

From above, Mu Lingxi watch as the situation started to unfold. A young man who happens to be the one who was shooting the frost bomb approached the wild boar who was now lying helplessly in the ground as its body was starting to get covered with frost.

When the man reaches the side of the lying boar, it took out a dagger and squatted. He reach out to the crystal embedded on the wild boar's forehead and started to pierce it.

"WIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEKKKKKK" another sorrowful shriek escaped from the boar.

This one sided slaughter was too heart breaking for Mu Lingxi to watch so before she could realize what she was doing, she picked a weird looking fruit from one of the branches and throw it to the young man.


Long Fuzi heard a lady like voice as a weird looking fruit roll near his shoe.


He looked up and there he saw a girl standing on one of the branches, she look disheveled with ragged clothes.

"Are you throwing fruits at me???"

Long Fuzi said as he picked up the fruit and dusted it,

"Thanks..." He winked as he casually took a bite on the fruit.

The fruit looks like a bubble and had a jelly like texture, when he bite on it, a combination of sweetness with a hint of sourness much like how an indian mango that is not fully ripe tasted burst in his mouth.

"HMMMM... how did you know that I loved the BUBBLE FRUIT??" He asked smiling.

Long Fuzi was a little bit narcissist so he assumed that this girl was actually hitting on him and he temporarily forgot the task at hand and overlook the wild boar who had smoke coming out from its nostrils.

When Mu Lingxi saw how this handsome man winked and even smiled at her, her girlish heart started to melt and she blushed.

Thanks to the smudges of dirt on his face, her blushing was not too obvious. She just stared back at Long Fuzi like a love struck fool, speechless.

"What are you doing up there?" Long Fuzi continue to asked the girl.

"WATCH OUT!!!!!" she screamed as she saw that the wild boar regain its footing.

"STAMATISTE EKEI" Long Fuzi casted a spell and right after he finish chanting the incantation, the wild boar halted its movement.

The wild boar issued another growl but it is more like threatening compared to the previous two sounds it made so far. Being unable to move any further, the beast become more frustrated and it started to conjure a small red ball between its tusks. Scorching heat can be felt on the nearby surrounding as the ball of red started to grow bigger.

"Oh no! It's not good. Quick! Jump down,...over here!!!!" Long Fuzi swiftly issued a command and he even place himself under the branch ready to catch Mu Lingxi.

"I--I--I cant!!!" Mu Lingxi shouted back.

She tried to reach the lower branch using her feet to get down but the pressuring situation make it even harder for her. Feeling the heat coming from the ball of fire that was slowly getting bigger, she silently prayed and call for all the name of the saints she knew.

Sensing that the girl was hesitating and was in panic, Long Fuzi was left with no choice but to do it his way. He took out his wand and blasted the branch where Mu Lingxi was currently stepping.

"AAAAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHHH" when Mu Lingxi lost her footing, she fell straight downward as she screamed.

"WATDA HECK!!!! Why do I always have to end up falling?!!!!"

Mu Lingxi badly wanted to lament for her own repetetive misfortune. But a pair of strong arm catch her body before it reaches the ground.

"Sorry for that my lady" he whispered as he jump with much agility.

Long Fuzi said softly like a gentleman. He was carrying Mu Lingxi on his strong arms just like how a knight in shinning armor looked like when they are saving their damsel in distress.


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= halt right there

just got this in google translate

WolfsBanecreators' thoughts
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