
Hereditary Ⅳ

Within her bedroom, Rowan lets out a grumble as she finishes changing into some looser clothing. According to Sir Knight Prince, both she and Severus were wanted in the training room. She still felt rather weak, and with a bit of a headache after the breathing exercise less than an hour ago with Sir Knight Prince. Not that she was not excited at the prospect of training, just not today of all days.

Rather grumpy at this point, Rowan makes her way out of bedroom to see the confident expression on Severus's face. Seeing his twin's scowl, Severus arches his brow and says, "Well aren't you in a pleasant mood this afternoon?"

Rowan merely sends a fierce scowl her twin's way causing Severus to smirk back. Oh, how the tables had turned! Usually it was the other way around!

The entire way down Severus had gleefully kept teasing Rowan whose expression just darkened. Before Rowan can snap, they arrive at the training room in the lower floors. They had found the room early on in their exploring but had never had an opportunity to enter the chamber as it had always been locked. No doubt to keep them from getting up into mischief, but still the two of them are a tad bit curious.

"Of course," Rowan muttered as the curiosity in her eyes went and died. It was a simple bare training room. What else could it be? Some sort of ninja training ground?

However, both twin's eyes widen as Rowan and Severus take in the chilling figure of their grandfather. There was nothing warm nor fatherly about Reginald now. There is an almost barely suppressed bloodthirst felt in the very air. His black dueling clothing is well used, but well fitted, and protected. These were not play clothes, but clothes that had regularly once upon a time witnessed death.

Reginald's cold onyx eyes take the twins in causing Rowan and Severus to instantly straighten up. With a bare nod at his grandchildren, Reginald says, "Now that the two of you finished most of you work, I believe it is time that the two of you learn a bit about dueling. The two of you are the descendants of Percussors, after all, and said inherited instincts should come naturally to the both of you. And I do not consider Professor Adric's lessons adequate to truly be considered dueling lessons beyond having taught you to cast spells consistently."

Rowan eyes flash a bit at those words. She only knew too well how easily Death came to her. Far too easily for comfort.

Severus makes a wary face as he says, "Are not Percussor's, assassin's, grandfather?"

"We have always been a great clan," Reginald said with a bit of a frown. "Our clan had existed for thousands of years long before the Roman legionaries. And yes, a portion of the original clan did follow them when they came to this new land and made it our home, while the rest of the clan remains to this day in the ancient lands of our forefathers."

"And just why did the clan split at that time?" Severus pointedly inquired.

"There were identical twin male heirs," Reginald matter-of-factly replied. "It was tradition that only one could become the next clan head. However, the elders and the people were split at that time in electing the next leader. And if things continued as they were the restless members among their people would force the two brothers to go to war leading to one of their eventual death's.

But the two brothers loved each other, and instead decided to split the clan. Those that followed the eldest twin would remain in the land of their forefathers, while those that followed the younger twin would accept the legionnaires offer and follow them to a distant land across the vast ocean. And so, the two brothers parted never to meet in his life again."

"And what of now?" Rowan curiously asked.

A wry expression appears on Reginald's face. "After my fourth year at Hogwarts during the summer holidays, curious, I sought out the remnants of the clan descended from the eldest twin brother," Reginald explained. "Ever since I was a child, I have always loved learning the history of our forefathers and had read all of the ancient archives by the time I was a young man. In my naivety, I thought-."

Reginald paused as he felt he had would reveal too much of his terrible childhood. "Suffice to say that I naively believed in many things," Reginald murmured instead, before steadily continuing, "I followed the ancient marks written on an old map in one of the clan head's journals. Much of the landscape had changed but the old signs were still there if one looked closely. And so, with the aid of a luck potion, I did indeed find them."

The twin's eyes glimmered with obvious interest in wanting to learn more about the story. "Our ancestors came from the east, the land once known as Persia," Reginald explained. "The remnants of the clan still lived up high in the mountains in small impenetrable magical fortresses. But unlike us, our cousins still practiced the old ways."

Reginald paused in memory as he fingered an old scar wound on his arm. "Our cousins first instinct is always to attack and ask questions later. However, I had borrowed the seal of the clan head from my sire without his knowing, and which is still passed down to every head of the family to this day."

Reginald paused to stare at Severus as he solemnly says, "And it too will one day be yours."

Severus swallows, but Reginald glances as his gaze turns once more distant lost in long ago memories. "Our cousins thankfully finally ceased to attack me but still bound me and took me before their leader. They still doubted my tale as I did not look very much like them beyond my dark eyes, and hair. And though my face still possessed some of our cousin's sharp features, I am infinitely far paler when in comparison to their bronzed skin thanks to our European ancestry. As such their leader was not convinced and had me tested."

There is a trace of embarrassment in Reginald's face as he says, "I have never lost quite so badly in a duel as at that time. However, my survival of the duel proved to them that I still carried the clan's blood no matter how distant and foreign. Still, our cousins could not allow me to join as I had my own family to return to. That being said, they did agree to train me for the rest of the summer. And I learned much under their tutorage with the condition to never return again."

"Why?" Severus asked clearly startled at the response.

"We are considered foreigners," Reginald calmly explained. "We do not look like our cousins thanks to our European heritage. And though we have kept some of the old ways alive, it is not enough in their eyes. And yes, though tragic in its way, I am glad. Despite their being incredibly talented people, they are cold and harsh in ways that I am not comfortable with. I much prefer our ways no matter how weak it may see to them.

On the other hand, they were rather envious of my power. Though they possessed unimaginable skills and talent, they lost heavily when it came sheer magical power. Once I learned to duel, I easily overpowered them all including the head of their clan. And unlike our cousins, the Prince's have mixed with many powerful European bloodlines to maintain the family's power.

However, our cousins were not so lucky in that regard. In order to maintain the clan's secrecy, they often married second or third cousins. And despite their careful efforts inbreeding had already begun to take a severe toll on them, and it clearly showed."

Rowan nods her head in understanding as Severus crisply asks, "In that case, when the time comes will Rowan and I be trained in the ways of old?"

"No," Reginald firmly replied. "Only the next Head of the Clan will learn the old ways. And even if I wished for your sister to learn, she lacks the capabilities in order to do so."

Severus opens his mouth to vehemently protest when Rowan interjects, "It's fine, Severus, really. And besides, I am certain that the reason I cannot learn has something to do with the fact that the males are born with an innate gift, while the females are not."

"That is indeed correct," Reginald replied sending a sharp glance at his granddaughter.

Still Severus looked rather unconvinced by the stamen. And he even understood that his grandfather most likely was in fact telling the truth. But that did not mean that he had to like it.

Note: The Order of Assassin's were a real historicical group founded in Persia by Hassan-i-Sabbah and existed roughly about from 1090 A.D. to 1275 A.D. when they were ironically destroyed by the Mongol invasion of Persia. Their legend has inspired many stories such as Assassin's Creed and more.

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