
Episode 160-Acting classes!

9 days had passed since Ashely and Annie walked into my restaurant.

The other researchers were pretty surprised to see 2 extremally young girls in the base.

They didn't question my decision neither did they bother them as the 2 sisters did my work for me in developing the internet.

Having others do your work for you was the best.

Some if not most people would call my plan foolish or stupid for pulling in trojans into the base, but I could care less.

These aliens thought they had successfully infiltrated into my nest. Unfortunately for them what they infiltrated into was not my nest but rather their prison.

From this moment onwards I controlled every action and thought of theirs.

"Do you 2 have a time frame for me?" I walked into the lab of both sisters. As soon as I did I felt the link that built between them and me due to my award getting stronger.

"Yes, your highness. At least 7 months." The little one answered while giving me a cute smile which was rather ineffective towards me.

"Okay, no problem." I shrugged.

"Carry on working, I want to see how you work and see if you need some helping hands." Both of them nodded while I just sat down in a corner playing with my PCD.

After 2 hours I walked off ignoring the 'sisters' who were working 'hard'.

2 weeks later as per my prediction, Ellis and Luke had advanced their rank and once more I began leeching off them.

It took both Ellis and Luke frigging 8 months to let me collect enough principle particles to become a rank 3 award user.

"These guys are too slow. Lazy people these days." I sighed as I shook my head.

Why can't the whole world be as hard-working as me?

Injecting the final dose for rank 2 my award began increasing its rank.

'My power can affect the dead!' This was a necessity for the dead that will be manipulated by magi's or award users which causes them to belong to neither the category of beings or objects.

Now there is barely anything in this universe unaffected by my power. Whether it is objects, beings, or things in between, it was all affected by my power.

Walking out of the cube my body was enhanced in every aspect to be a rank 3 award users body.

"Not just strength…" I grinned as I got control of my senses back.

My afro hair turned into straight hair. Sophie by now was a lost cause as she was fully affected by my power. I had given her a simple order to sleep and she was sleeping until I needed her again.

As for the siblings, both of them were lost causes as well due to being too deeply trapped by my power.

But I didn't need to do anything as they saw nothing in the base relating to this Opticx.

I walked out of the tunnel and went to check up on Ashely and Annie who were running the final tests on the net.

"Ready?" I asked the sister who nodded.

"Yes, we are ready for launch next week your highness," Annie answered looking excited.

I nodded as I hit send on the preprepared message.


The PCD's and SAD's in the room began ringing as an update rolled over.

[A new update rolled out. Be connected more with each other from next week onwards. Click here for more details.]

*Shwack* I felt a rod hitting on the back of my head just as someone swept my feet and I crashed down.

"We are ready! Port us up!" Ashely shouted as she restrained my hands while Annie restrained my legs.

There was an awkward moment of silence as nothing happened.

*Bam* The shutters of the lab came down sealing the room.

*Swack**Swack**Swack**Swack* Bullets began firing causing Ashely and Annie to move away lest they were riddled with holes.

"What the…?" Ashely looked at the guns emerging inside the lab in confusion.

"Hey, are you listening to us? Beam us up!" Annie pressed the listening device on her ear and shouted again.

"Your fellow aliens up there won't rescue you," I said as I sat up while stretching my arms ripping the restraints off.

"…" Both of them looked at me in shock.

"I haven't had a good stretch in ages. Come let's dance." I motioned them forward.

Annie gritted her teeth as she took out what looked like a gun that glowed green from her pocket.

"Recall the guns or I won't hesitate to use this," Annie warned me.

I chuckled as I snapped my hand.

*Snap* The gun disappeared as the bots that made the guns up dissembled into the air.

"Now do you want to tell us about Opticx, or shall we make you?" The little girl aimed a separate gun at me which glowed yellow.

"A gun which shoots poison and radiation projectiles each. Interesting." I smiled.

"Looks like Optics trust you enough to reveal to you everything about these babies." Ashely removed the lock in the gun along with Annie.

"You guys talk to much." I ran towards them causing them to fire bullets at me.

Foreseeing the trajectory of the shots I evaded the bullets as I approached the weakest of these 2 first, Annie.

*Crack* She raised her arm to block only to shatter her arm bones and push her back. *Bam*

"Arrghh!" She groaned in pain while wheezing just as Ashely glowed for a moment as she ran at me while firing.

'Using speed boost spell are we?' I smiled as I evaded each shot.

"Fuck!" She glowed as she used strength boost before punching me.

*Bam* I caught her fist with my palm.

"What!?" She struggled to break free but couldn't.

She looked at me with her eyes radiating shock and fear. I smiled at her before my knees up to her abdomen.

*Bam* "AHHHHH!" She screamed from the impact.

She was lucky she was wearing the protection suit otherwise she would have died from that strike.

"When once is not enough you do it twice." I brought my knee up to her abdomen again.

*Bam* "AHHHHH!"

"When twice is not enough you do it thrice."

*Bam* "AHHHHH!"

"When thrice is not enough you..." I looked back to see Annie aiming her gun at me with trembling hands.

I released Ashely dropping her small figure to the floor.

"I hate being interrupted." My afro hair unfurled and grabbed onto Annie with my hair restraining her and bringing her towards me.

"A..wa..rd..." Alisha managed to mutter out of fear from the floor.

"Nope, just extremally good control." I smiled as Annie tried struggling but simply couldn't.

Their appearance began changing rapidly.

From normal humans, their skin turned pink with scales.

While I looked away Ashley pressed the switch by the side of her temple, and I allowed her as the lens in her eyes began recording. "So now you show me your true form." I smiled.

"Opticx… really do trusts… you." I simply smiled at Ashely's statement.

"Opticx who?" I pretended to not know.

"Don't act…you recognised… our guns…and us…" She tried taking a breath.

"She is your wife isn't she?" I smiled as I looked at Annie.

Ashley's face turned green. "No wonder you have someone so weak beside you."

*Crack* I twisted Annie's neck and released her.

*Thud* She dropped down on the floor lifelessly.

"YOU FUCKER!!!" Ashley screamed as her eyes turned blue and wide while her face turned extremely green.

She jumped at me intending to tear me apart with her canines now emerging from her mouth. I simply smiled as I extended my fist and punched her face.

*Bam* She crashed onto the floor.

*Splat* Her skull and face cracked open like an egg.

"I am in a nice mood. Otherwise, I would not have sent you to meet her this quickly." I wiped the blood on her clothes.

They have been planning for my kidnap these past few weeks after they had finished developing the net.

But I gave them an Uno reverse card by extending their kidnapping time with my gift until I became a rank 3 award user.

"Remove the blocker in place and allow the video to be send forth to their ship," I instructed my UI.

*Clap* "Boy's dispose of the bodies please." The bots assembled from the air onto the 2 bodies and the blood.

5 seconds later the bots had eaten through the bodies and what remained was new bots that multiplied from taking the flesh as a source of energy to duplicate like cells.

Not even the clothes or blood from the fight remained.

Nothing about their work of net remained except for the copy in my PCD.

The shutter opened and everything was calm outside as if no one had heard or seen anything.

'As for you guys…' I grinned while looking up.

It was better to pin all the blame on this Opticx guy and runoff relaxing.

*Beep* Looking down at my PCD I frowned as I realised it was a message from Linda to my private line.

'Finally, I thought they would never send this.' I scrolled through the information on the PCD before deleting it.

Now it all made sense.

A few months ago, I had noticed there were barely any level 60 or above beast on this planet.

Every single beast above level 60 were hunted and killed all over the planet.

The only level 60 or above beasts were located beside the capital itself.

I was confused at first noticing how there was a level 65 beast located right outside the empire 100 meters under the ground.

It was chained but properly fed. Especially with food made by me.

This was a confusing development until this very moment after I read the report send by Linda.


[Spaceship above the planet- 5 minutes later]

"YOU FUCKER!!!" *Static noise* The video turned blank.

"This was the last footage we got of them." Iris gritted her teeth in anger as she reported to the commander.

"Sir if I may we should immediately go down to capture that bastard!" Iris stated in anger as she remembered the 2 recently married soldiers they had lost.

"No." The commander shook her head surprising Iris.

"But commander…" The commander interrupted Iris.

"Do you know the importance of Ashley's feed?" Iris shook her head at the commander's question.

The commander swiped his hand back and the video rewound to the time as Ashely and Annie laid at the mercy of John,

"Opticx… really do trusts… you." John for a moment looked surprised by that statement and he quickly hid that surprise.

"Opticx who?" He pretended as if he didn't know.

"Don't act…you recognised… our guns…and us…" John's face wrapped like a thief who was caught.

"She is your wife isn't she?" John grinned in anger before snapping Annie's neck.

Iris who saw this again clenched her fist.

"He recognised their guns and them Iris. Not to mention the look on his face when Ashely mentioned Opticx. What does that say?" The commander asked her.

"He knows Opticx." The commander nodded.

"Not just knows Opticx, but met Opticx." Iris' eyes widened.

"You mean Opticx could be here!" Iris looked down at the small insignificant blue planet in shock.

"I am 40% sure he is personally on this planet right now from that guy's expression." The commander's voice seethed in anger.

"Then shall we call in and inform HQ?" Iris asked to which the commander shook his head.

"Unless we are at least 80% sure we can't call in for reinforcement. All units are spread across the whole universe stretched thin looking for Opticx."

"But the video…" Iris pointed out.

"It won't stand in front of my superior's Iris. For now, we observe him extremally closely until we got a shred of solid evidence." Iris nodded in defeat.

"Send the message of Ashley and Annie's demise to the HQ. Tell them we can't retrieve the body." Iris nodded sadly.

Did you know The Empire State Building cost nearly 1/3 less than budgeted?

The original cost of the project was supposed to be $60m, but it actually only cost $40,948,900.00 to construct.

Enjoy this weeks chapter!

ELordcreators' thoughts
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