
A Pair Of Kinky Individuals

"Of course!"

Rory placed her mom on mute with a flick of her hand.

Even if her mom told her to tell if she was being bullied; she didn't want to worry her mom anymore.

Originally she was planning to just sit back and watch the clowns dance, but it seems she would would be entertaining the audience as well.

"Amelia I couldn't help from noticing your bracelet, it's MK isn't it?"

The audience couldn't understand what Rory was saying and neither could Lily; after all, MK was a popular jewelry brand, it wasn't weird that she was wearing it.

But for some reason Amelia took a step back and wrapped her hand around her wrist. A hint of fear grew in her eyes.

He couldn't possibly of noticed something? Could he? She had been wearing the bracelet for a while to mock Lily. In the end no one ever noticed anything as her sleeve covered the majority of it.

However, why else would he mention it so offhandedly?

"So what if it is?"

Rory flashed a smile that was only fit for the devil himself. "Oh nothing I just didn't expect my cousin to step on her dignity so carelessly."

At that moment, Amelia knew that she made a monumental mistake and her face twisted up. Just how the hell did he know!?

Her eyes turned vicious, but with so many people staring there was nothing she could do at the moment. She liked to beat Rory up in contained spaces where only her and her friends were witnesses.

If she tried it here these overly rich people will definitely see her as a dog.

"I think it's a about time a disgusting gay like you shut the fuck up."

Hearing the crude language, Rory burst out into a humorless laugh. "Oh my, you are quite terrifying aren't you. But, the thing is... I don't think I'm going to."

Inside Rory knew that after this she was going to have to be very cautious of her surroundings. But it was all worth it in the end. Even if she ended up slightly black and blue, she simply couldn't let them off.

Amelia felt like she was going to faint from aggravation. She started to see black as Rory figuratively forced her down on her knees.

"P-please... don't do it."

From Amelia's begging, the curiosity meter on the audience had started to burn from the heat it was under.

"Don't do what? If you two are so bold to wear a matching set of MK love collection from the same guy, you shouldn't be worried about being exposed right?"

The tea had spilled (A/N- means a secret had been let out.) and the area descended into silence. Everyone's eyes switched from Lily's necklace to the bracelet covered by Amelia's hand.

Even without seeing the bracelet, the fact that Lily's necklace was indeed from MK's love collection and Amelia's act of covering her guilt said enough for the crowd.

The MK's love collection was a widely known jewelry for lovers. It normally came in a pair of a bracelet and a necklace.

Due to MK's scarcity, the brand made each line of the collection slightly different from the next. The differences sometimes were so little that they had to be viewed under a microscope.

Yet, under Rory's keen eye the matching jewelry failed to escape.

Rory was an engineer is her last life and attention to detail was practically the number one most important thing in her line of work.

Even if she only got a glance at it she could tell that the cuts and engravings made it a match for the jewelry on Lily's neck.

Lily's brown eyes widened and she quickly looked at Amelia for answers. However, Amelia was a coward and wouldn't meet her gaze.

Lily's eyes turned downcast. She wanted to beat up Amelia until she felt the same extreme pain in her heart right now. Yet, in front of all of the people around her; she simply couldn't.

"Rory what are you talking about, I bought the necklace and bracelet to show our friendship. Don't jump to conclusions." Due to her emotional state her voice was shaking.

"Cousin haven't you embarrassed our family enough? Both of the hearts of your jewelry have an engraved T on it, it's clearly from a lover. You couldn't even acquire a full set of MK's love collection, yet you still have the audacity to cover it up. Are you all in a love triangle threesome?"

Rory covered up her mouth in a suggestive manner. "How kinky."

Hearing what Rory said made Amelia feel like she was losing her mind. Yes, her bracelet had a T on it, but it was randomly on one of the hearts of the charm bracelet. How did she even see it???

Lily realized that trying to extinguish the situation wasn't going to work, therefore she turned teary eyes on her friend. For a white lotus that was a clear sign that she was declaring war.

"Amelia, how could you!??"

With such a large scandal occurring no one payed attention to Rory anymore and focused their eyes on the two girls instead.

Seeing that her work was done, Rory picked up her computer bag before walking away. However, as she passed Amelia she spoke softly.

"A fake bitch like you doesn't have the right to insult anyone. Know your place."

Rory then undid the mute on her phone and parted from the crowd talking to her mom. The last thing they heard was a joyful voice saying: "You know I love you the most! When are you visiting me?"

No one could help theirselves from admiring how quickly the devil changes faces.

Once Rory was finished talking to her mom, she made her way to her first class. After the minor inconvenience she was already late.

Thankfully, it was college, therefore teachers didn't care much about students showing up unless they were interrupted.

Rory found a spot in the back to sit in the dark before listening to the teacher talk about old British literature.

Hope you enjoy the chapter!

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