

Chapter 200: Off we go

"Your so lucky Melting Snow," Wei said as soon as the group exited the auction house. "With your item being rare and all, you will be getting a lot of coins from it. Do you have any ideas on what you are going to spend it on?"

After thinking about it for a bit, Melting Snow just shook his head, before answering, "Not really, but I do know that I will definitely upgrade my armour and swords. Besides that I don't think i want anything else."

" Upgrading your items is a must,Melting Snow. You are going to need extra good equipment if you are going to be hanging out with Drifting Cloud," chuckled Wandering Sound.


"Hey! what is that supposed to mean?" Xinya asked, pretending to be offended. He knew that he was a trouble magnet, but now that he was in Arkala the only thing he planned to do was farm, experiment and cook. With how busy he will be, there would be no time for him to get into any trouble.

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