
Ask NOW!

With the month of November coming to an end on that very weekend, Sunday to be precise; and with Professor Slughorn having been liberated of all his pesky duties, Professor Slughorn would be throwing quite the social event. He claimed it was to ease the tension on the students that were studying for their O.W.L.'s and N.E.W.T.'s but also reward those that had been proactive about their mentorships. Although everyone knew that it was Professor Slughorn celebrating his early retirement as Head of House and passing along the tiresome burden to Professor Mortimer.

Not that Rowan could get out of attending the event as she had already been coerced into doing so. The only small silver lining was that she would not likely have to attend another Slug Club event. With Professor Slughorn ceasing to be their Head of House after the winter holidays, Rowan could always claim to be too busy to attend. And Professor Slughorn could huff and puff, all he wanted, but he would be unable to force her with Professor Mortimer as their new Head of House. That and she didn't need to bring a date.

The remaining portion of the week passed away in a tired, busy blur. Rowan and Severus hardly ever seemed to have the luxury to enjoy their weekends. Their luxury was to sleep in on Saturday and Sunday, and not be as busy patrolling. However, they were usually stuck doing homework with an occasional free time spent reading or taking a nap to catch up on sleep. Oh, yes, they were just living the teenage dream!

It was after lunch the last Saturday of November and the Slytherin common room was filled with the forms of 5th & 7th years studying in preparation of their O.W.L.'s and N.E.W.T.'s. The first year snakeling's and younger years play games in their dorms or if in the common room quietly read or chat, while a play wizarding chess or gobblestones. Not excluding the figures that trickle down the male and female dorms to raid the snack table and hurriedly return to their dorm room with their raided goodies to share with their friends and dorm mates.

Among them is the form of Rachel Grimond which causes a faint smile to appear on Rowan's face. The Slytherin second-year transfer student's hair is no longer scraggily or greasy. Her hair had been neatly cut back to frame her face and was silky soft. She had lost her yellow tint-colored skin from malnourishment and looked now at the peak of health. Not to mention the fact that the second-year girl carried herself with much more confidence and had finally made friends with the girls in her dorm. In fact, at times now it even seemed that they were glued at the hip.

Rowan had to admit that Quyen Crowley is a good mentor to Rachel Grimond. Under Quyen's care Rachel had learned to speak better and all sorts of manners that would of use to a Slytherin. Quyen Crowley was surprisingly patient with the girl, and Rowan had often caught Quyen Crowley proudly staring at her younger protégé. Not that Rowan could fault her for Rachel Grimond had come a long way from being an angry, wary child to a much more confident and happier one.

Rowan turns her gaze away from the disappearing form of Rachel Grimond scrambling up the stairs leading to the girl dorms with her friends carefully clutching their chosen snacks in their arms. Rowan's gaze instead turns toward the delicate-looking form of Terry. Terry's floppy light-colored hair is elegantly pulled back with a masculine clip. His hazel eyes are intent on the book before him as he furrows his brows in concentration.

Despite Rowan's fears and all of their friends including Severus, Terry was a decent mentor to Jeremy Heskel, a first-year, and former werewolf. Terry often took the time to tutor the boy and his friend, Frederick Baddock. And most importantly teaching them to understand the tides of power and politics. Often enough now at breakfast, Jeremy Heskel and Frederick Baddock could be seen sharing a copy of the Daily Prophet studying the flows of politics to later discuss them with Terry. It was rather disturbing at times, but at least Terry had found a willing outlet to hear all his theories, (mostly gossip). And frankly came as much-needed relief to Rowan and all of them. There was only so much chatter that one could take, before having the urge to cover one's ears or strangling the other individual, (by the name of Terry Greengrass).

A loud sigh to the right of her causes Rowan's lips to twitch irritably. Turning to gaze at the sighing form of her twin brother, Severus, Rowan finally loses all patience with him. Pointing in the direction of the common room door, she darkly threatened, "Go and ask Lily right now, Severus, before I decide to cast the silencing charm on you or worse."

Severus sputters indignantly as Terry looks up from his book and drily says, "Look mate, Rowan isn't far off from the truth. You've been sighing loudly all this past week," Terry paused to make a shrinking gesture with his thumb and forefinger. "And I am this close to putting a pillow over your face and smothering you in your sleep, Severus."

Severus sputters even more loudly earning them several glares and scowls from those around them. Severus quiets down a bit but still looks rather indignant. A Dragon Pox on all of them!

The short, strawberry blonde bobbed hair of Tiffany sways as she sets her quill down and glances up with annoyance plain on her pretty face. Pursing her lips prettily, she says, "Look Severus, we've already gone over this multiple times. You need to ask a primary escort to accompany you to your presentation ball. Now, if you don't want to ask Lily that's fine, I can accompany you. However, as I explained before, the primary escort is a rather significant role and my parents including others will assume that you are interested in further pursuing the association. Unless that is your intent then I am automatically excluded and any other female acquaintance that you know of is either in a relationship or is unavailable. So, if you don't, choose now, I am certain that your grandfather will more than happily select a partner for you."

Severus has the grace to look a bit guilty at Tiffany's words before the lovely visage of Bethanie neatly sets down the potions supplementary book that she was reading. Bethanie's long, wavy auburn is prettily pulled back with an emerald ribbon that hangs over one shoulder. "This had gone on long enough, Severus. We have explained the situation on multiple occasions, so immediately desist this sulking of yours, it is most unseemly." It truly was in the girl's eyes. They were SLYTHERINS!

What are the annoying things your friends do?

Personally, I can't stand it when my friends make poor decisions and then come to me to complain. I have a very short patience span when it comes to dealing with this, I usually have to walk out of a room after five minutes lest I say something unkind...

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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