

READER ADVISORY: This chapter is a New Year's special and is not part of the main plot. It may, however, contain spoilers. Read at your own risk. <3< p>


31st December in the afternoon. 

Hôtel Luxe La Rive—Nice. 

"I told you my idea was perfect, didn't I?" Leo slotted himself next to Shera who was sitting on a rattan chair in the resting area and sipping on her juice. 

She looked up from her laptop as he landed a kiss on her cheek. 

He sat on the chair across the hourglass-shaped table and picked a glass from the tray at the side. Then he poured himself a glass of strawberry juice from the dispenser, took a sip, and then continued, "The number of patrons is almost double those we had at around the same time last year."

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