

Monday mornings can bring on a serious case of sadness as you wave goodbye to the weekend and begin to think about what lies ahead over the next five days. But To me, this Monday morning is the perfect day for a fresh start. A day for me to forget about yesterday and focus more on this day, minutes and not miss anything.

My Fresh start ain't 'bout starting wholly afresh but there are things which I wouldn't like to include in my today's list. I looked out of the window, taking in the beautiful views as the car moved past people on the street.

Brighton High is a little far from home, but this unexpected long drive is now giving me stinge feelings at the pit of my stomach. If it were me driving, it won't take up to 20 minutes to arrive there regardless of the traffic but now it wasn't me, and the driver which is Magritte was making this whole drive to be a prolonged unending drive.

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