
The Longest Night.

While waiting for the doctor, Jin Liwei sat by Xie Ming's bedside, gently rubbing her cold hands between his own. The room was eerily quiet, save for the soft sound of Xie Ming's shallow breathing. Jin Liwei's eyes never left her pale face, his brow furrowed with worry.

The sound of hurried footsteps in the hallway announced the doctor's arrival. Jin Liwei stood up quickly, making way for the physician as he entered the room. 

"Doctor, thank you for coming so quickly," Jin Liwei said, his voice tight with concern. "She was fine when we talked an hour ago, but later we found her collapsed on the floor. She was drenched in sweat and her body was cold. Please, you have to help her. She just woke up from a coma, and now this..."

The doctor, taken aback by Jin Liwei's uncharacteristic display of panic, took a moment to compose himself. "Don't worry, Mr. Jin," he said calmly, placing a reassuring hand on Jin Liwei's shoulder. "We'll examine Mrs. Jin thoroughly. Try to calm down. Your stress won't help her right now."

Jin Liwei nodded, taking a deep breath as he stepped back, allowing the doctor space to work. He watched intently as the physician began his examination, checking Xie Ming's pulse and shining a small torch into her eyes.

After a few moments, the doctor looked up at Jin Liwei. "Did she take her medications today?" he asked, his tone professional but concerned.

Jin Liwei froze, realizing he didn't know the answer. He turned to look at Yu Mei, who had been standing quietly behind him, worry etched on her face.

Yu Mei stepped forward, her voice trembling slightly. "Doctor, actually Miss hasn't eaten anything since morning. She had her first meal only in the evening. I came here to give her medicine but found her collapsed on the floor."

As Yu Mei spoke, she felt a chill run down her spine. Turning slightly, she saw Jin Liwei fixing her with a death glare. The intensity of his gaze made the hair on her arms stand up in fear.

Jin Liwei's calm facade cracked. "What were you all doing?" he shouted, his voice filled with anger and frustration. "How could you not ensure she was eating properly? Are you being paid just to gossip?"

His outburst echoed through the room, causing even the head butler, who had been standing silently in the corner, to flinch. The man realized that he, too, bore responsibility for the oversight in Madam Xie Ming's care.

The doctor, sensing the tension in the room, quickly intervened. "Mr. Jin," he said, his voice firm but gentle, "I believe Mrs. Jin fainted due to a combination of factors. She hadn't eaten all day and missed her medications. Given her already weakened state, this caused her body to shut down temporarily."

Jin Liwei's anger deflated slightly as he processed the doctor's words. The physician continued, "Also, it's crucial to keep her stress levels low. Her blood pressure is elevated, which is concerning. Please try to keep her environment calm and happy. Avoid anything that might anger or stress her."

The doctor's face grew more serious as he added, "If she continues to experience such high levels of stress, there's a risk of more severe complications, potentially even a brain hemorrhage in the worst-case scenario. She's still very fragile after coming out of the coma. She needs special care and attention."

Jin Liwei listened intently, his eyes never leaving Xie Ming's pale, motionless form on the bed. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him.

As they spoke, a nurse who had accompanied the doctor administered an injection to Xie Ming. The doctor explained, "We've given her medication to help reduce her blood pressure. When she wakes up, please ensure she takes the prescribed medicines. And it's crucial that she never skips a meal. Her body is too weak to handle that right now."

"When will she wake up?" Jin Liwei asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"She should wake up by tomorrow morning," the doctor replied. "The injection we've given her will help her relax and sleep properly. Don't worry, Mr. Jin. If anything like this happens again, don't hesitate to call me immediately."

After the doctor left, escorted out by the butler, Jin Liwei sank onto the edge of the bed beside Xie Ming. He gazed at her face, noticing how the lips he had kissed earlier were now dry and chapped.

Yu Mei approached hesitantly. "Sir, if you'd like to rest, I can watch over Madam for the night," she offered, her voice soft and apologetic.

Jin Liwei shook his head firmly. "No, I'll stay with her. You can go."

Yu Mei nodded and quietly left the room, leaving Jin Liwei alone with his thoughts and the unconscious Xie Ming.

His mind raced with questions. 'Did she stress about our conversation? Or was it the kiss that surprised and startled her?' He couldn't pinpoint what exactly had caused her so much distress. 'She seemed fine downstairs, but after coming back to her room, she suddenly fainted. What happened when she came upstairs?'

Gently, he reached out and touched her forehead, smoothing the worried lines that had formed there even in unconsciousness. As he watched over her, the events of the day played through his mind on loop. The argument, the kiss, the sudden collapse – it all blurred together in a whirlwind of emotion and confusion.

Without realizing it, exhaustion began to overtake him. The stress of the day, the worry, and the late hour all conspired against him. As the night deepened, Jin Liwei's eyelids grew heavy. He tried to fight it, determined to keep watch over Xie Ming, but eventually, sleep claimed him. 

There, sitting on the edge of the bed, his hand still resting protectively near Xie Ming's, Jin Liwei drifted off into an uneasy slumber. The room fell silent, save for the soft, synchronized breathing of the sleeping couple, as the night continued its vigil over them both.

Guys, don't you think that Liwei is kinda cute.

He is cold in front of her and now he started warming up towards her.

Don't forget to vote.

Much Love.


Kamlyncreators' thoughts
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