
When The Saintly Demon Meets His Angel......

Ajabde Raichand !!!

A name that was currently a sensation around the globe....

Her name hit the top spot of all the search engines...

Her achievements were the talk of the globe...

She was the only grand child of the current Field Marshall of the Indian Army Jaiswal Raichand and the First Lady Air Marshall of the Indian Air Force Muktolekha Raichand.(nee.Rathod).

After the death of her adoptive mother, she was sent back to Jaiswal Raichand as per the instructions that she had left with Father Fernandez.

Her adoptive mother Mohona Chatterjee was actually the only friend and confidant that Ajabde's biological mother Srishti Raichand ever had. When she came back to India being pregnant with Ajabde , it was Mohona and her son Aakash who looked after her... But due to weak body and the trauma that she had suffered, she didn't make it.

She died at child birth.

She had left all the information related to her family in possession of Mohona Chatterjee. When Mohona's life was in threat, she left Ajabde along with Srishti's family information in the capable hands of Father Fernandez and Brother Ashwin...

Following the given information Father Fernandez was able to track down Srishti's parents, which later turned out to be the Field Marshall and Air Marshall... Srishti was the only child of the couple, but due to some misunderstandings , generation gap and lack of communication between parents and children.... two lives were at the verge of the end.

One who lost her will to live and the other whose life was only a step further from end even before she was born... due to her mother's lack of will power.

On learning the death of their daughter and the existence of their grand daughter , Jaiswal Raichand simply broke down... but due to his profession and support from his wife he was able to hold himself and put his country first... Only after a through DNA test did he except Ajabde as his grand child.

Ajabde was four years old when Mohona Chatterjee died.

Before she passed away, Mohona made a written diary that contained information about Srishti's past and Ajabde's father along with Srishti's last wish that never in this lifetime should Ajabde know about her father.

Never should she meet with that man.

Father Fernandez respected Srishti's last wish and kept the information related to Ajabde's father to himself.

But they were no fools.

Father Fernandez as well as Brother Ashwin never bought the information that Mohona had passed on to them regarding Ajabde's father and neither did Mohona herself.

Mohona passed on Srishti's wish along with the information only to keep it intact just in case.

What neither Srishti nor Mohona knew was that in the maze of destiny no matter which road you choose , they were all leading to the same destination.


In the office....

Yuma and Dr.Ruchika couldn't believe what they heard.

Ajabde Raichand , who was currently a global sensation was actually the mythical beauty who was right in front of them.

Yuma suddenly became keenly interested in knowing this person. He had been by Aahil's side for eighteen years yet this girl was the only one who was able to occupy Aahil's mind even though they never personally met.

Unaware of the plans that future had for him, Aahil too spoke highly of her purely based on her works.

Ajabde Raichand was famous not only because of her works but also for being Aahil Oberoi's competition. Not only was she compared against but also considered as someone who was capable of surpassing Aahil Oberoi.

True to the world's anticipation, Ajabde did surpass Aahil Oberoi.

While Aahil acquired four doctorate degree, Ajabde backed five along with one extra noble prize, snatching away the titles of being ' The Highest Number of Noble Prize Holder ' and ' The Youngest Noble Prize Winner. '

Previously, Aahil held two noble prize and was of the age of twenty one when he received it. Challenging it was Ajabde who achieved three noble prize at the age of only nineteen.

Dr. Ruchika was aware of Father Fernandez plan for Aahil's marriage . The only problem was that Aahil had been not only reluctant but also ruthless towards anyone who made an approach regarding his marriage.

' What makes her so special that Father is so confident about it . ' Dr. Ruchika couldn't help but think.

Thus, signaling Yuma to join in , they began to scrutinize her. Yuma readily agreed because he too was having similar thoughts.

Dr. Ruchika spoke about various random topics , current trends and personal views. The more Ajabde spoke with them , the more amazed they were. Her upbringing , thoughts and view of the world was unlike any of those women who have so far tried to tie the bell on Aahil.

The fact that she was in Aahil's memories and was offen spoken off by Aahil even though they never personally met was a huge achievement.

Father and Brother quietly watched as the scene unfold itself. They were not worried about her at all. They had inculcated the best upbringing that was possible on her and groomed her in ever possible way . It was now time for application. She would have to use everything she had learned to over come every obstacle that would be thrown at her way time and again.

Amazed and mesmerised by Ajabde's charms, intelligence and views the gathering not only lost their track on time but forgot about their problems at hand. It wasn't until Brother Ashwin sight landed on the cctv camera screen that he was reminded of the reason behind Ajabde's visit and also clicked a brilliant idea.

" Ahem.. I'm sorry to break this lovely gathering but Ajabde weren't you here to collect the manuscript ??"

" Oh! Yes... that's right, I almost forgot about that.... " she replied seemly remembering her purpose of visiting today.

" Then you better hurry up.... I remember your grandfather said he wanted you back to the hotel before his appointment this afternoon.. "

Brother added handing her the manuscript.

Ajabde quickly took the manuscript, bid goodbye to everyone and dashed out of the office.

Just as Ajabde left the office , Dr. Ruchika wanted to say something but before she could even utter a sound Brother signaled her to towards the CCTV screen. Not understanding what Brother Ashwin was upto everybody watched the CCTV screen holding their breath, as if something big was going to happen.

At the moment the cctv screen was showing the area of the elevator and the staircase which was situated side by side right outside the office.

Indeed big....

What just happened outside was no disappointment , instead was to good to be true....

" Bravo Brother.... only you could have thought of this.... Have you been reading romance novels recently by any chance?? "

Dr. Ruchika finally understood why Brother sent away Ajabde so hastily.

Yuma was having difficultity in recognizing his own master.

In the span of past eighteen years only little Diya had seen the caring and gentle side of Aahil that he was displaying now.

Let alone towards a woman.

Brother Ashwin and Father Fernandez had complex expressions which were completely unreadable . This was a crucial moment for them.... This would determine their next move...

At the elevator front....

After being reminded by Brother about her grandfather's appointment Ajabde was in a terrible rush to get back to the hotel. With the manuscript in hand she made a run for the elevator .

Inside the elevator Aahil too was very impatient and distracted. He wanted to talk to Father regarding the incident with Kady as soon as possible and find out what happened at Nath Villa.

Thus two strangers who were at present oblivious about the existence of the other were made to cross paths. Ajabde who was in a rush to get in the elevator and Aahil who was also in a rush to come out of the elevator collided at the elevator door .

The collision caused the manuscript to scatter away it's pages...

" Ah!!! I'm sorry... I'm really sorry sir.. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going... I'm really sorry... " Ajabde apologized and quickly crouched down to gather the pages of the manuscript .

While Ajabde's approach was apologetic, Aahil's was a bolt out of the blue.

At first he wanted to chew out the person for bumping into him but when he saw her face ... He could no longer differentiate between dreams and reality.

' Is she for real or am I still dreaming? ' he thought.

He slowly crouched down to her level , intently staring at her. He was observing her each and every movement, trying to figure out whether she was real or his hallucination. He didn't dare to blink, he was afraid that if he did she would disappear just like in his dreams.

Her creamy milky skin, her dark silky soft hair, her clear mythical eyes and captivating smile , everything was just like his dream. He knew every detail of her features , except for her voice. That was the silver line between his dream and reality.

Previously when he had hallucinations about her he wanted to give her a piece of his mind and the same torture that he had given to women who threw themselves on him. He made plans to vent out all his frustration that he was experiencing because of her on her.

However, when he was finally able to meet her in person he was a mess. His mind couldn't utter a single word, never mind his voice. His heart beat raced inside his chest and echoed in his ear. His throat was dry, hands were sweaty and his thoughts were totally blank...

All in all ' The Aahil Oberoi ' was extremely nervous ....

This was the first time in his life that he was nervous.. Generally he was known for his fearlessness and cold minded demeanour. Thus him being nervous , that to under the presence of a girl was unimaginable.

Ajabde who was completely ignorent of Aahil's inner turmoil collected all the pages of the manuscript , stood up to apologize once again and turned to leave.

Just as she was about to descend the first step of the staircase , Aahil hugged her from the back. She was startled by his action and her body stiffened up on instinct. Because Aahil's action was so sudden, once again the manuscript fell from her hand and scattered itself all over the staircase.

Aahil's actions may have been sudden but they were beyond gentle as he held her in his arms. He held her so gently as if she was made of glass and would break away if he applied even a slightest bit of force. Aahil could sense her guard.

" Please...

Don't go....

Why do you already have to leave when I finally found you. ???"

Aahil's voice was painful and sad yet it was filled with longing for her as he hid his face in her silky soft hair. A sweet scent filled his nostrils intoxicating him. It was not the scent of the perfume , it was natural. It was the scent of the maiden.

Moving away from her, he slowly turned her to face him.

" Please... don't be scared...

I won't do anything to hurt...

It's just that I have been looking for you for so long... and today I finally found you ---"

Aahil said in a gentle soothing tone but he couldn't finish his words.

" Looking for me!!!...

But sir.... I don't even know you.. "

Ajabde could sense the man's gentleness and caring attitude in his actions but still she can never let her guard down. At the moment all she wanted was to get out of the man's grasp and back to the hotel .Thus she was forced to cut him off.

Hearing the words [ I don't even know you ] in her nightingale like voice Aahil was stunned. He felt something shattering away inside him. He couldn't believe that the girl he had been hallucinating for two decades, tried every means to find her doesn't even know about him.

No one was to blame for there situation. If anyone was at fault it was time.

Currently they were stuck in a contradicting reality .

At present they were strangers but their past said otherwise..

Using the opportunity of Aahil's momentary shock she got herself out of his grasp and entered the elevator. Aahil tried to stop her but before he could the elevator doors were already closed.

He ran to the staircase, collected all the pages of the manuscript and dashed out of the building.

Nevertheless she was nowhere in sight.

She suddenly disappeared just like she appeared.

But this time was different... This time she was for real.

Aahil stood in front of the lobby staring outside. He was experiencing an excruciating pain as something shattered to dust inside of him. He couldn't tell what it was but it was painful.

Aahil lost his confidence as he was able to detect rejection in her attitude. He had never been this low.

Ever since Aahil rose to power women all around threw themselves at him and he was the one to reject them. This was the first time that tables had turned.

' Guess I overestimated myself... but I swear I'll win you over.... And then you'll always be by my side. ' he thought with a self deprecating laugh and renewed determination.

Aahil was unaware of the fact that four pair of eyes were intently watching everything

unfold . Out which two broke out into bright sunny smile at his expense.

" The saintly demon meets his angel " Father said as a conclusion.

" Well done Brother Ashwin... Well done....

We have cleared the first stage.... We can move to the second.

Inform the Marshalls that we are ready for them. "