recap i ask should we tell are true nature she said yes.
so everyone sat in our group for explain l lets get started Me ,kagome , sango and may rin is what you called demon goddess . sato rin yuki call demon god. i am powerful one here i control everything . kagome can contral shawdows and pureness sango same as kagome little less power more shawdows than light. May rin can change her gun to any she choose wepond . my title Queen goddness of all . rest every eles princess of all and prince of all. ask any qustion
monko ask yes i do why do you keep eveybody we found no need i been stop to hole n your hand.
i ask will you treat us different please dont all us friends.
the said ok we wont thank u tell us
i ask kagome how to all this happend i dont know. some mess time and dimensional travel . you can travel with if you want. in this is full demon rules land it best stay with us