
Time traveling escapades! Part 4

Finally, after a couple of minutes of walking we've arrived at the bone gobbling well.

'Now, I gotta consider how I'm going to approach this issue. Originally, Yura was supposed to use the strands of hair attached to both Kagome and Inuyasha to gain their attention and forced them to come back towards this era to take her down.' I thought while looking down the bone gobbling well.

I wanted to see if leaving the hair strands that Yura placed on them would be enough to travel between the past and the future but I noticed that the rifts created by the strands of hair aren't big enough for us to pass.

"I guess that's why she originally didn't follow them into the future and only sent her hair." I muttered to myself as I contemplated on the situation.

'Now that I think about it the only reason why Yura was even able to send the strands of her hair through was because she was in possession of a shard of the shikon jewel. Inuyasha can only pass through the well due to his connection to Kagome and there really isn't any other ayakashi that could travel through time besides Mistress centipede but she's currently and permanently six feet under.'


A sigh escaped my lips as I thought on how to travel to the future in a smart manner with the tools currently in my possession.

I guess it's time to use the hogyoku for the first time since getting here. Although I wasn't gonna use it for anything like this in the first place. I only wanted it for the desire materialization aspect of it or more specifically for the ability to subtly manipulate fate itself. The hogyoku was initially thought to solely possess the power to control the boundary of the two contravening existences, that of Shinigami and Hollows, this was proven incorrect. Rather, the Hōgyoku's true power is the ability to absorb the desires of those around it and manifest them into reality. However, this power is not without limitations. The Hōgyoku itself is merely a guiding force - it can only manifest the desires of those with the strength to carry them out. The events which happened around Ichigo, Rukia, and Urahara Kisuke were events materialized by the Hōgyoku itself, which possesses a will of its own. Although it's now completely under my control.

The power of hollowfication/arrancarification is useless to me as I can use "The End" to obtain them. But the power to go against fate in the worlds that I'm going to travel too is absolutely important as I'm an uncertain factor to how the story was supposed to unfold.

It's kinda hilarious how all of the mc's of the stories we read usually talk about going against fate when they are the one's that truly profit from it the most. All of them due to the fact that they are fate's chosen ones get everything from certain victory against their foes to fated meetings with their soul mates, masters and aides.

Most consumers are so numb to those facts that if we read about a mc stumbling upon the ancient inheritance of whatever/who cares in their backyard we just shrug our shoulders and go back to reading as if nothing wierd just happened.

We don't even hold the thought that the mc might fail because we know for a fact that it's not even a possibility in most cases. But it's due to those facts that I know that fate is a very real force in all of these worlds and I can't take the chance that it might try to "correct" me out of existence.

"Hello... HELLO!" I hear a shout next to me that breaks me out of my thoughts.

"What do you want Yura-chan don't you see that I'm really busy thinking about something. Even if you're craving attention shouting isn't really the way to go about getting it."

"Chan?... Never mind that you've been staring at the well for five minutes straight already. Hurry up and do whatever it is that you're about to do already you ass."

"Fine, hand over the fragment of the shikon jewel that you have on you. I need it for something."

She warily looks at me while one of her hands quickly goes to the side of her kimono.

"Come on I don't have all day. It's not like you're going to be needing it anymore as my subordinate. I swear to ROB, I'm never going to get the obsession that you guys have with that orb."

I quickly moved towards her and put my hand into her kimono.

"KYAAAAAAAA!?! PERVERT!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?!" She screamed at me while flailing her arms around trying to hit me and going red in the face.

"You took to long to decide so I decided to take it upon my own hands to retrieve the fragment. Don't worry I take no enjoyment I doing so." I say to her with a stoic look on my face.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU TAKE NO ENJOYMENT! I'M A SEXY BEAUTY IN THE PRIME OF MY LIFE!" She screams at me with pure murderous rage on her face.

"True, although I would recommend a little of exercise in your daily routine. You're feeling a little extra chunky in some areas. Oh, here's what I'm looking for."

"What! Don't you dare change the subject on me like that yo-"

aaaaaand I started zoning her out.

I begin to look at the shikon jewel fragment in my hand. It feels like every place where it makes contact with my body is brimming with energy and that's saying a lot as it's so small it's barely making contact with my skin. Then I heard something akin to a whisper in my head. It was letting me know how to get the outcome I desire. I know it's the hogyoku letting me know how to use it.

I then slightly open up my kimono revealing the hogyoku resting upon my upper torso and press the fragment on it.

The hogyoku didn't siphon out energy out of the fragment or anything like that. It almost felt like it was somehow communicating with it to learn how to replicate the process and activate the bone gobbling well. After a couple of seconds they both go quiet and I separated the fragment from the hogyoku. I get the feeling that it will be able to do what I'm asking of it.

"What is that on your chest!!!! Even from afar for a split second it gave out a massive feeling of suppression beyond what I felt from the fragment. Who really are you!!!" I hear from Yura standing next to me with a shocked look on her face.

"Well, just to get it out of the way quickly I'm Nura Rihan and what you're seeing is something so beyond the shikon jewel that you probably won't believe me if I go into details. So let's just move on." I say urging her to get on with it.

"Are you sure you should be showing that in front of me? If I hadn't felt your power earlier I'd be hard pressed to mark you as a complete fool or a big shot." She says with an incredulous look on her face.

"Girl, it's pretty much obvious at this point that I'm a big shot." I say with a grin on my face.

"I'm only showing you this because you're already a part of my family. It won't really help me in the long run if don't have at least this level of trust with my subordinates. It's also not like I told you anything of great importance."

'Yup, it was definitely not because I completely forgot you were here in the first place.' I discreetly thought to myself.

"Hmph! If it wasn't for that last line I would of actually felt a little bit touched." She says looking away, a small blush forming on her face.

"Anyhow, we should get going time doesn't stop for anyone."

I silently approached the bone gobbling well and I felt the hogyoku come to life as the well begins to shine.

"Are you coming with me or not." I say with a smile

"Well, it's not like you're giving me any other choice are you." She curtly answered back to me.

"Such a short time and I feel like you already know me so well. Do you want me to give you an award for being so intuitive."

"Let's just get on with whatever it is that we're doing already."

'So she's already considering us a "we", uh?' I thought

"Ok, but I need you to do something first..."

And with that we proceeded to go down the well.

(scene break)

On the other side we find Inuyasha and Kagome getting ready to go down the well. I had asked Yura to send some strands of her hair like she originally would've done but this time it was just for shits and giggles.

"Rihan-san and... Yura!?!" Kagome exclaimed after she saw us exit the well.

"Hi Kagome-chan, it's been a couple of hours since we've last scene each other. It's extremely surprising meeting you this way."


[A/N: Man, this chapter was originally to be longer than this but thanks to good old uncle procrastination and lack of sleep I'm gonna have to leave it a bit short this time. Probably gonna have to release something tomorrow though. Anyhow, I hope you've enjoyed it and share your thoughts. See you tomorrow, bye!]

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