
The Ruined Town (1)

"Austin, I have heard a lot about you from Muliere. Let me introduce myself again. I'm Lilly the daughter of the gym leader of Kaldia. These two are A rank guards from Kaldia. The one on the right is name Grey and the left Tony. Let's look out for each other in this trip." Lilly said.

"Nice to meet you guys again my name is Austin. I am excited to go on the adventure to a ruins. Do you guys know which village or city it is." Austin asked he was really excited. They were about to exit the gate. Austin wondered if he could find a legendary like victini. Austin wanted to get info about this place from these people. He felt that there were many secrets that weren't out in the open.

Lilly seemed like she didn't want to say much but briefly answered, " It is rumored that a village from the destroyed sinnoh region was somehow found. As for which village no one knows. Anything related to sinnoh region people avoid. Some people even avoid Pokemon from the sinnoh region. It is believed to be a cursed land which was why it was destroyed."

"Interesting this is getting better and better. Now that we are through the gates we should release our Pokemon." Austin said. Then he proceeded to release his Pokemon. Austin brought out Noibat and Sylveon.

"Oh how pretty. You have such a really a rare Pokemon. Sylveon is my dream pokemon. Will you sell it to me." Lilly asked eagerly. The response was answered by Sylveon,who growled angrily, and stood beside Austin.

"Easy girl she was just joking. You are my family so don't worry about anything." Austin comforted but decided to distance himself from Lilly. Lilly easily dropped the issue and called two of her Pokemon. One was a beautiful Zoroark, the other was a clefable. Austin was attracted to Zoroark, this Pokemon was very rare. It was one of Austin's favorites but it was too hard to find.

Tony called out an elite class Hitmonchan. Grey called out an elite class Seismitoad. Austin was amazed by their aura. It was stronger than his Sylveon, seeming at the upper elite class close to the champion class. Austin figured that once the stat points were greater than 250 it would be the champion rank. The master rank was the limit of the pokemon grade which is lvl 100 in games. Austin felt that stats greater than 350 would be master rank.

It was normally difficult to reach such a level in the usual Pokemon universe. Now there are a lot of trainers who reached the master class in multiple cities. This might be proof to the example in times of chaos heroes rise.

The group started to move through the forest. Austin asked if he can take care of the Pokemon that attack them. If he can't handle them he'll leave it to tony and Grey.

There path at the beginning was smooth as most of the Pokemon were afraid of the auras of seismitoad and the others. After a couple of hours the team crossed the grassland and entered a marsh land. There they encountered a high ranked Vigoroth. Austin had Noibat battle it. Noibat attacked it from the air while dodging most of vigoroths attacks.

This was a new way for it to battle. The sequence of move along with strategy, made what would have been a hard battle easy. The battle ended and they continued there way.

"Austin I heard you were a C-rank. You have been a trainer for about a year and 3 months. How were you able to get this far so quickly?" Lilly couldn't help but ask after seeing Austin's battles. It was pure genius how he utilized advantages and even changed disadvantages to his benefit.

"I don't get what you mean?" Austin replied. What does she mean how he got so strong. He felt he was getting better but not where he wants to be. There are many Pokemon fanfics where the Mc becomes super strong in the first year. Austin was not champion level so he considered his strength average.

"I mean how did you train. How are you able to increase your Pokémon's strength so quickly. It took me five year to reach B-rank. I was considered fast. Muliere on the other hand told me that you qualify for a B-rank. It has barely been a little over a year for you. Even these two fellows were shocked by your battle plans." Lilly explain with a slight jealous tone.

"Oh that well first thing I want to say is I enjoy being around Pokemon. I trust my team and see them as family. We get along really well and watch each other back. The second point is I go deep in training with my Pokemon. We try to never slack off. I make sure they eat enough nutrients to supplement their training. I don't follow what the league teaches which is just make sure they eat every now and then.

So my advice to you is what do you see your Pokemon as, how hard do you train, do you supplement them well. After that just learn as much as you can from the information in the leagues data base. This will help you formulate strategies and prepare for unexpected situations." Austin said honestly. He hoped this would help her. She seemed to understand a bit but felt annoyed at Austin's answer. The two A-ranks on the other hand took note of what he said.

It eventually turned dark, Austin had Sylveon use secret power on a small crack in a nearby hill. After that seismitoad molded a huge mud ball to cover the entrance. The group entered to sleeep for the night. Austin set up his own tent. He asked Noibat to stay alert. Then he enter to sleep. He wondered what would await them tomorrow.

Sorry for the late chap. Yesterday I tried for a mass release when I was invited out the whole day. Today I was out again. I’ll try to make this up tomorrow. Enjoy dudes

harem4lifecreators' thoughts
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