
She is my master

Seeing his defeated expression, Shera burst into laughter. "You look just like a kid right now." 

"Then you don't know what kids look like." He huffed, still curious about her surprise. 

"Fine, fine. It's no longer fun to mess with you." She laughed and reached for her purse. She opened it, took out a gorgeous diamond watch, and then shoved it into his hands. 

He was wide-eyed when the innumerable diamond specks glittered against the light. A smile escaped his lips. Who would have thought that Shera was one to get presents for her love. "It's beautiful… thank you, my love." 

He was not sure if he imagined it, but he thought he saw her blush for an instant. That was before she cleared her throat and looked at him sternly. "You don't need to thank me. It's not like I specifically got it for you or anything." 

He grinned and raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? Could it be that you randomly picked it since it was in your way?" 

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