
The Return to Xiapi part 1

Yun and Dian Wei were outside the compound when Dian Wei asks, "You aren't afraid that he will report this to Cao Cao?"

"Zang Ba isn't loyal to Cao Cao but only to himself and the gold he will receive from being Cao Cao's General like we do just that we receive far more than him," says Yun as they followed the street they came from when Yun continues with, "And even if he would rat us out it would only make us leave Xiapi sooner than expected instead of when I wanted to leave it."

"And when would that be?" asks Dian Wei curious since he thought that they would stay in Xiapi longer.

"We will be leaving Xiapi in some years to help Cao Cao conquer the south," says Yun informing Dian Wei before he continues saying, "That is when we will decide between leaving Cao Cao or helping him. But until then we will help him since we are tied to him by contract. But that doesn't mean that we will be dancing to his music."

"What about Yuan Shao? He is still alive the last time I heard something about him," says Dian Wei looking at Yun seriously since Yun had an opportunity to finish the Warlord before.

"We both know that Yuan Shao is finished and that Cao Cao is waiting for him to die so he can take the North in one swift move," says Yun before they stopped in front of a clothing shop where he bought some clothes to replace the old ones since they were full of holes.

They then returned to the inn they were staying with the others when Yun makes Tao and Yao decide on what they talked about before in Lu. Yao agreed immediately while Tao didn't.

Tao wanted to get paid for his job and Yun paid the man before they parted ways making Rin quite sad but Yun couldn't change the old man's mind. So he let Tao leave while Yao would continue to travel with them to Xiapi.

Yun retreated to his room while comforting Rin with Zhen Luo when Yun says, "It is only a few more days and you will finally be able to meet your other grandmother as well as your siblings. So don't be sad about Tao leaving our group. He is just going to continue to follow the path that he thinks is right for him."

"I know," says Rin sadly before getting hugged by Zhen Luo.

"Once we are in Xiapi you will meet a lot of people that are similar to Tao, Rin. You just need to wait for a bit," says Zhen Luo trying to comfort Rin before Yun petted Rin's head.

They went to sleep and the next morning they took the ferry down the river. It took them three days to arrive at Xiapi thanks to the wind. They now only needed to walk for a bit before they could see the city before their eyes.

Rin's eyes and mouth were wide open since this city will become her new home. It looked majestic to her when she notices that her father was putting his armor on.

"Why is Dad putting his armor on?" asks Rin confused since they weren't in danger.

"You will see it in a moment," says Zhen Luo with a smile on her face as they approach the south gate of Xiapi making Rin see the famous White Gate Tower.

Yun picked Rin up and placed her on his shoulders when she suddenly sees two rows of soldiers on the left and right sides of them opening a path while showing respect to them.

Rin was confused when she suddenly sees a big black flag with the name Zhao hissing in the wind when Yun asks, "Do you know why everyone is showing respect to us?"

Rin nods but Yun couldn't see it because of his helmet making Rin say a bit timid but with confidence, "Yes."

"It is because all those men and women that you are seeing have fought by my side and they trust me with their lives and I have never disappointed them. It is a burden that you will come to share in the future with your siblings when you are leading an army by yourself," explains Yun which only confused Rin.

"So they won't hurt us?" asks Rin confused making Yun realize that Rin was confused and he smiles.

"Yeah, they won't hurt us," says Yun simply making Rin happy when she sees Yun wave at the people with one hand before mimicking her father using both of her hands to wave at the people when they suddenly stop.

Rin looked forward and sees a man with a huge birthmark on his face scaring her a bit when her father approaches the man and he stretches his hand out towards him.

The man takes his arm and says, "It is good that you have returned from your little vacation, my Lord."

"Less formality, Pang Tong. You and a handful of other people I can trust with my responsibilities while I am away. Where is Tang Shi by the way?" asks Yun curious since Tang Shi is his second-in-command.

"He is chained to a desk since he is going over every report which has something to do with the army while I had to do with the domestic reports," says Pang Tong happy that Yun finally returned.

"How are our plans regarding Guangling progressing?" asks Yun as they continued walking towards the military compound in the city in which the new Zhao Manor is located.

They soon arrived and Yun came face to face with his mother who was carrying Yang while Zheng was standing right beside her carrying a sword which is attached to his belt.

"Mother," says Yun looking at her feeling at ease since she was alright when he turned to his youngest son stretching his hand out toward him when he feels Yang grabbing his hand with both of his hands.

"It seems he is getting stronger," says Yun happily before tickling his son's belly who let go of his hand then.

Yun then turned to Zheng and asks, "How is your training going?"

"I am improving a lot under Gan Ning's tutelage," says Zheng with confidence when Yun looked at Zheng seriously.

"You will be trained by me from now on. Gan Ning will be occupied in the near future by creating a new naval base around Guangling," says Yun seriously as he looked at Pang Tong who nods when Yun adds, "Send Zhuge Liang and Yueying with him. I don't want to separate the married couple for too long since Gan Ning and they will be stationed there for at least six to seven years."

"I will inform them about it," says Pang Tong wanting to leave when Madam Su asks the most important at the moment.

"Who is the girl on your shoulders, Yun?" asks Madam Su curiously when Yun remembered that he was carrying Rin on his shoulders again.

"I am Zhao Rin. I am the daughter of Zhao Yun and I will be the greatest Spearwoman in the world," says Rin introducing herself out of the blue with confidence like Yun always told her to be.

Madam Su as well as Zheng and Pang Tong looked confused after hearing Rin as they looked at Yun for an explanation who says, "Rin is my adoptive daughter. I adopted her with Zhen Luo when we stayed in Zhan and I defended it from the Xiongnu. Her father died defending the city and I saw her helping the soldiers by throwing rocks from the wall."

"So she is a fierce warrior," says Madam Su in a warm tone which made Rin happy as Yun removed her from his shoulders and placed her on the ground.

"She is and that is why she will be trained in the way of the spear once she is older," says Yun which shocked not only Pang Tong but also Zheng.

"Wait, you want to train her in the way of the spear but not your own children?" asks Pang Tong just to make sure he didn't hear wrong a moment ago.

"You heard me," says Yun seriously when he suddenly saw a jealous glint in Zheng's eyes before saying, "But she won't be the only one. She is still too young to be trained by me and Zheng has just started his training under Gan Ning if I am correct."

"Yes, he started his training under Gan Ning when we arrived at Xiapi," says Madam Su confirming it seeing where Yun was going feeling happy that Yun was finally going to teach his children personally in the way of fighting instead of teaching them how to control their Qi.

"Then he will start to learn from me from today on," says Yun as the jealousy disappeared completely from Zheng's eyes when Yun continues, "Oh, but be prepared, the training you will be under will be worse than hell trust me. Also, you won't need your sword, for now, get a wooden or iron staff. We will begin tomorrow with your training."

"Yes!" shouts Zheng in excitement when Yun turns to Rin.

"Rin, get your training tool from the carriage as well," says Yun as Rin only nods before running out to get her wooden staff when Zhen Luo arrives with it in hand.

"Did you forget something in all of your excitement?" asks Zhen Luo in a warm tone as she was holding an old wooden stick that Madam Su would recognize anywhere.

She looked at Yun and asks, "Is that your old training staff?"

"It is, we stayed in Zhending for a day. The manor is still being looked over by an old maid that couldn't leave Zhending with us back then. She is making sure that everything is taken care of until our return or her death," says Yun to his mother who felt indebted to the maid still taking care of their old manor.

"*sighs* Anyway, I still have to present Rin to her older siblings with Zheng being out of the way only Fang and Mulan are left. And I am worried that they won't accept her that easily just like with Zhen Luo back then," says Yun a bit nervous to see his children's reaction to Rin hoping it would be as positive as Zheng's.

"I can see that you made progress with your future wife," says Madam Su seeing how Zhen Luo was treating Rin while glancing at Yun once in a while.

"We made progress," says Yun when he felt his mother's glare on him which felt like thousand needles stinging him making him say, "Let's just say a lot happened on our journey."

"I am happy to hear that," says Madam Su happy that Yun was finally moving forward again.

Hope you like it.

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