Dian Wei rallying up the troops around them knowing full well that Cao Cao must have fled the battlefield already but his men were still scattered and they needed to deal with them before Sun Quan's army arrives the shore.

Dian Wei placed Xu Chu's head on his belt to intimidate the enemy soldiers while clearing the shore. They were done after two hours of fighting as they saw all of Cao Cao's ships were already seeing the river from the other side.

Soon ships arrived and the soldiers disembarked them rushing the shores only to find the banner of Zhao waving from a corpse as they found soldiers opening mass graves to bury the casualties of this battle or at least the ones that were on land.

"What happened here?" asks one of the soldiers as it looked like a massacre took place on this side of the river bank while they were fighting on the river.

"What do you think? We fought against Cao Cao's army or at least the sick ones that couldn't follow the main army through the marshlands," says a soldier who was overlooking the prisoners who were shoveling the mass graves.

Zhou Yu's army was rendered defeated as Yun's army had already fought Cao Cao back but Zhou Yu soon had a better idea which was to sail further south to secure Jiangling only to be stopped by Huang Gai who was saying that it was foolish to sail now.

They would need some rest before they could think of invading the weakened Jing but they had now bought themselves enough time to take the northern part of the Province since the south was promised to not be touched since Liu Bei would rule over it.

Soon after Zhou Yu's and Huang Gai's discussion about their future battles Gan Ning's ships landed and Yun with Cao Tai joined his army again while many of his men were saved by Huang Gai and Gan Ning from drowning some didn't make it and died either to the fire or water.

Now he needed to assess the situation and regroup with everyone. He could see Pang Tong leaving one of Huang Gai's ships. Yun could see bruises and walked over when Pang Tong saw him he tried to stop Yun as he knew that Yun wouldn't be pleased with what was going on inside the ship right now since he didn't like it either.

But Yun compared to him could bring everything to escalate which Pang Tong didn't want since it was only a small price to pay compared to the big picture but it was too late when Yun heard the cry of a woman.

Yun knew that Cao Cao didn't employ woman as soldiers which meant it was one of his soldiers when he approaches the ship shoveling Pang Tong to the side while asking, "Is everythi-"

That was all that left Yun's mouth before his fresh rage got reignited from what he was seeing before him at the moment. A group of men were raping one of his soldiers making Yun release his Qi not Darkness this time no this time the Earth began to shake and everyone was feeling it even Cao Cao who was miles away as the wind picked up and changed making it flow toward were his former camp was.

Zhou Yu and Huang Gai didn't know what was going on but they could see that Yun was pissed since his Qi was radiating in all colors as he enters one of Huang Gai's ships.

"What happened?" asks Huang Gai worried as he and Yun have a good relationship or so he thought.

They heard screams of agony coming out of the ship just for a small moment before left the ship again with the heads of everyone that was on that ship which was around a hundred.

He was covered in blood and his eyes landed on Zhou Yu and Huang Gai making them feel fear something they haven't felt before as the air around them felt colder as if Death was there ready to take them with them when Yun takes some steps forward.

He was standing before them and they could feel a storm approaching as Yun says in a cold tone, "If that is how you treat allied soldiers I will do the same. I don't need an army to united this Empire. I need it to maintain order and if the army can't maintain it then I will just wipe the army out and train a new one."

The earth shaked under there feet not out of fear but because of the Qi Yun was releasing when he swings his greatsword just once and the earth between Zhou Yu and Huang Gai split in two creating a long wound on the earth which even split Zhou Yu's main ship apart.

"General Zhao!" shouts Zhou Yu trying to regain control again when Yun's eyes lands on him making him fright for his life.

"No, the next time something like this happens you and all of your men will know why I am called the God of War as I personally will take your whole army apart until nothing is left not even grave to mourn you as I will feed you to some dogs not worth for my tigers to feast on you," says Yun coldly leaving this threat hanging over their heads as he looked at Pang Tong who knew what Yun wanted him to do.

He went into the ship and helped the soldier out of the ship as Zhou Yu and Huang Gai now found out why Yun went on a rampage. They knew that Yun was different compared to other men in the empire but now they felt it and didn't want to experience this feeling again.

"I will inspect the other ships as well and if I find more of my soldiers suffering the same I will kill the perpetrators until not one is left," says Yun as he walked past Zhou Yu and Huang Gai making them feel little compared to him.

Zhou Yu and Huang Gai soon found out that three more ships were destroyed by Yun and the crew killed in the more merciless way possible as he soon decorated his body with so many heads that people thought that he was a Demon that came from the Marshlands before they died by his hands.

Huang Gai and Zhou Yu now realized that they have lost more men to Yun alone that in the battle against Cao Cao. Yun ordered his men to treat the injured before his Qi vanished and he sat down having Dian Wei present him with the head of Xu Chu.

"Did he die a dead worthy of a Warrior?" asks Yun seriously as Dian Wei nods making a smile appear on his grim face.

"Good, he deserved a good death. He was loyal to the very end," says Yun feeling happy that Xu Chu found a good death on the battlefield before realizing that the Chinese people didn't believe in Valhalla.

'When have I started to believe in Valhalla?' asks Yun himself mentally which confused the Dragons a lot.

"Anyway, let us bury Xu Chu separately from the others. He deserves his own grave," says Yun ordering the soldiers to bury another hole to place Xu Chu in it.

Huang Zhong knew that Yun would do that so he secured Xu Chu's body so it could be buried with the head together so Xu Chu could find peace in the Afterlife.

Yun the said another thing as he looked at one soldier and he says, "Dumb all the heads into the river. Those men don't deserve to rest in peace."

The soldier nods feeling angry as well before getting help to drop the heads into the river while Yun recovered his Qi when he hears a familiar voice call out to him, "Father."

Hope you like it.

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