

Elias frowned as he sped towards the place he had seen in his talk with Grams. Finally spotting it he noticed the raging fire, the crazy wind. Picking up his speed he appeared at the tree line.

Bonnie stood in the field, behind her was a guy he had never seen before. Taking a closer look his eyebrows furrowed in surprise. His uncle laid against a pile of rocks looking worse for wear. A hand had pierced his chest no doubt gripping his heart, what surprised him most was that it was his father's hand.

Vanishing he reappeared in front of Bonnie. "Dad, what are you doing?" Looking down at two of his biggest role models he frowned. He had seen them argue, he had even seen them tussle but he had never seen them on the verge of killing one another. What about Family? They had told him about the bond they shared the promises they had sworn to keep. Looking at them now he wondered if it was all lies.

"Elias, back up," Bonnie's voice surprised him. He was sure there was no way she could recognize him. Sure he had just called his dad, dad but he didn't remember her ever actually meeting him.

Turning around he smiled seeing that she was okay. But he couldn't talk to her right now, not when his dad was on the verge of killing his uncle.

"You shouldn't be here Elias," Elijah said, still gripping his brother's heart.

"You're about to kill uncle Klaus, I think this is the perfect time for me to be here," Elias said with a bit of anger in his voice.

"You don't understand Elias," Elijah said.

"Then explain it to me, why are you trying to kill uncle Klaus??"

"Elias, you had an aunt, two more uncles. That was until Niklaus buried them at sea." Elijah turned back to look at his brother through narrowed eyes.

Elias couldn't even think it, turning to Niklaus he was questioning if he was the same uncle he had believed him to be all this time.

"So Niklaus, in the name of our family..-"

"I didn't bury them at sea!" Niklaus said, taking breaths.

"What?" Elijah asked looking down at his brother.

"Their bodies are safe. If you kill me you'll never find them."

"Elijah don't listen to him, he's lying," Stefan called out.

"No he isn't," Elias said looking at his uncle. He still wanted to believe that family meant something.

"Elijah… I can take you to them. I give you my word…brother." Niklaus spoke causing Elijah to second guess himself.

"Do it and I'll take you both out," Bonnie said surprising Elijah.

"You'll die."

"I don't care." Looking at Stefan and Bonnie he stopped on Elias. If there was a chance his siblings were alive he would find them so they could meet his son.

"I'm Sorry-" Elijah made to move but Bonnie hadn't trusted he would follow through in the first place as she began to chant. Before Elijah could move he was struck by pure energy, the wind picked up again. Bonnie made a decision she would kill them both.

Elias frowned as he saw the blood began to fall from Bonnie's nose. "Bonnie you have to stop."

"I can't Elias, not after what they've done."

He frowned at her words speeding towards her he noticed Stefan trying to step in his way. "Stay out of my family's business," He said, sending a slap his way. Ignoring his falling body he appeared in front of Bonnie grabbing her hands.

"Bonnie listen to me, if you kill them and die in the process I'll have no one." He had already come to the conclusion that his Grams was dead. Only this was the first time he was speaking about it. "How did she die?" He asked as a tear fell from his face.

"Like this," Bonnie said, stopping in her tracks. After opening the Tomb she had believed her Grams was okay, the amount of power they used was ultimately too much. Looking down at her little brother a sad smile appeared on her face. He wasn't here and she couldn't contact him to let him know. It was just the two of them now.

As Bonnie stopped chanting the spell faded away and Elijah and Niklaus vanished. Bonnie reached out pulling her brother into a hug.

"So you're related to the Mikaelson's?"

"I know right now you hate them, but once you get to know them they're kind of hard not to like." Bonnie half chuckled at his words.

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