
Cascade Badge

After resting for the night, Liam got up to go to do some training with Shadow and Arbok, and while he was at, it wanted to take a look at the Pokemon that he got from Sandra. When he got to the grasslands, he made Shadow and Arbok come out in case the Pokemon wanted to attack him for hurting his trainer. Liam throws the Pokeball and outcomes a level 50 Ditto. Liam was disappointed for a second but then the thought of the breeding of Pokemon in the future, and if he was in a pinch, he could use ditto to battle since his level was so high.

When Ditto couldn't find it's trainer it turned into a rock to hide from Liam, Liam laughed and had Shadow explained what happened and if he wanted to travel with us or just go for free. Ditto was confused and didn't know what to do, so it said it would stick around just to see how Liam worked. Ditto helped train Shadow and Arbok by using his transformation ability to fight them on a higher level. Since he was so high level, they could barely damage him, causing them not to hold back, making them even more durable as time went by. When they were done, training shadow was level 34 while arbok was level 36.

They went to a Pokemon restaurant to eat and tour the city, finding it refreshing. Still, as they were visiting Kong the ninja was also tailing them looking for a chance to ambush them, " damn I didn't think this same guy would catch Sandra and Vivian according to the reports I just received from headquarters, I guess I have to be careful or just drop it period and go continue my training because I'm wasting too much time here following this brat, but I wonder what would that succubus Abigail the third sister of Sandra and Vivian do when she finds out this kid defeated both her sisters and imprisoned them."

"This should be interesting to see since she's known for tricking men into bed and then killing them after getting her way with them, hehe this should be fun I'll head back to training and await news of this kid losing his balls after a good time." Kong finally blended into the shadows and left, but this action was all caught by Shadow, who told Liam a while ago that Kong was tailing him, but he just stopped, which disappointed Liam because he was itching for a rematch now that he had Ditto to stand by him. Liam gets to the Pokemon center and drops his Pokemons off with Nurse Joy, then heads to bed to get ready for an early start. 

The next day Liam wakes up and picks up his Pokemons from Nurse Joy and finally heads to the gym since he has been trying to go all week, but something always came up. With Shadow by his side, he walks right in the gym and saw trainers getting excited about battling a newbie, so Liam quickly defeats them and saw Misty coming down complaining about where are all these durable trainers were coming from. The match started with the announcer saying," Misty of the Wet Cerulean City versus Liam the Unknown from Pallet Town, you may begin to this battle." 

Misty brings out a lvl 18 and 21 Staryu and Starmie, which Shadow takes them down using Thunderbolt since he was a higher level, they didn't even stand a chance. Liam then asked if he could face one of her pokemon. She's surprised he also knows about that, so she agrees and summons a level 54 Lanturn starting the battle with a Confuse Ray. Still, it's ineffective against shadow who has a sharp mind linked to Liam, Liam was able to wake him up, and  Shadow used Quick Attack to push Lanturn back by a few steps. The level difference was too much, so Liam let Shadow make his most substantial move Dragon Rush, and Misty ordered Lanturn to use Surf, and they both crashed into each other. Shadow had fainted, and Lantern was a little hurt, but he shook it off and kept up his battle stance. 

After that battle, Liam returns Shadow, and then he summoned Ditto. Misty had love signs in her eyes after seeing Ditto and asked if she could have him, which Liam immediately rejected her. The battle started, Ditto used to transform and transformed into Lantern after that Liam ordered him to use a Confuse Ray which Misty quickly countered by using surf so that water from ocean blocked Confuse Ray and came smashing into Ditto causing him to lose a lot of Health since lantern was a higher level than him. Liam ordered Ditto to use Thunderbolt, and Lantern also started charging up for a Thunderbolt. 

They both ran into each other, causing them both to get knocked out, and they both fainted, which shocked Misty because she knew how strong her Lantern was. Still, she thought of Shadow and remembered how he was able to hit her with the Dragon Rush before he fainted, and now she understood why Lantern had fainted. 

Misty ended the match and gave Liam his new badge and told him to come back when he's ready for a real challenge and when his Pokemon has grown up to become stronger, she'll give him a personal battle with her Pokemon instead of the gym Pokemon. They said their goodbyes after receiving the badge and headed to the Pokemon center to get his Pokemon healed and then went to the trainer lounge to get some sleep after.

In Celadon City, at the game corners secret basement, you can see the boss of team rocket getting his family jewels licked and sucked on by a beautiful woman. One of the trio succubus sisters Abigail was on her knees trying to get the boss of Team Rocket to break her sisters out of jail. She quickly licked his wood and was about to sit on it but teased him by asking if he saves her sisters tomorrow she would sit on him whenever he calls she will be there. 

He thinks about and tells her that they have to stay hidden if they break them out it would bring too much attention to them and that he could only make arrangements to have them together and comfortable. Abigail quickly gets mad " you coward we worked for you many years and helped you with everything you needed to make your dreams come true, but now that we were captured, you can't even spare a single Pokemon to improve your people." She quickly kicks him in jewels causing him to lose breath because he wasn't expecting her to do such a thing, so he summoned his Pokemon Golem to capture her, but she was quicker and dived into a water line that connected to a lake in Viridian Forest. 

Her Kadabra was able to use his psychic powers to make a helmet while she swam into the lake. She came out of the lake angry with Team Rocket and decided she would join a different organization and have her revenge for being betrayed by them. She was naked in the forest, so she had to find clothes first. Luckily the city wasn't too far, so she sneaked into the Pokemon center and picked up a Nurse Joy outfit to put on. 

She had time only to grab one Pokeball from her stash when Golom came attacking her, so she was pretty mad she left most of her Pokemon behind. Still, she knew she wasn't a match for Giovanni, so she would catch new Pokemon and train them to high levels before going to save her sisters and get revenge. She also wanted to find Liam the person that put her sisters in jail, and since she thought he was so weak, she decided to go after him first. 

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