
Little patrol

Then Rachel ran to her room, ashamed and red as never before. Batgirl thought she had foreseen it, but she had an amused smile on her face.

Then, to avoid Robin's eyes, I ran like Flash into the car and drove away.


<If you read on a site other than "webnovel". This is a copied version. Which someone stole without my knowledge.>



Ufff.....I would not survive Robin's second lecture. Although he didn't say anything special then. But the very fact and atmosphere was specific and I don't want to repeat it. Although my quick run into the car may seem comical. Because honestly it was a bit. I'm ashamed to admit, but I forgot that I have wings on the loose. And when I got into the car, I crammed them with cars. It took me a moment to put them away and got inside the car.

But fortunately, I was in Super Saiyan mode. That is strengthening the whole body with white and black energy. And it lasted less than two seconds, so nobody saw it. At least I hope so.

At the moment I'm on my way to the hotel.

But don't think, I'm not going back to my apartment now. Unfortunately, I was busy all day, you know what. And I didn't have time for patrol and routine "cleaning the city".

So at least before bedtime he wants to go on a short patrol. Because tomorrow I have to save one poisonous antihero of plants. Or what the media call the eco-terrorist. It is mainly about the fact that she sees plants as being on a par with humans. And even for the more important genre. To be honest, I don't know anything about plants, plant souls, or if they have them at all. In the worst case, after tomorrow's events, I will stop eating plants and I will be anti-vegetarian. Although if you think about it, animals can also have souls ... Damn ... I think I'm going to starve ...I will think like that.

Oh, you can see that my angel side comes to the fore because I'm starting to talk bullshit. Or I'm just going into paranoia. hehe ... I think I'll give up on this thinking, because I will end up eating synthetic food. Or modify the body so that it doesn't need food.

(Krius stops at the traffic lights near the hotel.)

Prophylactically, he will use black energy to expand my gloves. At the moment, the gloves reach to the elbow. So if so ... (Krius begins to direct the black energy to the gloves that are starting to grow. Or how to say it. Like Symbiont they begin to cover the rest of both hands, up to the shoulders.)

And if we're on the subject of my wardrobe. It wasn't like when I was dating Rachel, I was wearing this glove. No, by no means. They are, in a sense, part of my body, or an exoskeleton attached to the body. And as you can guess, I can't take them off, though I could. But it would matter that it would hurt a lot. But I can hide them, just like the wings. Although I do not understand how it fits there. Well, please, the wings themselves are large, almost equal in size to me. I have theories that when they hide under the skin. They become energy again. But these are just guesses. But the shelves which I have nothing to worry about, so cool.

>The sound of the car horn.!!!!!!!

Okay I'm going, I'm going. Fuck what they are so sensitive.


Few minutes later...

When I pulled up, at the hotel . I parked the car in the parking lot. And I take off my sweatshirt and T-shirt and threw them into the back of the car. I closed the car and generated my wings. Before the start, I moved them a bit because they were a bit numb. But never mind. I started.


Few hour later...

During this few hour, a little happened. Because I was busy all day and the news about a new hot pair of "superheroes", or rather a super heroine and antihero. It spread like a plague or something else that is spread quickly. I'm talking about gossip sites and even my favorite journalist Viki Vale, she could not resist the temptation and made an article about me and Rachel. And see for yourself.


Unions of superheroes are what young people and adults like the most. Beginning with Batman and his relationship with his nemesis Catwoman, ending with SuperBoy and a girl from Mars, with the Young Justice drove. These two examples show that both among older superheroes and among young heroes. There are relationships.

And so, my dear readers, we are witnessing a birth. A new hot pair of superheroes. This pair is none other than Raven. Secret member of the Teen Titans team. And the new favorite of the city of Gotham. A real hero, guardian of the innocent and executioner of murderers. Man, or rather the embodiment of the prayers of the people of Gotham. "Devil of Gotham" Ultor.

Probably everyone will agree that purple girl from Jump City. She won the lottery ticket ....


In short, the rest of the article is about how I work on preparing for a date with Rachel. But from what I see, the article is mainly about how great I am, and Rachel is only briefly mentioned. Once in a while, the main topic is still me, though how to be honest. I feel that Viki specifically mentioned the least about Rachel. Because other newspapers have written more. But I have nice feelings after reading the article.

However, nothing good lasts forever, due to my absence and the rapid spread of information that I was busy. The villains took the opportunity and spread the chaos. If I can call it that, there were thefts, assaults. But surprisingly only these two, but in greater quantity than usual. So I decided to organize it. Hehehe ... (demonic laughter)

I went to all places of robbery, banks, jewelry stores, ordinary shops, restaurants. And to the places where the theft occurred. And then I tracked every thief and gave him an unannounced visit. There were many, so I will tell you the one that I found to be the most interesting.

Well, a group, because it's hard to call a gang. They robbed the nearby Bank, they called themselves "Clowns." I don't know if they have any connections with a familiar clown in a purple suit. But unfortunately it bore me and I didn't have time to ask. The whole group was a group of few, none of them deserved gentle treatment. They had a hideout in one of the abandoned warehouses near the factory. It was their permanent hideout because of what I saw. They had a lot of equipment organized here and some crates which, as it turned out, contained weapons. They were covered with dust, and this is a cosmetics factory warehouse. Or something different, but not weapons.

They kept a few women in rooms that once served as social rooms. Each woman was raped several times, wrecks of people. There was a void in their eyes until their hearts were cut. Unfortunately, I didn't think about letting them go first, but I dealt with criminals first. And it was a mistake, because when I freed them, they vomited. And it wasn't a very pleasant sight. They vomited because they saw the broken, burned, frozen, dismembered bodies of criminals. That's because I started testing my offensive powers.

<Devil's Flame>-I treated one villain with these flames, wow. It was strong and fast. Considering that thanks to this power I was able to melt the reinforced steel as if it were made of wax. It does something similar with the human body. Only more smelly. First you see the contour of the body in the flame and after a second the body turns to dust. However, the smell that comes with it is terrible.

<Fimbulwinter>-This is the power that I used very little. And it is extremely powerful. It is a power that is based on the Ice element. I only used it to cool down the hot metal. Which was melted by Devil Flame. And it is quite difficult, considering the power of the flame. But it's still a fraction of power. When playing with clowns, one of them uses ice first. Which I created through the stamp, and after that the ground began to freeze in the direction of the "clown." And when it reached him, his legs froze up to his knees. In general ice crystals formed around his legs. Then I walked over to him and accumulating this power in my right hand. I touched his chest, and immediately at the point where I touched the ice changed, then using only brute force, I hit the ice. That left a hole in "Clown". Then the clown fell dead.

<Thunder Demon>-This power is just as powerful as the previous one, but in her case I don't have much idea to use it. But maybe someday it will be useful, maybe when I face an opponent who has electric power or throws lightning.The power is that I can create and throw lightning, or other attacks based on electricity. I can control the strength of the attack. And it helped me neutralize the helicopter so that my opponents could not escape. The clown who was hit by one lightning, created thanks to this power. It exploded like a watermelon thrown against the wall with great force. I have to control this power seriously. Because if she uses her to stun someone and instead I do something similar to what I did to the clown. It may not be fun.

<The Ray of Doom>-This power is very powerful, it is that it accumulates destructive energy. Similar to the one Superman uses when using laser sight. However, much stronger and if you use it to a greater extent. It could be compared to Kamaehameha from the Dragon Ball series. Power accumulates energy and creates a ray that can destroy everything. However, I can control it, if I would like them to destroy only inorganic matter, then organic things would not be affected. And for example if I used it to destroy the city. It was in the place of the city that a huge empty space would be created, with a huge crowd of naked people on it. Hehe .. Until I feel like trying to do it. However, I have a girlfriend and it is not proper to carry out such actions.The clown I treated with this power was almost immediately disintegrated. There was nothing left of him, not even dust or smell. Nothing like it wasn't there. I sent a giant ray to his side, which started from my open hand. Rushing toward the clown, he grew with every centimeter. Until he reached the size of the clown and completely destroyed it. However, nothing but the clown was destroyed.There wasn't even a trace on the ground he walked on. As if he wasn't here.

For now, I tested only these three skills, but each of them I used many times. Because the "clowns" were many and the uses of the three powers even more. Feeling from a fireball, iceball, ice rays, throwing killing and paralyzing lightning, Shooting laser shoots with small eyes from the finger, from the penis. The latter regrets. It hurt I almost cried. What was going on in my head. Fortunately, nothing but pain happened to me. And good, because if I broke it. Rachel would be sad.

But in short, these three powers are just the beginning, and even having at least one of them. Mastered in the Expert degree. It gives me a huge advantage over others, although I'm the strongest anyway, or I just didn't find a worthy opponent.

It ended up that the entire warehouse was covered with the remains of criminals. Nasty view. Finally, I took the girls out of the warehouse, but earlier I took the money that was stolen from the bank. And later I gave them to the bank with a note saying:


I've been busy recently,

I'm sorry.



I did the same in other cases. I didn't keep money or jewelry. And this is because they come from theft, not from trade. In addition, I have enough money for these moments. So there is nothing to be greedy.

Then I returned to the hotel and went to sleep.


<If you read on a site other than "webnovel". This is a copied version. Which someone stole without my knowledge.>


This chapter is a reminder of some MC powers. Which will be relevant in future events. But also to show some public perception on MC. Although this is only a cobblestone Viki Vale, which is a fan of Ultora from the beginning.

I look forward to your comments and power stones.

Kriuswercreators' thoughts
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