
Rachel Grimond Ⅳ

Later that evening after the first to fourth year Slytherin's had been sent off early to bed, the common room is bustling and packed to the brim with the entire fifth, sixth, and seventh years. The common room is filled with hushed whispers as everyone discusses why Professor Slughorn has requested the presence of all three higher years. It must have been something awfully important for him to dare disturb the studying of the seventh years.

In one of the corners of the common room, the familiar six friends gather together. Terry idly scratches his chin in thought, before turning to speculatively at his friend/roommate. "So, what exactly is going on, Severus?"

Severus folds his arms and thoughtfully frowns. "I have no idea, Professor Slughorn didn't mention anything like this to us this morning during our meeting. Whatever it is, it's probably something he just thought up of at the last minute."

Terry has an inquisitive expression on his face at Severus's response. He wasn't the only one as Silvia's gray-blue eyes flash before commenting out loud. "Well, whatever it is, it must be important enough that Slughorn even has the seventh years present."

Rowan pointedly keeps her face blank and follows their curious stares over to gaze at the curious but irked seventh years. They didn't stare too long lest they acquire the unwitting wrath of the 7th years. It was like gazing at an angry dragon, one just knew the encounter wouldn't end well.

"Well, it can't be all that bad," Bethanie finally pointed out. "With N.E.W.T.'s coming up, whatever it is, it can't affect the seventh years too much." Still, that was not a very assuring thought or comfort.

"Fair point," Terry murmured in agreement.

Frowning Tiffany shakes her head causing her strawberry blond bobbed hair to whirl around for a moment. "I don't know if it's quite as simple as that either. If anything, I'm betting it has something to do with the influx of transfer students," Tiffany bluntly pointed out.

Rowan shoots Tiffany an assessing measuring glance. Ever since, the death of Vasco, Tiffany seemed far more intelligent than in previous years. Then again, Tiffany had likely hidden this shrewd part of herself from her fiancé and society. It would make sense considering everything and Tiffany was a Slytherin after all.

They did not have much more time to speculate as they all go quiet at hearing the common room entrance swing open. Quickly the large, bulky figure of Professor Slughorn appears revealing his velvet-covered body. His gooseberry-colored eyes gleam in the candlelight as do his golden buttons on his waistcoat while stroking his still gleaming walrus mustache.

Closely following behind him is the figure, Professor Eponine Mortimer. Her stiff, straight hair is cut short to her shoulders. She was shallow-skinned, nearly flat-chested, but with a surprising angelic face. There was little doubt in anyone's mind that she was related to her cousin, Terry Greengrass.

Most of the Slytherin fifth years and up hadn't really interacted with the new Potions Professor, who solely taught the younger years. However, from ears dropping on the conversations of the younger years the though Professor Mortimer was strict, she had a rather mischievous side much like her younger cousin, Terry Greengrass. If a potion's class properly behaved itself, she'd throw in an enjoyable potion for them to learn in the next class period such as a bubble potion. Surprisingly, this type of incentive was more than anything else taming the Gryffindor's and other rambunctious children into properly behaving themselves during potions.

That and they all recalled the proposition incident. Despite not having been involved, they all knew that the 3rd years' went straight after that. Professor Mortimer was no pushover, unlike Professor Slughorn which spoke volumes about her.

Clearing his throat loudly, Professor Slughorn's second chin wobbles from the force. He clamps his stubby fingers around his velvet jacket as he begins to speak. "Good evening, children," Slughorn said. "I'm sure that you've all met, Professor Mortimer. She is an excellent potioneer in her own right, who is teaching potions to the younger years."

The older years all nod their heads at her with respect including Terry pointedly flashing his cousin a smirk. Professor Mortimer must have noticed because she smirked right back at him. The two cousins sported matching grins, before composing themselves.

Professor Slughorn doesn't even notice as he pompously continues, "Professor Mortimer has graciously agreed to be the Slytherin Assistant House Head until the winter holidays-."

Every Slytherin student in the common room keeps their face pointedly blank. But they were all thinking exactly the same thing, "Slughorn's dumping all the detentions and work on her." But at least, maybe, now, they'd have a more stable House Head even if it was a proxy.

However, they were all shocked silly by Professor Slughorn's following statement. "After the winter holidays, I shall humbly step down from my position as Head of House of Slytherin and turn the position over to Professor Mortimer. I am not as young as I once was, and though I amply enjoyed my time as your Head of House, I wish to spend my time pursuing other interests of mine."

The shock must have been visible on all of the student's face including that of Rowan that Professor Slughorn hastily said, "Not to worry, I shall continue to remain at Hogwarts teaching Potions to all of the older years for more years to come. In fact, it will allow me to devote more time to-."

Most of the students drone out Professor Slughorn's boastful words, while they carefully reevaluated the smirking, smug figure of Professor Mortimer. They all had a single question on their mind. By Salazar Slytherin's beard, how had Professor Mortimer managed to persuade Professor Slughorn to willingly step down from Head of Slytherin? It must have been some cunning bit of flattery that persuaded Slughorn to agree so easily without any protest.

While Terry looked inexplicably proud at his cousin's achievement, Rowan couldn't help gawk, a bit at Professor Mortimer. Rowan had vastly underestimated Professor Mortimer's powers of persuasion. Then again, Professor Mortimer did inherit genuine Veela charms inherited from her great-grandmother. Truthfully, it was a bit frightening to behold.

Though now, Rowan couldn't help but begin to bitterly regret her suggestion that had opened the door to this drastic change. Not that the Slytherin students wouldn't be that much better for it with an actual adult, who cared. It's just that she had the feeling that a lot of students were going to have the rug pulled out from underneath their feet. It was easy to pull over the wool over Slughorn's eyes, but certainly not over Professor Mortimer. If anything, Professor Mortimer would manage to turn the tables in her favor.

Slughorn realizing that he had been droning on for a bit loudly clears his throat bringing the student's attention back to him. "In the meanwhile, Professor Mortimer will immediately begin to take over Head of House duties to prepare her for the full transfer of power after the winter holidays. In the future, should you need or require anything or have any further questions, please direct them all to Professor Mortimer. Her office hours are clearly posted and as the current Slytherin Assistant House Head she will be available to all of you."

Slughorn self-importantly bounces on his toes causing his large bulk to ripple, before saying, "That being said, it has come to my attention that our transfer students are in urgent need of aid. As such, after careful deliberation, it has occurred to me to assign each transfer student a mentor. These mentors will provide aid in tutoring or even keeping an eye out for their protégé."

There is a loud chorus of groans that sweep the common room, particularly from the seven years. "Now, now, calm yourselves," Slughorn briskly said. "I am not asking you all to spend every single day with them nor much less tutor them every day. But set an hour or two per week to tutor them and keep an eye out for them. I don't want to hear that anyone's protégé was abandoned to their own devices."

The seventh years look a little more relieved at Slughorn's response, but not by much. They would still have to give up an hour or two each week to take care of some pesky younger year. It was annoying, to say the least.

"That being said," Professor Slughorn said. "There will also be a reward. For those that properly do their job, they may attend one or more of my parties. It is quite the exclusive event if I do say so myself."

More than a few faces brighten up at Slughorn's offer. Slughorn's parties though annoying at times did indeed offer an excellent chance to make higher-up connections. Any Slytherin knew the worth of such an invitation and instantly agreed in their minds to at least try not to hex their brat and attempt to drill intelligence into the brat's mind.

Seeing that none of the Slytherins are verbally protesting, Slughorn pulls out a rolled-up list from his pocket. "Naturally not everyone will be matched up," Slughorn said to the relief of some, and the disappointment of others. "However, that being said, if you do not feel equal to the task, please say so, and the opportunity will be offered to one who did not receive such a chance."

Some students immediately opted out such as Hortense Sicca and Gertrude Fowl. Not that they were suitable to be mentors at all, but it was the principal of things. No, Slytherin wanted to be told that they were less than acceptable.

I would like to point out the fact that if Slytherin had actually had a competent Head of House, so much could have been prevented. Let's be frank, Professor Slughorn was easily distracted by everything except for the students in his house.....

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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