

"You shouldn't underestimate my knife fighting skills too,I tend to lose it when swinging a knife so I'm just afraid I might hurt you badly during this round of fight,so you've got to be at alert too,I won't go easy on you because you a lady alright?", Yi Lan asked firmly.

"I think you should be worrying about yourself not me? Being a lady does not make me inferior to you so I will never rely on that fact because I myself I'm a thousand times capable than majority of men", Lie Ruge replied harshly.

"Is it true that winning against me is your wish? I heard Xiao Bai saying it earlier but I couldn't find the opportunity to ask you what she meant by that? We haven't met before so why did you have the desire to defeat me so much for such a long time", Yi Lan ask with concerned.He was ready to fulfil whatever her wish was but if winning this duel was her wish then he was afraid he won't be able to fulfil her wish.

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