
I Like You a Lot

Andrea did not have the heart to leave the twins that evening, but Lu Fang could not sleep without his wife either. She wanted to sleep in the other room with Xing Mi, but the man refused. 

Lu Fang made a bargain instead, "Okay. How about we do this? We can't take care of both of them overnight. Otherwise, we will both be out of sleep and I badly need to go to the office tomorrow. How about, we have Chevre join us in our room tonight and Brie tomorrow?"

"It's not safe to bring the babies in our room, they are already crawlies." She turned to the midwife and confirmed, "Right?"

"Ah, yes, Mrs. Lu. They are indeed."

Lu Fang let out a heavy sigh and pleaded with her, "Babe, please. I really want to get a good sleep. You know, I can't sleep well without you next to me."

She frowned at her husband's reasoning but recognized his concern. She herself had seen the truth just the other night.

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