
Enter Sandman

"Hello, Janus!"

Janus awoke to a strangers voice. A deep unsettled panic rushes fearfully through him as his eyes opened. Looking around his room for the stranger, Janus hurriedly, however calmly asks, "Who are you?" Only to be confronted with an empty room.

"Don't worry, I'm a voice in your head!"

"What? Quit shovelling verbal excrement of Bos taurus towards me. I'm not schizophrenic, so I don't have any voices in my head. Show yourself and explain why you decided to interrupt my sleep."

"Look head to the kitchen while I talk, grab a bite, it'll make my next words easier to swallow."

Janus warily leaves his bed, dressed in green and purple striped pyjamas.

"So what is it that I'll need to swallow?"

"I'm a semi ascended conscience here from the future to warn you of the impending destruction of the world within the next four years. The utter upheaval of the Earth and introduction of what seems like magic."

"Excuse me?"

"Me super ghost, world goes cray cray, and faeries teach us the meaning of the universe."

Janus then realized he was probably schizophrenic or else the world was not what he understood.

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