
Chapter 798 – D.A. Club? Ⅳ

The rest of the D.A. club time passed quickly with James and Severus running around busy-like instructing those that needed more instruction and help. With one eye on the group, James stealthily peeked at the club members of the D.A. Club. He had been more than surprised by a few of the club members.

James had always known that Alice Longbottom, well, Yates for now as she had to marry his friend, Frank Longbottom. Alice had been a strong Auror and a force to reckon with in the Auror Corps. Still, he had never had the opportunity to see her in action.

Despite the lack of experience and training of the Auror Corps, James could easily see the reckoning force that Alice would one day be. She never ceased to attack her opponent and never ceased to return fire. Her defenses were rather open at times as a result and by far were her largest of weaknesses. However, that tended to be generally and rather forcefully corrected in the Auror Corps should Alice elect to join the Auror Corps.

The other fourth years from Gryffindor and Leticia Bones at times had far more courage than strength, but they stubborn and resilient. A good and bad trait to have at times. While the Ravenclaw's seemed to know a little bit of everything but were at times the slowest at the draw for that same reason. Not so much as for lacking talent, but rather hesitating far too long with indecision. In battle, one is rarely ever afforded the opportunity to debate their options, but rather are must make an instantons decision that will determine their future or that of others.

The group that had surprised James the most were the Slytherins and the Hufflepuffs. Because the Death Eaters were joined by many purebloods and a good portion of Slytherins, the Slytherins were largely seen as treacherous villains. The fact that tended to be omitted is that the Slytherins would not have been recruited by Lord Voldemort if they were not talented in spell casting and dueling. There was a very good reason as to why Voldemort was winning towards the end of the war.

James feels a feeling of regret in remembrance. If the Slytherins had not been so marginalized and sidelined, the war could have easily been won and over with that much sooner. He knew that and even if that was too late to remedy, but he would ensure that the same mistake would not be repeated again.

On the other hand, the Hufflepuffs were often underestimated despite being such a tenacious bunch. The Hufflepuffs would use their weaknesses to lure their opponent in and counterattack that point. It was a tactic that shocked James, because as a Gryffindor they tended to go in with force to attack. It was a double-edged sword, but the tactic of the Hufflepuffs seemed far more useable and applicable in battle. The Hufflepuffs were known for their hard work and dedication. It was clearly visible now.

James is pulled out of thoughts by Professor Prince loudly clapping her hands together to gain their attention. "It is nearly dinner time, so off you go," she firmly instructed them, before shooed them out with her hands.

There is no disagreement from anyone in the classroom despite some looks of obvious disappointment. No one was stupid enough to say anything to Professor Prince's face. Loud voices of excitement are heard as those leaving promise to tell and invite more of their friends. Alice for sure certain promised to do so as she thought the club a great way to prepare for N.E.W. T's and for those wishing to be Auror's. She planned to join her boyfriend Frank at the Auror Academy and become an Auror herself.

With the crowd still waving goodbye, James begins to clean up the scuff marks from the walls and floors including the ceiling. By the time, he finishes rearranging and putting the puppets back in place everyone is gone except for Severus, and Professor Prince.

"Well, I'll be heading off, James," Severus said as he grabbed his bag off from the floor. "I have patrol later tonight, so I best scarf down my food and try to work on my homework since I won't have any time this evening."

"I'll see you in the Great Hall," James replied as Severus waves goodbye and hurries out of the classroom towards the Great Hall for dinner.

The slender form of Professor Georgine Prince arches her head to stare down her nose at the unruly haired form of James Potter. "Mr. Potter, I expect that your hair will be far more tamed for the presentation of my great-niece," she pointedly instructed, before touching her own short slightly salt-peppered hair that is swept to the side of her head like a ravens wings.

Seeing that Professor Prince had nothing to complain about regarding the club activity, James ruefully replies, "I will do my best, Professor, but my hair does seem to have a mind of its own at times. And incidentally, thank you, Professor Prince, this would not have been possible without your aid."

Georgine Prince merely snorts and says, "A bargain is a bargain, Mr. Potter," before turning on her heels and departing towards the Great Hall for dinner. She had far better things to do with her time than mind students on her own time. Really, what did they take her for, a Hufflepuff?!

James is left shaking his head and muttering something under his breath safely out of earshot of Professor Prince about Prince women being alike. Taking a step back, he checks the classroom and finds that everything is right where it ought to be. Satisfied, he grabs his bag, and removes a silver key from inside. He had been granted the key by Professor Dumbledore and he had been asked to ensure that it was not lost.

Taking his responsibility much more seriously than he would have ever as a student, James with great care locks the door behind him, and ensures the door is locked, before putting the key away in his personal mokeskin pouch. He had begun to walk down the hall, when he noticed that one of the classrooms was slightly ajar.

James frowned and walked over, before peering inside to find confetti all over the place. Peeves must have gotten into the classroom. Rolling his eyes, James lifts his wand and casts the vanishing spell, "Evanesco." The confetti vanished leaving the classroom as it had been before.

James wrinkles his nose a bit at the dust that was in the air and turns to leave when he spots a sheet that slipped to reveal silver claws and the bottom of a glassy surface framed by a golden frame. There are runes at the bottom of the golden frame that read as "Erised Stra Ehru Ovt Ube Cafru Ovt On Wohsi."

James frowned at the words and not for the first time lamented his choice in Divination rather than Ancient Runes. Feeling a bit curious despite himself, he approaches the mirror and moves aside part of the sheet aside. The reflection partially shows a familiar woman hands cradling a sleepy toddler with dark fluffy bird-like hair with sleepy emerald eyes, his son, Harry with an inflamed scar-like lightning bolt on his forehead.

A fierce heartache causes James to fall onto his knees panting unable to stare at the reflection before. His rapid breathing increases feeling faint much like the time before with Rowan. With unsteady hands he reaches into his pouch and removes a blue swirling vial filled with a calming draught that he had been given by the infirmary matron, Poppy for emergencies.

James spills some of the calming draught on his clothes, but he manages to gulp down most of the potion. Still breathing rapidly, he rests on his hands and knees until his breath slows down and the emotional turmoil mostly passes away. Feeling rather sickly, he wipes the cold sweat from his face and unsteadily rises to his feet.

Without gazing into the reflection, James pulls back the sheet to cover the rest of the surface of the mirror. Pulling his hand back as if scalded, he stares at his pale trembling hand, before clenching it painfully into his fist until his nails drew blood from his hand. Not even letting out a hiss of pain, he unclenches his hand to see raw, red crescent moons in his palm.

James did not know what dark sorcery the mirror was, but it was something vile. Casting a spell over the mirror to hide it, he turns away to leave. Feeling sick to his stomach, he hurries out of the classroom towards the nearest boy's bathroom to empty his stomach.

Panting James flushed the mess down the toilet, before stumbling out of the stall to his pale and ashen face that resembled that of a dead mans. Washing his hands first, he then throws cold water onto his face, before drying it with the sleeve of his robe.

Hanging his head over the sink for a moment, James merely stands there lost in thought. He no longer had an appetite and joining everyone in the Great Hall no longer appealed to him. A trip to the infirmary would be best, and he did not trust himself at this time. He did not deserve it.

And with those swirling dark clouds of thoughts, James left and made his way to the Gryffindor Tower. For as a writer once said, "I am I, and I wish I weren't." Regret is the bitterest of poisons to take and serves only to drive one mad with that very same regret.

I hope that you all had a great labor day! And please remember that the Mirror of Erised shows the deepest of desires, but hidden truths as well. Please remember that in HP, Book 1, Harry saw his parents who he didn't remember and grandparents and countless other relatives in the background. The Mirror of Erised in a way defined the laws of magic showing things that Harry had no way of knowing. I wanted to apply that little detail to what James can see.

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