

Age 1991

Hero collapsed to the floor with a loud sigh as he fell back. 

Max stared down at the boy with a small frown.

"So." He began his face becoming a small smirk as he stared back at his rival. "You want me to tell you about Mantra?" He questioned.

"Yeah." Hero said giving an annoyed nod. "I'm tired of fighting a guy, and then boom! He busts out that white aura crap and kicks my butt! It is so unfair!"

Max let out a chuckle as he folded his arms. "I can see how... But before I tell you. I have to ask. Isn't your Squad out on a mission?"

"Yeah, but they don't need me?" Hero said casually.

"That isn't exactly what I meant," Max said slowly. "I mean. You have your own Squad training room? And a bunch of people around your level that you could train with. Why did you ask me?"

"Uhh..." Hero's silver eyes darted around for a second as he tried to come up with an answer. "Oh hey! Umm... Where are your other Squadmates?"

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