
We're over

Jin: I saw Hani at the hospital today and when I asked him about it he feigned ignorance about it. I should've caught up on it sooner. He has hurt her!

Hani: (shocked) w-what? You s-saw me?

Jin: (confused) yes. I was there to meet Kara. There is more to this right?

Hani hesitated for a while to answer Jin's question. How could she when there was the risk of being found out! She didn't want to take that risk but she couldn't even bear the thought of lying and keeping such huge thing from the people who genuinely cared about her.

After a long inner battle which in reality lasted for only few seconds Hani decided to come clean with the trio sitting in front of her- at least half of the truth and not the complete version.

Hani: (bowing her head down) I a-am p-pregnant.

Total silence met her ears before V broke it by his cheerful self.

V: Congratulations noona. It's such a happy occasion.

The remaining two guys took time to respond but they too wished her all the luck. She responded to their wishes with a clipped thank you.

Jin: does he know?

Hani: (steeling herself) no. I don't plan on telling him. As far as I am concerned we are over.


it's too short!

Sanchi94creators' thoughts
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