
A Fool

Many things happened in one years time. After checking out from the hospital. Sasha took his family and the now new hired Claudia back to his mansion outside of K City, where both of their parents waited for their arrival.

Once they settled in comfortably, just as Bethea had predicted, the naming problem came up.

Since Emilié's name was already set in stone, there were two names still to deceide and both grandparents wanted to be the ones to name their grandchildren.

But as Sasha had promised Bethea to name them, he had to brave the irksomeness of their elders and stop them.

"You ungrateful son of mine, not to think about us when to deceide something so importend. Those names aren't auspicious. What if something bad happens to them?!"

"Mom, please" begged Sasha with a pitiful voice, tugging at his mothers hand like a child and acting cute.


Emilié knew at this point that his father was a General, but was not convinced by his acting.

"Hmph! Youngsters these days, never going to be mature even when they are parents themselves! Go, go, I don't want to see your miserable sight!"


That was a harsh rejection Sasha had to suffer, well he brought this trouble for himself.

In the end with the strong rejection of the elders, the names Valentin and Leevi came about.


Time went by and Bethea's parents left to their own home and Sasha's parents stayed to look after the babies with Bethea together.

Every three children got their own nannys, to be a less burden to their mother and grandparents.

Of the nannys, Claudia, was the only one who hadn't birthed a child and couldn't feed Emilié, so Bethea had to feed her and that's why she neglected Valentin and Leevi for some time.

She once read, that there was a family who birthed twins and their skin color was different from each other. One had pale skin and the other had dark skin, they didn't look like twins or like family at all, but they were! It seemed like they had a dark skined person in their family tree, thus it was not that strange, that they had a child with these characteristics.

Bethea really wondered, where Emilié got those black hair from. She tosseled Emilié's hair after feeding her and thought, neither in her family, nor in Sasha's, were a person with black hair present, both of her and his family had blond, brown and even red hair, but no such thing as a black haired one.

Hmm, no there was one in Sasha's family. His distant uncle and cousin, but his uncle married in, so their blood didn't mingle into their DNA.

Whatever, Bethea choose to stop thinking about it. Emilié was cute as she was! No need to ponder about something, that won't give an comprehensible answer.

"Who is my cutie? Hmm, who is it?!" Bethea kept on playing with Emilié, with a smile on her face.

Emilie tried to catch her mother's fingers.

But Bethea didn't get the reaction she wanted from her, Emilié played back, but she didn't laugh.

She will not laugh! She doesn't want to, she refuses it! Even when the smiling lady looks gentle and likable. She won't!

"Ohhh, my sweety doesn't smile! Don't worry, someday I will make your expression change." promised Bethea to herself and Emilié.

'I doubt she will be able to do that.' was Emilié's thought. She became sleepy from continiously playing with her mother and dozed off.


One year went by.

Valentin and Leevi were becoming jolly and healthy kids, who start to crawle everywhere they can, those nannys have to stick like glue to them because of the fear they would crawle away or stuff some unknown objects into their mouth because of teething.

They even started babbling nonsense.

Only Claudia had nothing much to do. Emilié was quiet and obedient as ever.

She does not cry when hungry. She does not cry when making in her diapers, the nanny had to notice it herself when it stunk to high heavens and change her diaper.

She doesn't smile, laugh or look sad.

She is just...quiet.

Sasha, Bethea and old Mr. and Mrs.Evans were all worried that there might be something wrong with Emilié.

They went to many hospitals and have seen many doctors, the best of the best, but everyone said the same thing.

"Your baby is healthy as healthy can be, the brain shows no damage. She did suffer a mangle of oxygen during birth, but that didn't have any impact so drastic that she would show signs of autism or such kinds. She is well. If we want to know more we have to do regular check ups to continue monitoring her emotional process and find out if really something is wrong with her."

Everyone was crestfallen. The doctors only said positive things about Emilié, but for them it was different, they see Emilié everyday. For them she wasn't healthy, she was a fool!

How can Bethea Evans birth a fool?! She was an international well know actress who everyone looked up to. She had the perfect man, a top notch body, fame and glory. How coul she have a fool as a child?!

After this incident, Bethea didn't have any liking left for Emilié who made their family a laughing stock infront of her 'true' friends in her social circle.

She now only cared for Valentin her baby daughter and her baby son Leevi who bursts full of joy and health. They always got complimented when seen by her friends...

"Oh my, oh my, look at this cutie pie, isn't she cute~"

"Kyaaaaa~ a mini Sasha and a mini Bethea, it's like they were molded from the same clay."

...and when they saw Emilié, they went silent. The gloom of the child was for those pretentious ladies a bit to much, so they could only compliment her with, "She, she looks... ehm... cute."

That compliment even came with hesitation.

This went on many times and Bethea lost much of her face because of Emilié. So she refused to bring her out, when her friends were there for a gathering or a party.

Only when it was their birthday did she bring her out unwillingly, but she had no choice. Triplets had birthday at the same time. What could she do, shove Emilié back into her womb and birth her at another time? Don't be hilarious that won't be possible.

And what Emilié thought about her mother's repugnance.

What should she do? It does hurt her being strongly rejected by her new mom and she even started to like her and feel a bond between them. Since she is the one who feeds her with milk and spends time with her the most.

Even more time than her new father, who likes Emilié the most of his children.

But he is never at home, he has much to do at the military barracks to drill his mans' on strategies and martial arts and so on.

The last time Emilié saw him was two months ago before their birthday, that was the day they had to go to the doctors to do a check up, if everything was ok with her.

And let us not start with the grandparents, they didn't like Emilié at first sight because of her hair and name. And now that she is seen as a fool. How would they like her at all?

"Sasha your action is unbelievable!" , was his father's words after the doctors visit.

"Not only do you unauspiciously name her after a deceased person, you even gave birth to a fool in our house! We are a family who served generation for generations in K Country and made this Country prosperious! But you only bring bad luck to the family with this name! This is disgraceful! Don't you see she became a fool because of you!"

"Father what nonsense are you speaking! Emilié is fine. What does the health of my daughter has to do with the name I gave her?" refuted Sasha back to his father with little Emilié in his arms.

She just ignored all of them, thinking their bickering because of her name is moronic.

So Emilié was the name of a deceased person. What should she do? Her soul wasn't that much alive either. It could be counted as a soul that did die once, just that she reincarnated.

At that night a big quarrel happened in the Evans mansion between father and son.

Claudia had to take away Emilié and retire to the safety of the children's room.

The next morning Sasha was gone to the military barracks only coming back two months later to the birthday of the triplets.

After the quarrel the grandparents began to ignore Emilié, as if she didn't existed and only cared for their other grandchildren.

Even through old Mrs.Evans is a soft hearted person, she was someone who believed in feng shui and thus believed that Emilié would bring bad luck in this house and this thought embedded in her the more, with how every doctor sayed her graddaughter is healthy, but behaves like a fool.

Two months went by.

Her first birthday came finally. A big party was thrown for the triplets with every relatives and close friends invited. Sasha came back from the barracks and Bethea's parents came too.

During the morning Emilié was dolled up by Claudia, who had a hard time to decide what to let her wear.

"Hmmm, miss, what should I choose for you? The green dress with laces and beautiful gemstones inlaid? But this doesn't match you eyes or skin color! What about the blue one, it suits your blue eyes, but it's to simple. This is your first birthday, it has to be perfect! So the blue one is a no go. And whats with the the red one, hmmm...noooo, its too frilly, that won't do! Oh my, oh my what should I choose?"

And so it went on and on, until Emilié had enough. 'Claudia choose alredy you're so anoying!'

Emilié took a grip of a blue dress at the side and wiggled around with it. Claudia noticed Emilié's movement and turned to her.

"What is it miss?", she smiled at Emilié and asked, " Is that what miss wants to wear today?"

Her question got another strong wiggle and Emilié tried to wear it. She wished Claudia stopped to use her as a dressing doll, she can't keep up with her anymore.

"Hahaha, miss, you try to wear it from the wrong side." came from Claudia who held her stomach from laughter.

Emilié's action to show Claudia that she wished to wear that dress, was so adorable and the more, because she was trying to stuff her head from the wrong side into the dress.

If Claudia had a camera she would have made many pictures, but sadly she had no one at her side and since she was alone, she could not leave Emilié by herself to bring her camera. So she just made her ready and brought her to the ballroom at the afternoon.

The ballroom was loud and bright, filled with chatter and laughter. The chandeliers on the high ceiling made everthing sparkle.

Emilié's eyes went wide by the sight. She always stays in her cradle and sleeps or plays in her room, with colourful building blocks or reads children books. But she is always confined into the four walls of her room rarely going out.

This was indeed a special day for her. Her head went right to left, left to right looking at everything curiously, with excitement in her heart, but it still didn't show on her face.

Her face was like hardend stone, even if she willingly smiled, it would be hard for her to keep it up.

Claudia brought her through the room to her other siblings, who were already seated on a large table with their grandparents.

Her parents were a bit further away talking with some of their friends.

All of them had a happy smile on and the guests came to them to congratulate.

Claudia brought Emilié to the table and handed her over to her grandmother of her mother's side.

Emilié was eager to see what her parents aranged for them.

A bit later on an old man came over to the table.

"Congratulation, old pal, your grandchildren became one year old today! Hahaha ", came the happy laughter of an old man.

Mr.Evans stood up with Leevi in his arm and said in a boastful voice. " Haha, old Seven. You might have a grandson two years older then mine, but I have three grandchildren, two more than you! The prowess of my sons in bed seem to be better than yours, ha! Let us see who is gonna lose today you or me!"

"What the... you old senile man I came in peace today!" , hollered the man named old Seven back.

"Hmph you want a fight here, you can have that! I even brought some gifts, what a waste on you!"

Emilié's eyes widend from shock, she thought that they parents most have planed something for the party, but that such a scene would happen is out of her imagination.

This was family drama for free! Where was the popcorn!

Every pair of eyes in the ballroom went on the heated pair of individuals to see them start a brawl.

But the drama didn't hold on for long, old Mrs.Evans went in the fry between them and took old Mr.Evans by the back, were she found his most tender meat and pinched it black and blue.

"Oww..", moaned old Mr.Evans silently and careful not to let go of his grandson from the pain.

"I'm sorry everyone for my husbands behaviour. He lost a bit of control. Don't you guys know how military man are a rough bunch.

"Hohohoho..." explained old Mrs.Evans and let her husband sit back on his seat.

Old Seven chuckled and said. " Yeah, yeah, Mrs.Evans we understand. By the way, I brought some necklaces for the girls. They must surely like it."

"Of course, thank you old Seven they would like it very much."

Old Seven went on with old Mrs.Evans, as if never anything happened and the onlookers who where out for some drama were disapointed this included Emilié too.

What a great grandmother she had haaa...

Not even twenty minutes went by and Bethea's mother called over Claudia.

"Claudia, take Emilié back to her room, so much turmoil won't be good for her." If it was really true that she thought about Emilié's condition or she believed in this bad luck thing, it wasn't known, but she did wanted Emile to leave the ballroom now.

"Yes ma'am."

What?! Emilié became upset. She was not even half an hour here and had to leave? Was this a joke? She finaly had some fun time and was the only one that had to go!

Her other siblings were still there, why only she?!

She couldn't talk, so she couldn't protest either. Claudia came and took her out.

"Poor young missy, you couldn't enjoy yourself at all."

'Exactly!!! Claudia you understand me best! I want to go back!'

Emilié skirmed in Claudia's arm slightly in indignation.

She was brought back into her room, changed into comfortable sleepwear and laid into the cradle.

"Missy, I still have some things to do. Sleep tight I'll look later after you." were Claudia's words and she left like that.

But Emilié wasn't sleepy at all. So she just rocked in her cradle back and forth.


Awhile later the door to her room was opened. Emilié thought it was Claudia so she didn't care about it and kept on wobbling around.

Soon some strange noises came and Emilié stopped playing around, to look from where it came.

There was a male and female servant on Claudia's bed flirting around.

"Dear should we realy do it here? What if someone came?" the female was quite flustered by her lovers daring side and had her qualms about it.

"Don't worry, everyone went to celebrate. No one is gonna come so soon, we have some sweet time for each other and..." He gave a quick glance at Emilié's cradle, but it was too fast for him, so he didn't realize that a baby was in there.

"Did you not wish to get pregnant too? Isn't a children's room like the best place to do it? You have your goal in sight and I have my excitement! Hehehe..." A dirty laugh escaped from his mouth and he sprung up on his lover.

"You rascal!" retorted the female back giving her lover a push on his chest.

His lips overlapped with hers and he unclothed her fast, as if it wasn't his first time. Soon she laid naked on Claudia's bed and moaned sentimentally by his hard and gentle touches.


He massaged her plentiful breast up and down and took one of her nipples in his mouth sucking it lightly like a child.

'suck' 'suck'

"hnnggh..don't be gentle..haa..moree" ,the female servant was dissatisfied by his gentle approach, she wanted more. She wanted it harder, rougher.

The male servant stopped the sucking and took his mouth from her now saliva coated breast away.

"Should I stop the foreplay?" he asked his lover staring at her eyes.

The female servant's face was beed red from pleasure, she took her arms and entwined it around her lover.

"..'pant'..'pant'..just do me already!" came from her almost breathless from the whole panting.

The male servant smirked knowingly at her and started to undress himself.

All the while, Emilié couldn't take of her eyes from them, not because she was horny or so.

She was a baby for god d*mn sakes, she didn't develop yet the wish to copulate.

It was because she was sent back to that scene, of that man kneading her breast violently. Know that she saw a similar scene, she remembered it back and froze of fear.

Thankfully he stoped and Emilié came back to herself, she turned her head to looked away from them.

Now there came the rustle of the man's clothes falling to the floor, followed by one deep moan of the female and the male's pleasure filled grunt.



He entered her and their bodys started to collide with each other.

Emilié was really angry at them. They decide to humpty hump here, because it was a children's room!

Why did they not go to Leevi's or Valentin's room? Why did it have to be hers?

Should she cry and stop them, but again she didn't want to do that and in her cradle was nothing she could throw out to make noises with.

The meat clashing sound and pant reverberated in her room.

What bad luck Emilié had. She could only wait for Claudia to arrive.

Silent tears trickled down her round face.

'Nanny come back! This is R-18 rated, again!!!!' she screamed in her mind.

And as if her wish was heard the door opened once more, but this time it was Claudia. And what awaited her wasn't making her happy at all.

Let's make a summary of this point, the humping couple got in massive trouble, they were fired and fined for this offense. Well, this was a pricey sex they had.

The bed was completely changed by Claudia's request and the still silently crying Emilié was now in Claudia's embrace, being comforted by her. The whole day, no one other than Claudia went to check up on her.

Sasha only came the next day to make sure evrything was ok.

The others didn't care what happened, the most important thing was for them, that this dirty event won't come out to the publics ears and be wrapped up fully.

With that the rumors in the mansion that she was a bad luck magnet and a fool spread out and everyone avoided her.

And this was how her first birthday went on and ended only for her as a fiasco.

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