
Matters of the heart - Part 1

Mriga turned to look at Abhirath in surprise, "Really? You said good things about me after giving me so much grief on the ground?"

"In fact, are you even capable of saying positive things about anyone? That would be a first," she continued sarcastically.

Chiranjeev intervened before Abhirath could respond, "Why don't you tell us about that as well at the dinner table? Collect your report and come find us at the foodhall. We'll save you a seat, ok?"

Mriga nodded her head in agreement and bid them farewell for now.

"Did I get carried away in my emotions? Was I rude?" she wondered to herself.

"Alright, now we have got you the opportunity. You better take the first step towards forming a good impression on her tonight. As you just saw, that is the urgent most step right now," Nirbhay clapped his back.

He had expected a cutting comment in return with denial but everyone was shocked when Abhirath made eye contact with him and said softly, "Thank you very much. I am grateful."

When Mriga went inside the Admin building, she found Saraswati in her usual spot, who told her to wait in the reception area for a bit.

"I believe that today was the last day of torture for you in the hands of Ramanujam for this semester? Did he show any mercy or was the training as intense this morning as well?" she quizzed the girl.

Mriga giggled and then put a finger on her lips pointing towards the adjoining room.

She said loudly, "Guruji never tortures, he only teaches."

Saraswati put a finger on her lips as well and shook her head in mirth. Suddenly, she caught a shadow near the door. Interesting! Should she play a little?

Immediately, she asked Mriga, "So, what is happening in your life these days? Any boy or girl pursuing you romantically?"

Mriga mouth dropped open at Saraswati's question. She would have never expected her to ask such a personal thing. She wondered as to how to answer the question. Was it a casual question or a covert enquiry into her life because of her now being a part of the spy network? Maybe they wanted to know in-depth details about each individual working for them and didn't want to do it in an official manner. Hence Saraswati was quizzing her about it casually.

After deliberating for a moment, she decided to tell the truth. One, there was nothing to hide and secondly, she wanted to form the impression on her seniors that she could be trusted in always speaking the truth.

"Actually, there is someone. But the whole thing is fairly new and we are still trying to figure it out ourselves. Would you want me to give his name and other details on a scroll for the record?" she asked in all seriousness.

Saraswati was confused for a moment. She hadn't expected Mriga to confess about her feelings so quickly in front of her. But what was more confusing was offering to tell them about HIS details. Did she think that they didn't have all the requisite information about Shaurya with them in the Administrative department already?"

But before she could say something, the shadow lurking outside came in.

"No, we do not need any further information. Why would anyone want to know about the details of your personal life? It is time for you to leave this place. Don't you know that you are not to lurk around here without purpose?" Shaurya's commanding voice spoke from behind Mriga.

She rolled her eyes and scolded herself for getting surprised at hearing his voice... yet again. Didn't she already know that he was a ghost and could materialise anywhere anytime!

Turning around, she bowed to him and then said primly, "I am not lurking around here. I have been summoned to collect my assessment report."

"We both know how you have done in your internship. Your report will be sent to your department. I am here for an important meeting with both the gurujis. So, it is time for you to scoot," he said unkindly.

Used to his behaviour, she didn't say anything and bowed to both of them before exiting the place.

Shaurya raised his eyes to look at his ex-teacher with a questioning gaze, "I didn't know that we had started to pry into trainees' personal lives now."

With flared nostrils, she glared back at him and replied, "You maybe a hot shot agent now but don't forget that I have known you since your snot-nosed days. Don't use your 'I am a scary guy' tone on me. I was the one who probably taught you how to speak like that. I was only making polite conversation with her while she waited for Ramanujam. And, I didn't know that you had an important meeting scheduled for tonight."

"Maybe you are losing your touch and aren't as well informed as before," with this cheeky comment, he knocked at the door leading to Prithvi's office and walked in.

"That boy! Damn, I am going to lose that bet to Ramanujam. But I was so sure that there was something between the two of them. It means that she is dating someone else? Thankfully Shaurya came in and intervened else I would have blurted out something embarrassing to Mrignayani. Ramanujam is right. I really do need to control my gossipy streak. But I was so sure..." she muttered to herself in disappointment.

Shaurya waited while the two teachers were engaged in a discussion about a report which they have received from one of the internationally stationed spies. He was grateful for that moment of reprieve to school his expressions into a neutral facade.

"I already knew that the two of them liked each other. It was only a matter of time before they got together. He seems to be an alright guy with a decent background and good overall scores. More importantly, he seems smitten by her completely and she will probably have him wrapped around her finger always. Good luck to them!" with that, he firmly put a lid on his wayward thoughts.

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