
What If I Am?

"Why don't we just get back to practicing the hand", Xiao Fang suggested, almost urging her to stop. But she ignored him, fully concentrating on his Naked Sword that was as large as her face; from chin to hairline.

Once she felt satisfied with how it looked she finally stopped and got up. Xiao Fang who was nearly asleep woke up from this and saw her turn around thinking it was finally over. However in that moment she began sitting down in the direction of his naked sword. The sight of this terrified Xiao Fang.

"What are you doing", he said as he grabbed her by the waist stopping her descent.

"You did this with Chun Hua right, now I want to do it too".

"How are you sure that I'm not lying?"

"hmph! Am I really that repulsive to you?! I hear men can do it with even animals if they are horny enough, are you not a man?!", she angrily shouted at him.

The truth was that she was just an ordinary looking girl. Her ordinary appearance made her seem much more approachable and friendly. However, in terms of appearance she didn't compare well to the beautiful girls in this sect. Ordinary meant below average, but that wasn't the reason why he didn't want to continue.

He thought that if they were to continue any further he might accidentally hurt her. However, after she said "are you not a man" his attitude instantly changed.

"Sure, do whatever you want", not trying to stop her anymore. Her angered expression dramatically changed into a bright smile as if she were a spoiled daddy's girl that finally got what she wanted.

She sat on his sword thinking she did it, then realized she could only fit two inches.

"I'm not even half way, how can this be?", she wondered disappointedly.

A dangerous expression appeared on Xiao Fang's face. Suddenly, he thrusted his waist upwards shoving his thing much deeper. She was now about half way in. Her back arched as if someone suddenly threw a bucket of ice cold water onto her. Blood dripped down his Naked Sword as if it had pierced flesh.

His thing was only half way in, but he began to thrust her with that amount. Every thrust was slow and a struggle. After about 10 minutes of gruelling work, he finally built up enough Yang Qi from her limited Yin Qi to release a bit inside her.

"Okay, I can do it now. Are you ready?", he said exhaustedly, trying to bring this whole thing to rest.

She wore an expression of pain on her face, the same expression Xiao Fang often saw on pure maidens before he plucked their yin energy.

"No, wait, don't stop yet. My body is getting used to it... Keep going".

If even she could keep going then who was Xiao Fang to stop against this amateur. In the beginning he had been using only half of his naked sword, but to his surprise he eventually realized that he was almost completely inside her. Upon discovering this, he stared at her with admiration.

After 20 minutes, she had finally taken in his entire Naked Sword. It was the tightest hole he had ever been in. After so long of thrusting, her inner cave molded around his majestic rod. There was no way he was going to preform any kind of technique on her tight hole. So instead, he used his fingers to make her climax, but half way into it she stopped him.

"Let me try", she said.

She used what she learned from Xiao Fang. She was executing the technique like an ameture, but because Xiao Fang's hands were squeezing her little twin mountains while his Naked Sword was still thrusting into her deepest parts, she quickly got herself to climax.

Just before she climaxed, Xiao Fang lifted her by the waist, bring her up aboves his, then thrusted upwards one last time, performing a kind of partial Naked Sword Thrusting Heaven technique as his Yang Qi poured in.

However, her inned parts were too tight and she was climaxing at the same time, making it even tighter. So his Naked Sword eventually shot out of her like a rocket before he could finish. She understood why his rod came out so she dropped down and put his rod in her mouth. She nodded and he understood what she meant.

No longer able to hold his Yang Qi, it shot out one last time.

"mymm~~" she screamed softly as his warm milk trickled down her throat. It didn't taste like anything, but it gave off a strange, yet pleasurable, sensation.

She began sucking his naked sword hoping a little more would come out, but it never did. Though she was disappointed that she couldn't get anymore out, she was overall extremely satisfied with the experience.

Xun Wei sat back down on Xiao Fang's lap, this time she was facing him.

"How was I", she asked with wide eyes.

"Tight, but I enjoyed myself", he smiled.

They talked for a little while, even sharing a few laughs before leaving the bathroom together.

The sun was still high up in the air, so he followed Xun Wei back into the lecture hall. However upon entering, a few disciples recognized them and watched as they took their seats at the back of the class. Xiao Fang understood what was going on.

Everything was going according to plan. Once rumors spread, his prey would eventually come to him.

"This should be a pill concoction class. I'd say I excel the most when it comes to these kinds of things", she said proudly.

Suddenly, Xiao Fang noticed a female disciple walking towards him. She had a kind of swagger in her walk that made her seem like she was someone that shouldn't be messed with.

Xiao Fang looked at her from the corner of his eyes as if she were a freshly cooked meat and it made her hesitate, but just for a moment.

"Are you that shameless bastard that is taking advantage of the women in this sect?".

"What if I am?"

She punched at Xiao Fang, but without even opening his eyes he merely turned his head to avoid it as his hand latched onto her breast. He triggered a pressure point in that area that made it spasm.

[Attack and defend simultaneously, that is the way of the swordsmen].

She jumped back and fell onto one knee, cupping her breast with her hand, seemingly in a lot of pain. But actually, she wasn't in any pain at all, it was pleasure.

"What did you do to me?"

"What I did isn't important, how to make it stop is".

"ahhh~!" her moans in this situation resembled a painful cry which grabbed the attention of many of the disciples in the class.

"Okay, just make it stop, quick!".

"Come closer"

She walked up to him till she was close enough for him to reach.

"Now, no matter what happens, do not move or the damage will be irreversible", he warned her. She began sweating nervously.

Xiao Fang cupped her breast then he tightly squeezed it. He played with it in his one hand feeling every inch of it in the few seconds that passed. Finally he pinched her mountain peak through her clothes and twisted it clockwise and counterclockwise a few times. He squeezed, pinched, pulled, and fondled her tits till he was satisfied. He did everything imaginable to her in that short period of time and she didn't even flinch.

The female disciples watched the way he touched her and they started to feel their temperature rise.

No one felt their temperature rise more than the girl Xiao Fang was touching. She couldn't remember when her boob stopped spasming, but the way he gripped her breast was the only thing she remembered, and it felt amazing. She could feel her inner lips becoming moist. She looked at Xiao Fang with a lustful look in her eye, something Xiao Fang recognized all to well.

Eventually Xiao Fang retreated his hand with a bored look in his eye. That was all the fun he was going to get from breast behind clothes

With so many disciples now looking at them, Xiao Fang stood up and grabbed her hand and left; she obediently followed him out of the room. The female disciples all felt their inner lower lips become moist knowing what they were going to be doing before the class start. Xun Wei shook her head when she saw the expressions on the females disciples' faces .

"How many women is he gonna get like this?", she sighed.

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