
Test Of Courage Part Five

With the guard in the lead, Alicia stood outside a room where mournful cries could be heard from inside. She did not hesitate to open the door. But what she saw made her frown. "To think I let you live only to find out that you're actually part of the people doing these other horrific deeds." Alicia's eyes turned cold as she stepped forward with her sword. The guard from earlier that she had 'accidentally' dropped a fireball on was laying in his bed with his lower half uncovered, letting out pitiful cries of pain. Alicia who walked closer felt even more disgusted because she had to witness something she did not want to see! When the guard finally noticed someone had entered his room he finally cried out: "Who are you!?"

"Just the grim reaper..." Alicia's tone was very cold as her sword slid across the guard's throat.

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