
In God We Trust

Age 1991

Ken stared back at the Vice-Captain as his smile faded.

Jackson stared ahead as Katrina left the hallway disappearing around the corner. 

"Great..." He muttered giving a small frown. "I'm gonna have to deal with that..."

"Uhh..." Ken said awkwardly getting his attention.

"Mr. Storm is something wrong?" Kitsune asked frowning. "What were you guys talking about?"

Jackson let out a small sigh for a moment. He was silent as he seemed to carefully consider what to say. "Well..." He slowly turned to look out the window. "Ahh, it's nothing." 


"Yeah. It's nothing." Jackson shrugged as he threw his arms behind his back. He began to casually walk away as he flashed the two kids a sly smile. "Katrina and I are just having a lovers spat."

"L... Love!" Ken said her face liting up and becoming red.

"Focus Ken!" Kitsune stated karate chipping the girl on the head.


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