

Deaton stood behind his counter, mountain ash laid beneath his feet, he was careful who knew when a Werewolf would attack. He closed the book in his hand as he heard the bell hanging above the door chime.

Niklaus Mikaelson walked through that door a smile on his face, behind him stood Kate Argent her wrist were handcuffed together. In Niklaus's hand, he held a chain one that allowed him to pull Kate Argent along, this was more to entertain himself he was well aware Kate Argent wouldn't run; she couldn't not when he could so easily find her niece.

"Deaton, It's nice to see you again," Niklaus smirked looking at the vet standing before him.

Deaton didn't return the smile but he knew he had to accommodate the man standing before him, mountain ash did nothing against vampires. He would have to prepare something stronger if he was going to defend himself against an original something he would have done if he was aware Elijah had left town.

"What can I do for you Niklaus?"

"Let's talk somewhere else, wouldn't want anyone listening in," Niklaus was a naturally paranoid man, Deaton only nodded opening the way behind the counter.

Niklaus pulled Kate along he passed through the Mountain ash easily but as Kate tried to step past it she was stopped by some kind of barrier that caused her skin to burn. Niklaus was surprised looking at Kate he yanked the chain pulling her forward once again only for the same results to show.

He kept her locked against the mountain ash barrier eyeing the barrier suspiciously, "Interesting, You're a witch?" Niklaus slackened his hold on the chain allowing Kate to fall to the ground she breathed in and out heavily looking at Niklaus her eyes narrowed.

"I'm a druid something like a witch only we are limited in our uses of Magic," Deaton didn't explain any further even though he could tell he hadn't eased the curiosity of Niklaus. Instead, he turned his attention to Kate Argent he was aware of who she was.

"Remove the barrier," Niklaus demanded.

Deaton complied immediately sweeping away the mountain ash with a wave of his hand.

Yanking the chain Niklaus forced Kate to her feet, "Come along," Deaton led the way to the back once they reached the back room he turned back to Niklaus.

"So what can I do for you?"

Niklaus said nothing turning to Kate he sent her a look and although she wanted to resist she couldn't risk it not when Allison's life was on the line. Slowly her pulse began to rise, her nails extended becoming claws as her eyes quickly changed to the color green. She didn't like the idea of transforming she had seen herself and she was glad she looked nothing like the werewolves she had hunted her whole life.

Deaton was surprised looking at Kate he had expected her to look like a werewolf, while there were similarities she looked more like a jaguar.

"Interesting," Deaton said as he focused more on Kate.

"Explain," Niklaus said causing Deaton to turn to him for a second before turning back to Kate.

"The Bite is never a sure thing some people might appear to be perfect candidates for such a gift but not everyone takes to it. Those who do become werewolves, and even then some aren't fit for such a life."

Niklaus was slowly getting annoyed, "Continue," He controlled himself, this bite it could be the key to unlocking his other half.

"Very rarely will there be a person who after getting bitten, they become something else. It has only been recorded a couple of times and seeing her I'm amazed, the bite has the ability to make one resemble who they truly are on the inside. In her case, she's a mix between a Werewolf and a Jaguar."

Niklaus nodded turning his attention back to Kate, she avoided his gaze although deep down she wondered what he was thinking. " I don't see it, I've known her for over a week and I think she's much more like a snake." Niklaus smirked seeing Kate's eye twitch.

"We're leaving," Niklaus had gotten the information he needed, now he needed a witch a powerful one.


Elias and Stiles had finally made it out of the woods, "I'm starting to hate your uncle."

Stiles was annoyed he spoke of traps and yet as cautious as they were they hadn't discovered one trap.

Elias didn't reply although he was also annoyed each step they took he pushed his instincts to the limit. After making it halfway through they had wanted to just charge through the rest but what if he had left some traps towards the end of the forest.

"Now that we're out of there we need to talk," Stiles once again said and this time Elias couldn't evade it. "Scott is like a brother to me, he'll come around this whole thing has just been so difficult for him."

"Stiles who hasn't it been difficult for, I haven't seen my sister or my Grams in months, since I moved in with Grams we've seen each other every day but I can't go back home because of everything that's happened since I first stepped foot in Beacon Hills. Has it been easy for you to have to lie to your father and protect Scott from the dangers he seems to always put himself into? He's your friend, but has he been your friend lately?"

Stiles thoughts raced as he remembered all the fights he and Scott had been getting into lately he had chalked it all up to their werewolf instincts.

"None of that matters, you don't know Scott like I know Scott, you've been around the supernatural world your whole life what would you know about having your life turned upside down?" Stiles raised his voice as he said the last part.

"Stiles I went from the body of a 12-year-old to this," Elias pointed to his face, " Every full moon I'm not sure if I'll be able to control myself, I could destroy this whole town in one night. None of this is easy I've tried to kill my uncle, have you ever had your neck broken." Elias was getting angrier every second, Stiles was so focused on defending Scott he just didn't understand why. Focusing his eyes on Stiles they began to grow red, his thoughts began to race.

Stiles could see it, Elias was losing control and he knew if he attacked, he would be done for. "Elias, calm down," Stiles spoke slowly keeping his eyes locked with Elias's.

"I am calm," Elias slowly breathed in and out but it wasn't helping, he could feel something coming from Stiles it smelled like fear. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath before vamp speeding the other way he wouldn't attack Stiles not because he wanted him to be part of his pack but because he was his friend.

I'm not back but honestly, I'm not dropping this story...

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