
A friendly conversation


The gravel crunched under their feet with menacing heavy clouds hanging over their heads. Jacob slammed his fists into his pockets to hide his nervous twitching. He was sure Bella could feel the tension from the short distance separating them. Bella stopped near a broken tree washed over the shores, her eyes lost in the foggy horizon.

"I'll make this short," she said in a tight voice. Jacob waited with his pulse accelerating with each beat. "Edward is against your...relationship with our daughter." It made Jacob choke on his own laughter. What bothered him most was the way she said it.

"And you?" he inquired. Bella swirled around, her pearl skin gave a slight shimmer where the light touched it. Even in the later afternoon glow with so little sun on La Push beach, it was a marvel to gaze at what she had become. Bella Swan—now, Mrs. Cullen was a deadly beauty. Gone, was the clumsy and hesitant girl. Her dark eyes gaze stopped on Jacob's face.

"I trust you—as a friend. But I don't trust you around my daughter." Her lips twisted in annoyance. Then she averted her gaze and sighed. "And I definitively don't trust her. Where does that stubbornness come from?" Jacob laughed and pushed away his hair. It was a nervous habit he had picked up since his hair got longer.

"It reminds me of a very stubborn girl who wanted to ride a motorcycle," he frowned at the pebbles as he remembered that episode. So much had happened since then.

"Jacob," Bella whispered, her words soft but holding so many emotions. "I'm only doing that for the sake of my daughter. If I could find another way, you know I wouldn't hesitate one second to break this thing between you two. It is unhealthy," Jacob didn't dare look in her direction. He had doubts he could face her without shifting. Still, it hurts like hell to hear it from her mouth. What was he expecting? Deep down he knew it was a forbidden love. A muffled sound came from the top of the slope leading to the beach. Both of them looked up in alert, body straight, ears peeled. A shadowy figure appeared from the tall trees behind them.

"Mrs. Cullen, you are unwelcomed on this land," said the newcomer. Bella relaxed from her defensive stance.

"I was only having a friendly chat, Sam," she glared at the clan leader. The man stepped forward, he was bare-chested with only a pair of jeans slagging around his narrow hips. A smirk appeared as he heard his name. "And I was about to leave, anyway," she gave a quick peek over her shoulder at Jacob. "You have one hour under Edward's watch. Friday at 7 pm, sharp." She left shocked Jacob on the beach, to process the bomb she just dropped.

Slow updates :D yeahhhhh!

Helena_Serymacreators' thoughts
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