
Change - Part 2

"It's best to go on the trail from here," Nila said. "The rocks are slippy at this time of year, and besides, we're going to be heading down there, towards the bottom of the ravine. There's a route up the other side that—Wait, Lasha!?"

The stupid, irresponsible distance that had been presented by the two rocks was something that any sensible person would have turned away from. Even being in the Second Boundary herself, Nila would have refused to try it without a second thought. But Lasha had lept, and Nila was forced to watch in slow motion, as the girl just barely fell short.

The tips of her high boots just barely skidded on the edge of the boulder, and her long black skirt went fluttering from the motion. Lasha's mask cracked for just a second, let loose the smallest amount of surprise. And then the entirety of her body weight was shifting backwards, and there was to be no recovering from it.

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