
Hogwarts Board Deliberation Ⅱ

Sensing that the solemn wizard is carefully pondering the delicate situation, Secundus pointedly asks, "What have you to say on the subject, Sato?"

Izuki Sato presses his lips together in a stern fashion before in a deliberate fashion before speaking. "Ellen Cracknell bares much resentment against our kind. Her ex-husband did us no favors and I trust her not alone with the children."

"I agree with Sato's assessment," Maxwell Zheng. "Mrs. Cracknell does bear prejudices against us, but might we reach a partial agreement. Shall we hire a second professor, one who not only teaches Physical Education but that acts as an aid to the Prefects? My nephew has written in his letters that with the influx of students the House Prefects are being overrun along with the Hogwarts Staff including the new addition of secondary professors. They are having trouble dealing with the influx of detentions along with managing their professional responsibilities."

Leif Amundsen frowns in thought for a moment, before saying, "I will not oppose the hiring of a second professor for Physical Education, but I oppose the hiring of Ellen Cracknell. Should there be the slightest hint of any type of scandal or abuse against the children, the Daily Prophet, and the Public will be howling for our blood."

The board members murmur in agreement with the acute statement. Frederick Livingstone hides a gleam of satisfaction. His maneuvering had worked, but he could not yet reveal all his cards. "In that instance, what of Thurman and Harmon Black, the two squib brothers. They are pureblood descendants of the Black family mixed with Hag and muggle. The two brothers satisfy all requirements for every side of the argument and are directly related by marriage to our own Chairman."

Lucius Malfoy's eyes flicker for a moment before in a very calm and collected fashion replying, "My cousins by marriage would be delighted to serve in the position. There is a distinct possibility that some of their younger children may be magical." He glances around the board and says, "All those in favor say aye?"

"Aye," the majority of the board said with Arnold opposing the vote and two board members abstaining from the vote.

"The majority has spoken, Thurman and Harmon Black shall be offered the position at Hogwarts," Lucius Malfoy declared with a smug gleam in his eye. "However, in consideration of Ellen Cracknell's strong candidacy, she will be recommended to the Quattor Accademy. I am certain that Chairman Magellan will be thrilled to have her."

Zheng Maxwell snorts in disbelief, while Leif Amundsen wryly shakes his head. Knowing the former Hogwarts Chairman and at present Chairman of Quattor Academy's, Decimus Magellan would be far from pleased. But then again with her son already serving as a member of the staff, Bedford Umbridge, perchance the hiring would be possible.

Lucius Malfoy taps his finger on the table methodically returning the attention of the Board back to him. "As previously discussed, Hogwarts will add several traditional yearly festivities from now. The first to take place this Saturday, the Lunar New Year."

Lucius paused and tilted his bow towards Mr. Sato. "We are grateful to Mr. Sato for leading the celebrations at Hogwarts this year."

"It is my honor, Chairman," the solemn Japanese wizard solemnly answered with an equal tilt of his head.

"There will be three more added celebrations with a traditional approach Valentine's Day, the Eostar and Holi in March, and Majoma or Majuma (May Day) also known as Beltane," Lucius firmly said. "We have already lost Samhain and Yule and even spring to Easter, let us at least return and once more celebrate the traditions of the magical world from ages past. And I am grateful that the Council has agreed in aiding in the return of our glorious magical past."

The board members unanimously nod their heads in agreement. Progress comes with change and in ancient times when wizards and men had yet to split, they shared many of the same traditions. But time changes everything and man grew to hate magic and wizards grew to despise the ignorance of man until they could no longer live together in peace and harmony.

"And what of Headmaster Dumbledore?" Arnold rudely interjected. "Surely, the muggle-loving fool will not accept the proposal. It is far too traditional for Dumbledore's like."

"There is no need for concern," Lucius confidently replied. "I have already written to Professor Dumbledore, and he very much approves the additions to Hogwarts." His lips slightly curl in a sneer of disbelief. "Nor did I further question the surprising change of mind. Then again, the headmaster is old, and I would not be surprised to learn that he is becoming decrepit in his old age."

Francesca De Leon sends the Chairman a warning glance, before saying, "Since, our discussion is done and over with. Shall we commence discussions of donations? I believe that with the influx of donations more children can be sponsored as well as a possible aid to the infirmary matron. My cousin has heard word that Koris Feviel has received permission from the Ministry of Magic to reopen the former Leaky Cauldron Pub under the new name of Hermetic Cauldron."

"And this is relevant how?" Arnold flatly interrupted. "We are already aware that the half-breed branch of the Greengrass family breed like rabbits."

Francesca De Leon narrowed her eyes dangerously causing Arnold to blanch and feign ignorance as he glanced away. "As I was explaining before I was so rudely interrupted with the Ministry of Magic favoring the act of Koris Feviel, his cousin, Benedict Greengrass also spoke in favor of another of his cousins, Ames Seymour, a widower, and a mediwizard through the courting partner of his son, Sylvia Flint."

Francesca paused at seeing the understanding dawn on the rest of the Hogwarts board members. "Stephen Flint spoke in favor of the proposal during the past session and even Barty Crouch did not oppose the suggestion since his son attends Hogwarts and had expressed concerns about the lack of sufficient staff at Hogwarts. Furthermore, the Ministry of Magic has long sought a permanent mediwizard to reside in Hogsmeade. Mr. Seymour has accepted the request and will move to set up a permanent clinic at Hogsmeade. Furthermore, several of his unwed cousins from France who are also healers including a mediwitch will work at the clinic with him as chaperones. I believe that it will greatly be in our favor to forge a contract with the clinic to have an additional member of their staff present throughout the school week at Hogwarts. With the ability to summon help from the nearby clinic on the weekends since the clinic will be in such proximity."

"A most excellent proposal, De Leon," Frederick Livingstone gruffly said in sincere agreement as Izuki Sato solemnly agreed as well.

With murmurs of agreement spreading through the board, Lucius says, "Very well, all those in favor of forging a contract with the clinic say aye?"

"Aye," was said by all the Hogwarts Board members except for Garrick Arnold. The haughty wizard's face twisted in dislike, but there was nothing he could do about it. At times, like these, he recalled his cousin's words about how the filth of the muggle world was spreading into their world. Why magical creatures were now openly being hired, hags, and goblins?! What was next!

No, something very much needs to be done, Garrick Arnold solemnly swore to speak to his cousin this very night. His cousin had been rebutted by their family for being a fanatic for becoming a Death Eater. Well, his cousin was a true visionary, because there was something very wrong with the wizarding world! And it needed to be cleansed in blood to be forged anew.

There will always be disagreements in politics. I tried to highlight all sides of the negotiations.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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