
Panicked Arrival Ⅱ

The three younger witches visibly shiver at the question, but the fair-haired middle-aged witch's blue eyes remain cold and calm. The elegant, stern beautiful witch purses her lips into a thin line. "There was a giant attack, we managed to survive, but we lost Lucretia and Ignatius Prewett, Bilius Weasley," Druella said, before hesitating and adding, "Juliet D'Eath."

Arthur lets out a pained whimper at hearing the death of his older brother and in-laws by marriage. Ignatius Prewet and always treated him well and especially his Mollywobbles and the children. "What of Ronell?" Arthur desperately rasped. "Is he still alive?!" He hopefully gazed at the older witch.

"Your brother yet lives, Arthur," Druella carefully answered, "but he was severely wounded. He is presently at St. Mungo's being treated."

Arthur's face relaxes only a bit of relief as grief overcomes his features causing him to close his blue eyes to hold tears at bay. He didn't know what he was going to tell his dad, Septimius Weasley. His dad hadn't wanted to attend the Prince Ball claiming to be much too old, but he had wanted his three sons to attend the presentation ball…And now his older Bilius was gone, his older brother who always had a smile and laughter in his eyes was simply gone!

Seeing her husband's grief, Molly can only comfort her husband by wrapping an arm around him as tears whelm up in her own warm brown eyes. Her uncle, Ignatius was dead including her Aunt Lucretia not to mention her brother-in-law. She didn't know how her father would take this, but she knew that he would be absolutely heartbroken to have outlived his last remaining sibling.

Druella interrupts the grieving family and says, "I understand your grief Arthur Weasley, but there is a subject of importance that must be said," causing Arthur to blink his tears back as anger fills his wet eyes.

"And what can possibly be of such importance, Druella, when my brother lies newly dead!" Arthur growled with genuine anger. "If this about some obscure pureblood tradition, well, I care nary a wit about it! It can go to Hell for all I care!"

Not surprised by the outburst, Druella does not even bat an eye at her younger cousin-in-law's reaction. "You are grieving, Arthur," she lightly chided him, before letting out a tired sigh. "I understand and even emphasize the reason for your current emotional state, but there are grave matters of importance that must be discussed as they will directly impact every single integrant of the Black family."

Arthur pushes back his anger and stiffly nods his head at his cousin-in-law by marriage. "What is it, Druella?" He roughly croaked.

"The reason for our survival this day was not to our own doing, but rather the warning of the half-," Druella paused and rephrased her statement, "-the child, Lorcan D'Eath. The children would not have survived if not for the boy's instincts and more importantly, he directly saved the life of your son, Bill Weasley."

Arthur lets out a surprised sound as he knew their neighbor's son, Loran, and that Bill rather enjoyed playing with the older boy. He was a pale child, but he was a good lad. And he was rather patient despite Bill always wanting to tag along with the older boy and his friend, Glenda from the village.

"A life debt is owed to the boy and more so now," Druella solemnly declared, "His mother, the widow, Juliet D'Eath perished in the attack, and the child is effectively now an orphan."

Arthur lets out a choked sound as he knew that the widow D'Eath was who his brother, Bilius had been secretly courting. His older brother had sworn him to secrecy and he'd even gone as far as to prohibit him from telling his Mollywobbles. In fact, Bilius was to present Juliet D'Eath today to the Blacks and their father, Septimius Weasley to show his sincerity in his courting of the widowed witch. And now, they were both gone without a chance to have ever even attempt to make a life together for themselves.

Arthur closes his eyes in a futile attempt to hold the tears that are forcing their way down his face at bay. A hint of pity surfaces in the depths of Druella's eyes as she says, "A life debt must be repaid and even more so with the death of his mother. It is the creed, a life for a life, the debt must be repaid."

"A life for a life?" Molly rather startled interjected at the solemn pureblood's words.

"We will speak further on the subject on how to settle the debt," Druella calmly explained as she handed her slumbering granddaughter to her son-in-law, "but for now, the child still slumbers and heals from his wounds. The child will surely awaken at some point and I do not wish for the child to find himself alone and disoriented. I shall be the first to tend to him, but another will need to take my place."

Druella pauses to straighten out her sleeves, before continuing, "Funeral arrangements will need to be made-," she is unable to finish her sentence as scores of footsteps can be heard as the entire direct Black family pours including Dorea Potter and Septimius Weasley.

Notably absent are the younger Black family members including Sirius and Regulus, who had been tactfully been left in the care of their cousin Barty Crouch Sr.'s wife, Bertha Crouch. They had agreed that it was the best course that the youths be left in the care of kin, while Barty Crouch Sr. departed for the Ministry of Magic, and the elder Black family members resolved any issues that might have arisen in their absence. That and they wanted to ensure the safety of the youngest branch members should anything occur. It was not an impossibility and at least in that manner, the family lineage would be preserved no matter what else might occur that evening.

Without a single word, Arthur's blue watery eyes meet the faded blue eyes of his father, Septimius Weasley, who had also attended the presentation ball. The elderly wizard lets out a pained gasp in meeting his youngest son's eyes in wordless communication. His face grows ashen and older, before unsteadily wobbling for a moment until Orion Black hastily aids the elderly wizard into a lavish chair.

"Who was it?" Septimius gasped as he attempted to breathe through the abrupt pain in his chest. The Black family grows concerned at the suddenly aged face of the elder wizard.

"Giants," Arthur feebly croaked, "Da, they got Bilius-," his voice for a moment, before he rasped, "but Ronell's at St. Mungos. He's still alive."

Septimius let out a low moan of pain and hunched over with grief. He had promised his beloved wife, Cedrella (nee Black) to always care for their children. And now his eldest son, Bilius lay dead and his second son lay gravely injured. How could things have possibly gone so dreadfully wrong?!

Irrationally panic-filled Septimius as he climbed to his feet panting. "I need to see my son," he breathlessly huffed frantically loosening the collar of his robes and shirt. A silver button pops off his collar in his haste and shoots off the floor, before disappearing under one of the settees.

Without any hesitation, Druella points her wand at the elder wizard and says, "Stupefy." Red sparks emerge from the tip of her wand and stun the wizard. Like a board, Septimius becomes stiff and begins to tilt, before Orion Black hastily reaches out to safely catch the elderly man and settle him gently onto the rich carpeted floor.

The handsome figure of Orion Black raises his gray eyes in annoyance to his deceased cousin/brother-in-law's wife, Druella Black. "There was no need to go to such lengths, Druella," he crossly said, before bending down to carefully check the elderly wizard's pulse.

"He was quickly becoming hysterical," Druella pointedly arched her brow. "And I am certain that he is having heart palpitations, he should be sent directly to St. Mungo's to be checked by the healers."

"I'll go with Dad," Arthur hurriedly replied. "I need to check on Ronnell…" His voice trails off feebly.

"You are in no condition to floo nor apparate yourself or others, Arthur," Druella pointed out, before arching her brow at Orion expectantly.

Orion glowers back, before levitating the stunned elderly wizard with a flick of his wand. "Come, Arthur, it is best that we make haste," he kindly said to his cousin.

"Right," Arthur numbly said, before pressing a kiss to the forehead of his Mollywobbles, before hurrying after the figure of his cousin.

"Come, we have much to discuss," Druella gestured to the elders of the Black family leaving the younger family members and children in the care of her sister-in-law, Walburga Black. Walburga would be certain to sort out everything and ensure that the three younger witches were properly seen too.

I am pretty sure that even wizards and witches can have a heart attack... They are human after all, just magical ones at that!

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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