
Bad News for Babs (85)

◇◇◇♡♡♡◇◇◇ SNOW-WHITE AND ROSE-RED cont.

"What are you gazing at?" cried the dwarf, at the same time becoming red with rage; "and what are you standing there for, making ugly faces?"

It is probable that he might have proceeded in the same complimentary manner, but suddenly a great growl was heard near by them, and a big black bear joined the party.

Up jumped the dwarf in extremest terror, but could not get to his hiding-place, the bear was too close to him; so he cried out in very evident anguish-- "Dear Mr. Bear, forgive me, I pray! I will render to you all my treasure. Just see those precious stones lying there! Grant me my life! What would you do with such an insignificant little fellow? You would not notice me between your teeth. See, though, those two children, they would be delicate morsels, and are as plump as partridges; I beg of you to take them, good Mr. Bear, and let me go!"

But the bear would not be moved by his speeches. He gave the ill-disposed creature a blow with his paw, and he lay lifeless on the ground. Meanwhile the maidens were running away, making off for home as well as they could; but all of a sudden they were stopped by a well-known voice that called out, "Snow-White, Rose-Red, stay! Do not fear. I will accompany you."

The bear quickly came towards them, but, as he reached their side, suddenly the bear-skin slipped to the ground, and there before them was standing a handsome man, completely garmented in gold, who said-- "I am a king's son, who was enchanted by the wicked dwarf lying over there. He stole my treasure, and compelled me to roam the woods transformed into a big bear until his death should set me free. Therefore he has only received a well-deserved punishment."

Some time afterwards Snow-White married the Prince, and Rose-Red his brother. They shared between them the enormous treasure which the dwarf had collected in his cave. The old mother spent many happy years with her children.


Bella woke the next morning. She had an earily class today and she was still tired from reading late last night.

"Miss Beauté please answer the question?" Professor Cameron asked.

"Sorry sir can you repeat it." Bella's mind was shocked.

The class laughed.

"Are you hear?" He asked again.

"Yes, Sir sorry." Bella's face turned red.

"Please see me after class." he said.

The rest of the class time went by fast. Bella made sure to pay attention and take notes.

After class she stayed behind.

"Sorry again about this morning. I was up late last night." She said.

"No need to apologize. You are one of my top students. What I wanted to talk to you about was your essay on the importance of a business plan. I would like to submit it to the AP business course. With it I believe you could be admitted early to the Master degree program."

Bella was in shock. "Thank you."

He laughed, "I take that as a yes then."

"Yes a defendant yes."

Just as Bella was gathering her things Babs came in.

"Miss can I help you?" Professor Cameron asked.

"I'm looking for my sister Bella Beauté." Babs said.

"Babs, why are you here?" Bella said.

"I need your help."

"Sit here and talk. I don't have another class till one." Professor Cameron said.

"Thanks." Bella said pulling Babs down to a chair. "Ok what's this all about?"

"I'm in trouble. Remember the group of people I hung out with." Babs started, "Well, a few months ago I was at a party and we got drunk. Neil and I hooked up. A few days ago I was tired of being sick all the time and went for a check up. I'm pregnant."

"What did Neil say?" Bella asked.

"He says it not his and even if it is he wants nothing to do with it." Babs started crying.

"I don't know what to say except I'm here for you. I support you in what ever you decide to do." Bella hugged her.

"Thanks, can you take me home?" Babs asked.

"I have a class soon. Let me get a driver here."

"I'll take her home if you like. As I said no class till one." Professor Cameron said. He was not sure why but he wanted to help.

"Thank you." Babs said, "I just can't go by myself."

"No problem, My name is David Cameron it's a pleasure to help."

"I'll leave her to you. Thanks Professor." Bella was getting ready to walk out, "I'll come over tonight for dinner and we can talk more about what you want to do."

"Ok, I feel better now." Babs said.

"Give me a second and I'll take you home."

Babs watched as he locked things up in his office. David was average hight about 5 foot 8. He looked to be a little heavy at about 190 lbs. His blonde hair was neat in a ponytail and eyes were a light blue almost white.

"Ready?" He asked with a killer smile and his hand out.

"Yes" She smiled back as he pulled her up.


Betty was sitting in Zane's office going over details. She gave him the address of the costume company to get fitted for his outfit. "I'll pick it up and take it with me along with the dress for Bella. I'm tricking her into a fitting."

"Sounds good, I'll make an appointment and go as soon as they have an opening. How many rooms did you get?" He asked.

She looked at her notes "Six rooms"

"Does that cover everyone?" He asked.

"One for you and Bella, One for your parents, One for Dad and Mary Ann. Then one for Sally and her husband, One for me and Babs. Then one for the three guys."

"Sounds good. Anything else you need?" He asked.

"Nope. Just let me know when you get your fitting." Betty then gathered her things.


IleneMaecreators' thoughts
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