
Cyra's First Mission Part 1

        Cyra left earlier from the party with Freya and Steven. They drive back to her parent's house and waited for her until she got the thing from the volt with a small briefcase on it. She patted General and took her suit and bag, passport, suit, and money. Then, she went back to the car and they left directly to the airport.

        Her first mission is to check the body of the injured. It will take them a few hours before they get there so she relaxed first and eat the cake that her mother sneaked out for her. Freya is also eating the cake while thinking.

"You shouldn't eat while you are stressing yourself," Steven told her. "The acid will stir up in your stomach."

        Cyra rose her brows. His Uncle is correct. So, when eating, you shouldn't think a lot. You should focus on your food. But with the current condition, her Aunt Freya wouldn���t stop thinking about the problem until she found a solution for it.

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