
Dumbledore’s Office Ⅲ

Unsurprised by the answer, James wilts clenches his hands into fists within his robes. "I can't just sit and watch those that I love to be killed all over again, Professor Dumbledore!" James flatly retorted. "I've watched far too many innocent people die because of that madman and I shan't stand aside again!"

"Calm yourself, Mr. Potter," Albus sternly ordered. "I have not yet finished speaking."

Breathing fiercely, James leans back into his chair, and stiffly says, "Sorry, Professor."

"It is understandable given the circumstances, young man," Albus graciously said. "Now despite my not being able to employ you as a full-time member of the Order, I can however employ you here at Hogwarts."

"At Hogwarts?" James said in disbelief. "Is you know who already recruiting among the Slytherins?"

Albus slowly shakes his head and says, "No, Mr. Potter. And please call him, Riddle. I do not like giving such a dark wizard power over us with the fear of using his name."

"Riddle," James slowly said, wondering if that was a code name of sorts. "Very well. Then what am I to do?"

"I will need you to protect my two apprentices', the Prince twins."

"Why them?!"

"Mr. Potter, I do not know if you are already aware, but they are the legitimate last heirs of Salazar Slytherin and Merlin himself through the Prince line. And thorough their deceased squib father, Tobias Snape, the last heirs of Godric Gryffindor and Helga Hufflepuff."

James is utterly flabbergasted unable to comprehend such an improbable tale until he flushed with shame. He had heard all of this before, but he had not truly believed it at that time. Shoving his embarrassment aside, he asks, "Then Professor am I to provide protection duties to them?"

"Only when they are off school grounds," Albus said. "Riddle has already tried to kill my apprentice, Rowan in her third year during the Winter Holidays."

James frowns and says, "It wasn't mentioned by my friends."

"No, the students are not aware of the occurrence of said event including most of the staff believe it a product of a terrible illness with the exception of the matron," Albus confessed. "However, Rowan barely survived the poison that would have ripped her magic apart. Even the healers were baffled she survived and much less did not end up a squib. She was most fortunate to survive with all of her magic still intact. Still, it took her quite some time to fully recover from the deadly attack."

"Is that all?" James crisply inquired.

"I propose making a study group of sorts, Mr. Potter," Albus said with a twinkle in his eye. "A place where spells can be taught and some Auror skills can be passed along to some of the other students. Though I will require at least one Prefect to be present at all times."

James lips together in frustration, but he knows that is the headmaster is right. Despite being twenty-one years old mentally, physically he is still only fourteen years old. It was already rather gracious of the headmaster to allow him any minor role of participation in the Order of the Phoenix.

"Thank you, Professor Dumbledore," James hoarsely said.

"Now then young man, please stand," Albus said as he heaved himself to his feet. Pulling out his wand, he beings to chant ancient words as golden-like streams begin to stream out of him and intertwine around James' wrist.

"Do you James Fleamont Potter swear to bind yourself to the Order of the Phoenix?" Albus said, "To uphold the purpose of the Order at all costs even until death. And said breaking of this oath even unto resulting in death?"

James resolutely answers, "I swear."

"So, mote be," Albus said as the golden ties swirled around James like chains, before disappearing. "Welcome to the Order of the Phoenix, Mr. Potter."

"Thank you, Professor," James flashed a faint smile.

"Now off you go to dinner, Mr. Potter," Albus said. "I'm sure that your friends are worried and waiting for you."

"Yes, and thank you, sir," James said with a head nod, before walking away.

Albus watches the youth go until the door closes and the presence of the young man vanished.

The portrait of a clever looking wizard opens his dark gray eyes. He has dark hair, a pointed beard, and thin eyes. The former Headmaster Phineas Nigellus Black moved causing his green and silver robes to shimmer in the light. "Well, don't tell me you honestly believed that load of crook, Albus?!"

"I looked into his mind, Phineas," Albus sighed as he took a seat behind his desk. "That was no boy, but a man."

"Memories can be faked," Phineas sneered from his portrait. "Honestly, you, Gryffindors taking everything at face value and never looking beyond the initial facade!"

"Now, Phineas!" Chided the former Hufflepuff Headmistress and famous healer, Professor Dilys Derwent. Her silver ringlets gleam in the light as she frowns in disapproval. "If Albus says he checked then let him be!"

"Rubbish," Phineas growled. "You're even worse than a Gryffindor, Dilys! You're a Hufflepuff!"

"Why I never!" Dilys Derwent gasped in outrage.

"Phineas holds your tongue," said, Professor Walter Aragon. A dark-haired man in his middle age that seemed rather upright. "Albus is one of the most powerful wizards alive. His prowess at Legilimency is unmatched and he can even tell if a memory is a lie."

"I for one am strongly on Phineas' side," nasally snapped the former Slytherin Headmistress., Professor Elizabeth Burke. She has bright red hair that is pulled back with an Elizabeth era ruffled collar around her neck with rich velvet robes. "Albus should have at least verified the intentions of this so-called traveler. What if he lied and has nefarious intentions?!"

The portraits begin to shout siding on either side giving Albus a headache. Fawkes finally lets out a sharp cry of disapproval as the portraits quiet down. "What is done," Albus finally said. "And that young man bears us no ill. However, he does bear Riddle much hatred."

The portraits settle down to sleep as Phineas merely sniffs and mutters, "I'm off to see the family." Not that meant anything now. He'd thrown a fit upon learning that his great-granddaughter and great-grandson had not only allowed a muggleborn husband and husband into the family. But a Weasley descendant of all things from his own granddaughter, Cedrella Black!

Standards were simply falling everywhere! Not that he had a choice. Edward Tonks, that annoying muggleborn wizard had happily informed him of a muggle product that worked on magical portraits called, paint striper; when he wouldn't stop screaming at his descendants, his great-great-granddaughter Walburga and her husband, his great-great-grandson, Orion Black. Not that he felt threatened, no sire! He was merely being cautious to further test said muggleborn wizard that was indeed not the case.

His only consolation was that at least his lovely great-great-great-granddaughter had married right, Lucius Malfoy. Now there was a perfectly good bred pureblood family. And that a new addition was on the way. Finally, one of his dreams of tying the Black's and Malfoy's together had come true. However, now he just had to figure out how to tie the Prince's to them. Not to worry, if this generation couldn't achieve it, there was always hope for the next generation!

I would like to point out that at the time of James Potter's death, Dumbledore would have likely either not known or had yet to compile the entire life events of Tom Marvolo Riddle. And if he had, well, he wasn't likely to share them. Albus Dumbledore liked to keep his cards close to his chest, so only that he knew them.

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