
Half Hourly

"I will visit the base every weekend from onwards. Make the required changes to my room before Saturday. And I want the account logs of the diamond mines on my desk by next weekend, along with the person who's looking after them." Adam spoke up as he got into his car. 

"You got it man." Blake replied as he shut the car door close.

"Are you planning on telling Stella about this organization thing?" It was Lillian who spoke up. 

"No. I don't want to hide things from her, but I don't want to expose her to this life either, not unless it's necessary." Adam heaved out a tired sigh. He hated hiding things from her, but he couldn't tell about this part of his life even though he wanted to do it badly.

"You are right, there's no need to expose her to danger." Blake added.

"She already is exposed to danger. Are you forgetting the fact that she is Adam's girlfriend?" Lillian said, smacking the back of Blake's head.

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