
Boys or Girls

Andrea's last sonogram happened while she was still confined to the hospital. Her tummy was still two months old. She recalled Lu Fang's reaction, and it made her giggle. The babies were still small at that time but their bodies had already developed, floating in their individual sacs of fluid. 

It was Andrea's first tears of happiness following her pregnancy. Finally, seeing the life inside her belly, she could not control how the water flowed down her cheeks. 

She wiped them with her fingers as the doctor continued to check on her uterus lining. Lu Fang noticed her sniffing away that he reached out to her and held her by the hand. He said, "They are swimming and they seem to be enjoying themselves." 

"How would you know? They are still too little." Protested Andrea. 

"Doctor Qi, when do we know the gender of the babies?" the man asked as he continued to watch the little ones on the monitor. 

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