
Group Work

"As I expected, apparently I'll have to add you to the list of celebrities in the room." Greg said while turning to talk to Aatrox.

Aatrox looked at him with a little astonishment but answered. "Has my popularity grown that much?"

"You have no idea. Yesterday you were just something interesting to a small minority, but after your singing video today, the whole school knows about you. "Greg said rolling his eyes.

The two had grown closer. Aatrox didn't open up much to strangers, so their friendship still had a certain distance. But Greg had a lot of information about the school, realizing that, Aatrox thought it would be useful and interesting to have him around.

"Silence!" The teacher caught the students' attention. "Today we will have a group work."

"Ohhh nooo!" The crowd grunted. None of the students liked to do group work, as there would always be a person who would do nothing or a person who would do something wrong and make the whole group lose points.

"No complaining. The groups will be randomly selected through a draw." The teacher said as he took a glass with several papers with different numbers. According to the number on the student call, you would be selected for a group.

Aatrox saw the group he had been selected for and raised an eyebrow in surprise. One person in the group might not be happy with this organization.

[Group 2: Benjamin, Carter, Riley, Thomaz, and Violet.]

Aatrox turned to look at Thomaz to see him also staring back with a curious look. Aatrox thought he would see him with a look of anger, hatred or something, but apparently Thomaz was looking at Aatrox with the same look Aatrox was looking at him.

They kept their eyes fixed on each other until the teacher drew the class's attention again, to explain how the work would be done, so they both stopped staring at each other.

Basically, for this assignment, each group would have to make some kind of creative presentation about some historical moments in the world. The presentation could be done in the traditional way, a play, a song, or a video. The more creative the presentation, the more points the group would earn.

"Is it okay to do a group with Thomaz? Looks like there's a bad vibe going on between you." Greg asked after the teacher finished explaining.

"I believe so." Aatrox answered disinterestedly.

The groups had risen to decide how they would do the assignment, on the way to the corner of his group, Annie came to ask if it would be all right for Aatrox and he answered without worrying just as he answered Greg.

"H- Hi ..." Carter said softly with a little embarrassment, joining the group. He wore round glasses with thick frames. If Aatrox's glasses could be considered the stereotype of stylish, Carter's would be considered the stereotype of Nerd.

"Hello everyone," Thomaz said in a confident tone. If Carter were considered the Nerd stereotype, Thomaz would be the complete opposite, the Cool Guy stereotype.

" Hi." Aatrox said in the usual cool tone he used for people he had no intimacy with.

" Hello!" Riley said in an excited tone, as her cheeks turned a little red a few seconds after staring at Aatrox. Riley was a small, lively girl with short shoulder-length hair that made her look younger.

" Yo." Violet said. She was a tall girl and apparently a little shy.

"Do any of you have anything scheduled for tonight?" Thomaz asked. "We can do the work at my house. My parents will be out anyway."

"T- That's ok for me." Carter said softly.

"No problem for me either." The girls answered.

Aatrox hearing Thomaz's suggestion was a little surprised but saw no reason to refuse.

"So it's settled, I'll hand you a paper with my home address, we'll meet you around 6:00 pm." Thomaz said while the others nodded.

The group discussed about things they could bring to use during the preparation and finally, everyone said goodbye.

Aatrox met Annie and they went to the theater.

" Benjamin!!" Roberta shouted with happiness as she ran towards him.

Aatrox instinctively stepped aside for her so nothing strange happened. "Hello." he said.

"The video has already reached 2 million views! This was the first video I made that received so much attraction. The school principal even called me to congratulate me and decided to increase our budget." Roberta said with a smile from ear to ear.

"Good." Aatrox replied with a little astonishment. Now that he had seen his singing video views and comments, he realized that 2 million views were a lot, and that was a video he had contributed.

"Yes! I just finished writing Episode 2, do you have time for us to record this?" Roberta asked hopefully.

"Today I have a group assignment presentation to do at 06:00 pm, we can do a practice for now and record tomorrow." Aatrox said.

"That's great for me! It will give me time to finish writing without haste and adjust the rest of the preparations. When I'm done I'll email you the manuscript." she said.

"Alright, where's the story of Episode 2?" Aatrox asked as he looked around. She handed him the draft and he started reading. Aatrox was a little excited about tomorrow's recording. His character would have some interesting scenes, maybe that would even help him with the problem his mother said he has. "Shall we practice?" He asked Annie.

"Did you already read and memorize it?" Annie asked incredulously, she was still reading half of her script.

"Hm? Yes." Aatrox answered.

"Wait a minute, let me memorize my lines and we will practice." She replied.


"Alright, so see you tomorrow." Aatrox said goodbye after practicing the script he received with Annie. As he left, Aatrox glanced at his watch and saw that he would have time to go home and take a shower before going to Thomaz's.

Hey guys! If you like the story, please, vote with your power stones and comment on what you thought about the chapter! ^^

This chapter was really bored to write, at least the next ones will be funnier.

Zhanyecreators' thoughts
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