
Ch. 1.21 Trial

SeeFor two weeks, Kaidan and James stays silent amidst the questioning of the press. The police just released a short statement about the shooting incident that Kaidan Felix, the missing person is found at his own residence.The police also released the date of the hearing which will be held on the first week of February.

Miles doesn't know what had gone wrong. He is almost certain that Kaidan would met his demise. He even put a silencer on his gun to minimise the noise. Then his nightmare come, the police rush in the place. two gun shot can be heard. One shooting the gun out of his hand and the other one gunned his side when he decided to flee. Everything is done in a quick manner. When he wakes up, he is laying in a hospital, a police officer on his side. One of his hand is handcuffed.

Early in the morning, Press and people alike all swarm the S City supreme court. They all want to know what really happens, some reporters are given a special pass to go inside but they must remain quiet.

The judges is already sitting on the podium, the prosecutors and defense were in the position, and the gallery seat is almost full when Miles escorted by the police and his lawyer comes.

Sitting on the defendant seat, Miles goal now is to shorten his jail time. He already talked with his attorney, the only crime he will admit to be guilty is trying to kill Kaidan, the man will never provide a evidence. All his crime is foul proofed.

After sworn in. The trial progresses, the defendant— Miles Pratt quickly called out.

"Mr. Pratts, on the 15th January of this year, on the Pent House of Crown building, You hold Mr. Felix without consent, kidnapping him on his car and threatening to kill him. You also charge on killing a total of fifteen people, driving in with the influence of drug resulting in homicide. Falsifying a documents and staging a rape."

Hearing all the charges, Miles just smile, Kaidan might charge him with different allegation but he does not have any evidence.

"Your worships, I want to give all the evidence for you to review before calling my first witness" the prosecutor said, handling a stack of documents with the judges approval.

"My first witness to call your worships is Officer Ward...."

Officer ward quickly stand to the court saying "December 1st 3031, our station receive a distress signal coming from the car of a Kaidan Felix, The time and place is in the document your Worships." when the judge nod he continues

"When we responded to the scene, we found nothing, not even any clue, Kaidan Felix have gone missing for a month before we again received a second distress signal coming from the man, this time his location is the Crown building, together with my fellow officers, we quickly respond to the call arriving just a minute before the defendant can kill the victim. All of the police reports are in the folder your worships."

The next witness is quickly called out, the maintenance man.

" On January 15th 3032, I see Mr. Miles running upstairs holding a bag, he look so agitated. I followed him upstairs your worships. He opened the penthouse door, I'm just gonna call him out when I hear a pleading voice of a man."

"Your worships, I summon the victim himself as the last witness, he will recall and tell us all what really happened." the prosecutor said, summoning Kaidan to stand in Court.

"Mr. Felix can you tell us what really happened that leads to your kidnapping?" the prosecutor said, facing kaidan.

"I found out that Mr. Pratt stage a attempted rape. Mr. Pratt hired a goons on July 13th 3028, who is supposed to rape me under the influence of a drug, Mr. William's has signed a sworn statement attached on the, your worships. He is the one who saves me leading to the cheating scandal."

"I'm supposed to go in the police station to press charged before going to B City for my meeting when I see a two cars tailing me from behind, a SUV and a sedan. hoping that the driver might just be strolling and enjoying the early wind, I accelerate my car just to see the car behind me doing the same. My biggest mistake is taking a exit road that I don't even know where it leads, that's when my nightmare happens." Kaidan said, shuddering at the memory.

"Do continue Mr. Felix"

"The car persist on following me until we arrived at a camping ground, a dead end. Two person get out of the cars, one is very familiar my ex boyfriend Miles Pratt. They pried open my car using a crowbar before injecting a sedatives into me."

"Before I lost consciousness, I hear some shouting and gun shot. When my consciousness returns, I found myself all tied up in my own house. Miles is in their saying that he will kill me that I'm a sword hanging from his neck."

"For a month, the man keep on ejecting me sedatives, he will see deranged words like he is the one who killed my parents, at first I did not believe him, then he starts to explain what happen in details. He keep on bragging his kills, everyday, he will come and again and again, says all his crime before saying that I'm next."

"January 14 3032, Before going out, Miles Untied me after injecting me a large dose of sedatives, for a normal person that dose would make them asleep for two days, but because of my daily dose, I develop a immunity making me wake up before his next visit."

"Pressing the distress signal that I somehow hide in my boots, I quickly put a recorder in my pants before Miles again enters. That time, Miles keep on saying that this time, He will kill me and burns the house with me in it. He said that as a parting gift for me, he will say all his crime before putting a bullet on my head. All of my words are back with a evidence. The video footage inside my house— My house is equipped with pin camera, my housekeepers knows that. The recorder and the documents I had gathered for two years of clearing my names."

The judges nodded, skimming at the provided evidence. Before looking at the defense lawyer.

I don't really know what really happened in court. Including charges. I did try to research but I know I did it poorly..

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