
Meeting Chen Gong

The next day Yun went to the dungeon in which Huang Zhong and his father placed the rebels. He wanted to see them himself before handing them over to Lu Bu as he wanted to meet with the mastermind behind everything who is Chen Gong.

He arrives at the cell in which he was being held and sees a man in chains against a wall. Yun opens the door and enters it before closing the door behind him.

"Are you here to bring me my food?" asks Chen Gong not knowing with who he was talking at the moment.

"The food will be served later. I am here to talk to you about your motivations for helping Lu Bu," says Yun in a calm tone as he was in the darkness making it difficult for Chen Gong to see his face.

"I will tell you the same that I have told the others that asked me the same," says Chen Gong as he leaned forward and Yun could now see his face as the light hit it.

Chen Gong is a man with long well-kept hair and a subtle mustache. He is at least 1,7m tall and has dark brown eyes. His robes were a bit ragged since he is in the dungeon at the moment.

"And that is?" asks Yun curious about what Chen Gong was going to say next.

"Why should I not join the Strongest Person under the Heaven. Nobody that is loyal to Cao Cao can defeat him since Lu Bu held the Hulao Pass on his own against everyone that came towards it," says Chen Gong as Yun couldn't say much about that since he didn't fight against Lu Bu at the Hulao Pass since he was still in Zhending back then.

"I see he left a big impression on you back then," says Yun still in the darkness not showing his face yet.

"How could he not, he made every single General shiver in fear in front of him until the Coalition retreated and intended to attack from other angles," says Chen Gong clearly showing that he was influenced by Lu Bu's strong image against the Coalition.

"But you do know that he was defeated twice by General Zhao. Once when General Zhao joined the Coalition and the second time was yesterday when he returned from Xuchang with his army," says Yun wanting to see Chen Gong's reaction.

"That doesn't mean anything. We all know that if Lu Bu had a strategist by his side everything would be different," says Chen Gong putting a smile on Yun's face which Chen Gong couldn't see.

"It seems you are quite loyal to my close friend which I see as a brother," says Yun as he steps into the light showing his face to Chen Gong.

"General Zhao!" says Chen Gong shocked thinking that the person he was talking to was trying to waver his conviction by giving him false information.

"Lu Bu is in my manor at the moment with his family. I returned yesterday as said before and defeated him. He will be moving east soon and he will be needing people that are loyal to him. They need to be able to know how to maneuver this delicate situation which I and Lu Bu are in," says Yun as he walked towards Chen Gong.

"He will be attacking Cao Cao soon from the rear making him retreat to Xuchang again which will allow him to put one foot in the Xu Province. Once there he will have the chance of taking Xu Province for himself," says Yun informing Chen Gong about what a chance Yun was giving Lu Bu at the moment.

"But for everyone to be happy, Cao Cao must never learn that Lu Bu was ever here. Do you understand what I want to say?" says Yun as he stopped right before Chen Gong.

"I see," says Chen Gong seeing through Yun's words.

"You aren't loyal to Cao Cao," adds Chen Gong before looking at Yun's blue eyes.

"That's right, I don't care if he lives or dies. I only care that my people are safe and by attacking Puyang you forced me to move by putting them in danger," says Yun as he walks towards the wall and leans against it.

"Anyway, I want you to control the tounges of everyone involved in this mess. I know how people like to brag about things but bragging about escaping me would put me and everyone else involved in a situation no one wants to be in, trust me," says Yun coldly as he glares at Chen Gong making it clear that Chen Gong doesn't want him as his enemy.

"What about Cao Cao's spies? They will be informing him about everything that happened in Puyang," says Chen Gong knowing that even if they hold their mouth shut one of his spies will be informing Cao Cao about it.

"Tai," says Yun as he looks at the darkness when a person fell from the ceiling and lands on the ground surprising Chen Gong.

"This is Taiyin, she is responsible for a special unit in my troops which is called the counter-intelligence unit. They are responsible for finding and killing spies before making them disappear as if they have never existed before. You can call yourself lucky to still be alive since she and her unit were dealing with Cao Cao's spies," says Yun as Taiyin walked forward showing her armor which was only black silk with some protectors under the silk.

Taiyin is a woman that joined in the second wave of recruitment and has served in Yun's army since before the Coalition against Dong Zhuo.

The day she and some of her comrades awakened their Qi they found out that she had Darkness Qi in her body as well as Earth Qi which intrigued Yun since it is an anomaly for a mortal to awaken Darkness Qi.

He was trained by Gods but Taiyin wasn't which made Yun train her to become a Ninja. In her unit, she is the only one able to use Darkness Qi but that doesn't mean that they are useless. It is a unit made of fifty women who learned how to manipulate men and women to gather information and assassinate spies.

Yun has a second unit for Intelligence Gathering that infiltrates and gathers information from the inside. Taiyin then drops two heads on the ground while looking in Yun's direction.

"Those were the last two spies that left Puyang trying to inform about what happened in Puyang the last few days," says Taiyin as she has two daggers strapped on the left and right side of her belt while a short sword is hanging on the backside of her belt.

"Are there still spies in the city?" asks Yun as Taiyin shakes her head.

"They are all dead. I and my girl dealt with them making it look like they were killed by the soldiers outside the city," says Taiyin cold showing that she didn't care about the people she killed.

"You can leave then," says Yun as Taiyin nods before entering the Darkness and disappearing in it like she was never there, to begin with.

Yun looked at Chen Gong before removing his chains while saying, "You are free to join me and Lu Bu for today. Tomorrow you two and the others will be leaving Puyang with all the prisoners since I won't be needing them and it would be a shame to kill this many people which my friend could use."

Yun then walks towards the cell entrance while Chen Gong was touching his wrists making sure that everything was alright when he hears, "Are you coming or do you want to stay in your cell."

"I am coming," says Chen Gong as he leaves the cell and follows Yun out of the dungeon.

They arrived at the Manor and Yun presented Chen Gong to Lu Bu before leaving them alone while he went to his office where Taiyin, Pang Tong, and Huang Zhong were waiting for him already.

"Well, what is the occasion for all of you waiting for me here?" asks Yun not surprised since Pang Tong and Huang Zhong already showed displeasure with Yun letting Lu Bu stay in the manor instead of having him in the dungeon with the others until his leave.

Taiyin on the other hand wasn't having a problem since she had ten of her people watching Lu Bu at the moment when Pang Tong says, "I thought you would place him in the dungeon and not parade him around the manor."

"You know me, I would never do that to one of my friends even more so when his daughter could see him like that. Do you want my future daughter-in-law, your future Mistress, to hate us for showing off Lu Bu as a prisoner instead of my friend?" says Yun showing them that he is looking farther into the future than them.

"Do you think that Huixiu wouldn't hold it against us if I imprisoned Lu Bu? I think I would grow a problem inside my family that could destroy it in the end instead of letting it flourish," says Yun seriously as he sits down followed by the three when Hua arrives at his office.

"Am I late?" asks Hua seeing them all already sitting at the table.

"You came just right," says Yun telling Hua to sit down beside him.

"Now then, how are we going to cover up that we left Xuchang for Puyang without Cao Cao ever knowing about it?" asks Hua a bit nervous since this could get them in a lot of trouble.

"My future sister-in-law has taken care of that problem," says Yun talking about Taiyin who was being pursued by Hua at the moment.

"*cough* *cough* I told you that in confidence," says Hua as Taiyin rolls her eyes at that before she looks at Yun.

"Taiyin and her people dealt with Cao Cao's spies but there will be new ones coming once no one sends reports to Cao Cao. But for now, we have time until they arrive and find out what happened. If Li Qian asks why we went to Puyang we will say that Zhang got sick and I had to look after him since it was grave," says Yun as they weren't convinced but it was the best they could do at the moment.

"I will also leave some men behind just in case Lu Bu changes his mind and attacks again when I leave," says Yun seriously before standing up again while saying, "Until then I will be teaching my oldest how to manifest their Qi."

Yun then leaves everyone behind as he walks towards the room in which the twins are being taught at the moment.

Hope you like it.

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