
Chapter Thirteen:

"Why did you come here?" Trainer asked the clone.

"No, the real question is... Why are YOU here?" He countered, examining the back of his hand as if the answer was of trifling importance.

"I'm supposed to keep an eye on Parker."

"Are you sure it's Parker? That may be what you tell Osborn but it's not what you tell Father."


"Don't act so scared doctor. If I wanted to kill you I wouldn't be wasting my time talking to you. You'd be dead and I would be elsewhere."

"What do you want?" Seward fought to remove the fear from his voice.

"I want PARKER!" A huge fist banged down on the nightstand smashing it to pieces. The clone got up and advanced toward Trainer. "I want him dead and I'm going to kill anyone who gets in my way. And then either you or Doctor Warren is going to fix me. For that I'll need a little brother's help won't I?"


"Don't play dumb with me. It really doesn't suit you." He placed a large hand on Trainer's shoulder. "Truth is I would MUCH rather spare you, Seward. You aren't the one who discarded me like a piece of trash! Plus there's the matter that though I don't trust either of you, I believe that if we can make an arrangement, I can more likely trust you to keep it than I can father. So here is what is going to happen Seward: You will go about your business reporting to both Doctor Warren and Osborn. I offer you my protection and in exchange, you work for me. You are going to be very valuable to me Seward."

Trainer didn't have to think long on this. Aside from the fact that the clone might kill him if he refused, this might be his only way out. Like a drowning man gratefully clutching a thrown life preserver, he grabbed it eagerly.


"Good." The clone said putting his mask back on. "You can call me Kaine..."

Bayville High (Two weeks later)

It turned out that assuming a new life was much easier when one had the cooperation of an independently wealthy backer and the recommendation of two highly regarded scholars. There had also been a passing mention by Logan of cashing in favor but his tone advised Ben not to ask. With that in mind, Ben stepped into the Physics class in Bayville High.

It was true that Ben could have easily graduated and taught a class like this, but Xavier and McCoy thought it best for him to join the other students in class possibly a bonding experience. Ben had to admit after years as Peter Parker being the 'odd one out' he was looking forward to seeing how High School with friends would be.

It was silly to think he could spend all his time completely covered by his mask. He had discussed it with the professor and he had been reassured that if someone had the intention to expose his original, then Xavier would wipe their minds of his identity.

Certainly, there was training in the danger room, maintenance on the vehicles, being jabbed by needles as Beast studied him and his abilities, housecleaning... (Not a cobweb left in sight) and boredom. But for one thing, solo training in the danger room did absolutely nothing to address his main weakness. Mainly his inexperience at working as part of a team. Individually, his skills made him one of the most formidable people here. But teamwork was the heart of the X-Men and he needed lots of practice. Then over a coffee break amid another of Beast's research sessions, an idea had come up as Ben mentioned his frustration to Hank:

It seemed that for a short period, an agent of Magneto's named Mystique had infiltrated Bayville High posing as the School Principal Ms. Darkholme. Although Mystique had since vanished, her successor as Principal; a Mr. Kelly, had proven to be a paranoid nutcase. So; they reasoned, why not have someone on their side to help keep an eye on the kids? After a brief discussion, Xavier had approved the idea and they began working on creating a paper trail confirming that Mr. Ben Reilly was a high school student in the last semester senior year. So now Ben found himself setting in his first-class at High School once more.

He looked over the students, he felt a little odd at being back at high school. It was both a relief and a pain to seem like a normal student after what he had experienced. Thankfully he shared the same classroom with a few of the kids at the mansion. Kitty Pryde was one he expected to do well. In fact, he had heard her test scores suggested she had a higher IQ than maybe even his own. Guess that proves cooking is an art, not a science. He thought wryly.

Although her baked goods seemed to defy all known laws of physics. Lance Alvers was another student in this class along with one Pietro Maximoff. Both were members of the Brotherhood and were constantly having run-ins with the kids from the institute. Lance; though, seemed to harbor a thing for Kitty. And although his juvenile record was extensive, he too had tested as an exceptionally bright student if he could be made to apply himself, he too would have a bright future also. As long as it wasn't ruined by the Brotherhood.

Ben had read the files on all the Brotherhood kids. It had been a series of blunders and missteps that had put them in the Brotherhood. Tolensky, Alvers, Dukes... Outsiders with none of the advantages that Xavier's students had and they were not surprisingly resentful. This made them very easy for someone to manipulate. He had a talk with 'Professor X' (as some liked to call him) about their leader 'Magneto' or Erik. The professor said he wasn't a bad person per se but Erik was convinced there was a war coming. He was recruiting soldiers not wards like Charles himself. In Ben's book that was the textbook example of a 'Bad guy' maybe not evil, but the same could be argued about a lot of the 'Bad Guys out there. Such as Doc Ock, he had been driven mad by four mechanical arms to destroy the man who he perceived ruined his life.

Frankly, it was past time someone did something about a bunch of children enlisting into... what is acentually an army they were too young for. The prime example would be Tabitha. She was just a normal girl, but up until recently, she was enlisted into the Brotherhood.

As the bell rang and the last student took her seat

"Good Morning class!" The teacher started to say, "We have a new student today, Ben do you want to introduce yourself?"

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