
The Victorious - Part 5

"…It's hard to tell whether you are the most progressive of men, or the most conservative," Verdant noted. "Either way, I think settling on the fact of calling you strange is enough. Think on what I have said, and do not burden Blackthorn with your apologies before you come to a surer conclusion."

It was on that very same night when Oliver finally received the summons that he had expected days before – or at least hoped for days before.

A messenger had threaded his way through the Patrick temps whilst Oliver and Verdant were still speaking quietly by the fire, and he'd handed Oliver the sealed roll of paper, with Blackwell's owl stamped upon it.

He'd given it a brief read, able to guess at most of its contents. The only part that he hadn't supposed was the part that deigned he ought not bring any retainers. Verdant had seemed particularly troubled by that, but he took care not to mount his troubles on his Lord.

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