
Wedding Day II: Engravings on the wedding shoes.

The best time for this was when Chen Lihua styling was closer to being finished, therefore making more flattering photos. And it also gave the photographer more than enough time to capture the details - bridal dress, bridesmaid's dresses, flower girls dresses, shoes jewelry.

But more time was spent on capturing the bridal items because Chen Lihua was the queen of the day.

While the hustle and bustle in the room were ongoing, emotional interactions between the bride, her bridesmaids, and relatives weren't left out.

The little girls from the orphanage had already arrived with One of Chen Lihua's female cousins.

And immediately they arrived, their hair and makeup were done, and they were immediately clothed.

Little Cherry (Huiling's first daughter) and Anna (Liu Dongmei's daughter) were part of the flower girls, while Little Apple (Liu Huiling's second daughter) was the little bride. So they three pretty little girls also got dressed in their uniforms.

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